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Can we change our ‘hate-India’ mindset?

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At least we learn with a full belly, and don't suffer like the poor indian people.

But we still get Indians starting threads called "Poverty in China" (very recent thread), and trying to laugh at poverty in other countries.

This is what we call: "五十步笑百步"。
It's ok for a Pakistani member to use that article to express his/her views, but an Indian gleefully using it to flame shows their insecurities & obsession with Pakistan & Pakistanis.

Lol thanks for showing exactly why your country is the way it is. Unbelievable :lol:
The thread had nothing to do with trolling until you and rafi came along
India's insecurities about Pakistan:

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Mate, in starting when I joined this forum I used look up to your posts. But now the standard has just fallen down SO dramatically.

How does Chinese have to say anything on this forum apart from trolling and India bashing??

Get a life? Do you work or go to college/university because whenever I come on this site. You're always on India related threads. Even though it doesn't have anything to do with China even remotely.

And you're the same guy who started jumping around when I said 'Go eat THAT noodles.' right?? Maybe you don't remember but I do. and if I'm not wrong you were banned for trolling as well??

Stop your whining and crying indian, he has the perfect right to post in any thread that he wishes, his people don't have an inferiority complex, he is most welcome to do what he wants.
LOL so true.

Again if anyone has an ebook of what pakistani textbooks look like please do share the link. I'm very eager to see what you people are learning in these so called "schools"

They're not forward enough to have an ebook. loooool I know just dropped as low as them but oh well. :D

But here is video about what is in the textbooks of Pakistan.

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Lol thanks for showing exactly why your country is the way it is. Unbelievable :lol:
The thread had nothing to do with trolling until you and rafi came along

I didn't say you didn't have a right to start this thread using that article, I said that you using it for the purpose of flaming clearly exposes your insecurities & obsession with Pakistan. Learn the difference kiddo :oops:
But we still get Indians starting threads called "Poverty in China" (very recent thread), and trying to laugh at poverty in other countries.

This is what we call: "五十步笑百步"。

CD they are like bullies everywhere, they like to dish it out, but they can't take it.
Stop your whining and crying indian, he has the perfect right to post in any thread that he wishes, his people don't have an inferiority complex, he is most welcome to do what he wants.

He wasn't talking to you. Go back to your cave in the mountains my little pakistani fiend.
Mate, in starting when I joined this forum I used look up to your posts. But now the standard has just fallen down SO dramatically.

Want to know why I'm no longer friendly to Indians?

Because all it got me in return, was a bunch of Indians calling me a "slanty-eyed chink faggot" and other Indians laughing along.

Being friendly to you guys is a lost cause.
They're not forward enough to have an ebook. loooool I know just dropped as low as them but oh well. :D

But here is video about what is in the textbooks of Pakistan.

Freedom of the press, deal with it sonny. ;)
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They're not forward enough to have an ebook. loooool I know just dropped as low as them but oh well. :D

But here is video about what is in the textbooks of Pakistan.

What textbook is he talking about? Now you're showing your compulsive obsession with Pakistani textbooks :lol: :enjoy:
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I didn't say you didn't have a right to start this thread using that article, I said that you using it for the purpose of flaming clearly exposes your insecurities & obsession with Pakistan. Learn the difference kiddo :oops:

You don't know what his intentions were unless you're a psychic... :what:
We understand it quite well. And we are not ranting you are.
I haven't even started ranting... neither do I intend to. This debate is at a mud-slinging stage where everyone has already gone far beyond tangential routes rendering the original intent ineffective. Please continue if it satisfies your soul. The whole world is watching your display.

It's ok for a Pakistani member to use that article to express his/her views, but an Indian gleefully using it to flame shows their insecurities & obsession with Pakistan & Pakistanis.
Haah... so you are the "shoot the messenger because he brought in bad news" types... good luck with your attitude.
Freedom of the press, deal with it sonny. ;)

Now he's showing his obsession with Pakistani textbooks! He is obsessed about each & every Pakistani thing!
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