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Can Vietnam resist China?

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Read a title of thread first when troll here, boy. "Can Vietnam resist China?" it mean you idiot chinese attack us first. We shall re-attack same way accordingly.
For more information, you can ask Dr. SonoChallanger, typical Chinese on PDF.

Martin has wasted too much time with you guys.

But i won't even bother to argue with you guys, since you Viets are living in a world of fantasy, you are free to believe that you can beat the modern US army in a war too.

Since our leaders care too much about China's image in the world, so they won't attack you as long as Vietnam hasn't really pissed them off. Since they have too much thing to do in this world, they don't have too much time to waste with Vietnam.

No nation in this world will abandon its territorial sovereignty, we will defend ours, you will defend yours, since everyone is free to play the game and follow the rules, and stop acting like a whiny kid that how China bullies you this and that.

According to you guys, China is pathetic and weak, so how it can still bully you guys? Look how contradictory you and your nation, just like your policy, your economy depends on China, yet you still wanna act hostile to China. A nation and people with full of contradiction.
China can Cut off electricity sales and north Vietnam will have blackouts every day... Vietnam isn't any stronger than Iraq, given how modern warfare has shifted since the gulf war Vietnam has no chance given their resources and hardware. In case they haven't noticed, no one blindly send infantry and carpet bombers anymore. This is the information age, there are missile that be guided up one's rear end from thousands of kms away
Do you know, how much electricity does Vietnam import from China?

As per 2012, Vietnam imported about 1,000 megawatts or 5 billion kilowatts per hour from China, accounting for 3-4 per cent of domestic power production. This number is expected to decrease this year.
Martin has wasted too much time with you guys.

But i won't even bother to argue with you guys, since you Viets are living in a world of fantasy, you are free to believe that you can beat the modern US army in a war too.

Since our leaders care too much about China's image in the world, so they won't attack you as long as Vietnam hasn't really pissed them off. Since they have too much thing to do in this world, they don't have too much time to waste with Vietnam.

No nation in this world will abandon its territorial sovereignty, we will defend ours, you will defend yours, since everyone is free to play the game and follow the rules, and stop acting like a whiny kid that how China bullies you this and that.

According to you guys, China is pathetic and weak, so how it can still bully you guys? Look how contradictory you and your nation, just like your policy, your economy depends on China, yet you still wanna act hostile to China. A nation and people with full of contradiction.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has visited a key naval base in Hainan island, . It's reported that he said navy have to "in standby for fighting".
China is un-trusted partner.

Chu? ti?ch TQ kêu go?i 's??n sa?ng chiê?n ?â?u' - BBC Vietnamese - Thê? gi??i
Chinese President Xi Jinping has visited a key naval base in Hainan island, . It's reported that he said navy have to "in standby for fighting".
China is un-trusted partner.

Chu? ti?ch TQ kêu go?i 's??n sa?ng chiê?n ?â?u' - BBC Vietnamese - Thê? gi??i

Well, he just visited the Type 094 nuclear sub, which is aimed against USA.

So Vietnam has no reason to worry about, since he doesn't wanna waste time with you guys. :coffee:

Well, he just visited the Type 094 nuclear sub, which is aimed against USA.

So Vietnam has no reason to worry about, since he doesn't wanna waste time with you guys. :coffee:


We have a reason to purchase more weapons from Russia. The negotiation is started with USA to lift weapons embargo of USA to sell weapons to Vietnam. :omghaha:
Well, he just visited the Type 094 nuclear sub, which is aimed against USA.

So Vietnam has no reason to worry about, since he doesn't wanna waste time with you guys. :coffee:


China's nuclear subs are dangerous due to high level of Radation. Scary to go in
China's nuclear subs are dangerous due to high level of Radation. Scary to go in

The current nuclear subs of PLAN is not dangerous at all, because the fake propaganda news said it has radiation leak.

Inside of the sub looks clean and not squeezy at all, what makes you think it is dangerous?

And the Type 094 is most likely a competitor for Ohio class, and Kilo class is just a toy compared to it.
The current nuclear subs of PLAN is not dangerous at all, because the fake propaganda news said it has radiation leak.
Inside of the sub looks clean and not squeezy at all, what makes you think it is dangerous?
And the Type 094 is most likely a competitor for Ohio class, and Kilo class is just a toy compared to it.
No problem. Our next 2 Gepards as submarine hunter will be equipped with latest anti-submarine devices. Just in case.

Can Vietnam resist China? Could Mexico resist the United States?

Can stone-age Vietnam resist China's 2.3 million-man PLA Army with the most modern weaponry and air superiority?

It's like saying Mexico wants to resist American annexation of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, etc.

The Mexicans didn't put up much resistance against American annexation. What makes you think Vietnam can resist China?

China merely has to drop one EMP over Vietnam and move the PLA in. Seems pretty straightforward to me.

China is following in the footsteps of the United States. The United States annexed large portions of Mexico. After one hundred years or so, everyone thinks the annexed Mexican territory belongs to the United States. Similarly, after a hundred years or so, everyone will think annexed Vietnamese territory belongs to China.
Is that so? this isn't a dream of your chinese ancestors from thousands of years ago?
No problem. Our next 2 Gepards as submarine hunter will be equipped with latest anti-submarine devices. Just in case.


You Viets are hilarious, the Type 094 SSBN is part of China's second strike policy against USA, what it has to do with Vietnam?

PS, our SSBNs has passed the Malacca Strait numerous times, not even the US naval base in Singapore has detected the presence of our SSBNs, what make you think you can do it? :coffee:

Vietnam signed to Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Negotiation with USA is focused on ordinary weapons.
We can do it if the situation in region change and china become mad man, can not control herself.

Dude, China doesn't even take you guys seriously.

Do you know that our second strike policy is mostly against USA?

You guys are too delusional about yourselves being a major player that is worth to get China's attention on you.
Vietnam's terrains are difficult for China's armor and heavy artillery to be deployed, which are the most devastating weapons of its ground forces. As in 1979 to late 1980's, most of the fighting were fought with infantry and light artillery, which makes rapid advances improbable. Of course, with China's superior airpower, it can easily inflict much more damage to Vietnam compared to older days. However, Vietnam is not a country that can be destroyed through air strikes and border skirmishes. Even if their conventional militarily was crushed, the Vietnamese insurgency would be a major headache to deal with. It's just not worth it to conquer Vietnam.

I believe the next war with Vietnam will be fought in South China Sea. China's objective should be to destroy the Vietnamese navy and airforce, therefore isolating their island garrisons. In addition, surgical bombing of their vital infrastructure should be considered to set back their development. The objective is to maximize the damage to their country, without trying to take any of their land. A weakened Vietnam without the economic ability to rebuild its military would suit China's interest.
Dude, China doesn't even take you guys seriously.

Do you know that our second strike policy is mostly against USA?

You guys are too delusional about yourselves being a major player that is worth to get China's attention on you.

China cant facing with USA, China don't have ability to respond to a nuclear attack at first strike in nuclear war in one massive first strike against PLA and its opponent's own nuclear forces. It's your delusional about yourselves.

Vietnam's terrains are difficult for China's armor and heavy artillery to be deployed, which are the most devastating weapons of its ground forces. As in 1979 to late 1980's, most of the fighting were fought with infantry and light artillery, which makes rapid advances improbable. Of course, with China's superior airpower, it can easily inflict much more damage to Vietnam compared to older days. However, Vietnam is not a country that can be destroyed through air strikes and border skirmishes. Even if their conventional militarily was crushed, the Vietnamese insurgency would be a major headache to deal with. It's just not worth it to conquer Vietnam.

I believe the next war with Vietnam will be fought in South China Sea. China's objective should be to destroy the Vietnamese navy and airforce, therefore isolating their island garrisons. In addition, surgical bombing of their vital infrastructure should be considered to set back their development. The objective is to maximize the damage to their country, without trying to take any of their land. A weakened Vietnam without the economic ability to rebuild its military would suit China's interest.

It's better for you to turn back to china and try to regain Independence of Manchuria.
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