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Can there be a free Tamil Eelam without a free Tamil Nadu?

Eelam was just a small part of the vast project of Dravida Desham.. First started in 1885 citing the mythical superiority of Chola Kingdoms and the Tamil Language.. Then evolved to the anti Hindi programme in 1917 through the justice party.. Later the movement amalgamated with the freedom struggle of India

In 1944 Tamil Nadu (south India) raised the cry for separation. While other Indians and most Asian countries under the British, wanted the British to leave their countries as fast as possible, the TN Tamils pleaded with the English not to leave without granting them a separate state, called DRAVIDA DESAM in which they included parts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Malabar. But Tamil not being their language, the people in those states, resented being included in a "Dravida" State.

In 1958, Indian Tamils began rioting in Tamil Nadu and burnt the Indian Constitution. This made Nehru bring in the 16th Amendment to the Indian Constitution, which said that those running for office should uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India.

Then MGR saw the perfect opportunity to use northern SL as the casting point using the Indira doctrine at that time given the island didn't have a strong armed force and was getting cosy to the US.. Which in turn made Indira Gandhi nervous and rest is history

But not the aspirations of certain TN Tamils of their mythical nation
It is an entirely different script from hindi? Interesting.

yes..there are about 500 languages spoken in india .our constitution recognized 22 of them with all types of dielects and modifications the number crosses 1000..four neighbouring states of tamilnadu speak 4 different languages..and numerous dielects
mad sinhala is just talking through his ***.......

any self-respecting hindu must support the tamils for their saivite hindu roots and any self-respecting indian must because while the sinhalas sided with china and pakistan in their wars against india, it was the tamils there who sided with us....

A comment from niticentral which is accurate......

I am not going to discuss the rights or the wrongs of the Sri Lankan Tamil issue. Let me just discuss Sri Lanka as it relates to India. A few facts.

One of the first pieces of legislation in Sri Lanka’s parliament with independence in 1948 was to remove the vote from those of Indian descent, a population that had been in that island since the mid to late 1800s and one that contributed to the tea and rubber exports that made Ceylon the colonial ‘pearl of the Indian Ocean’. Guyana, Trinidad, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Kenya, even apartheid South Africa did not expel the Indians nor deny them the vote. Sri Lanka and Burma were the only culprits. Under the Sirimavo Shastri Pact of 1963, the Indians were to be repatriated. Most were sent back to an India that their great grand fathers had left. Burma followed a similar course in 1962 under Ne Win with no treaty.

In the early 1950s, Sri Lanka was firmly in the Anglo Saxon orbit and challenged Nehru’s Non Alignment. In 1962, Sirimavo Bandaranaike de facto sided with China in the Indo-China war, a move that led Shastri to negotiate the repatriation treaty – an act of supreme appeasement. Only Malaysia and Bhutan sided with India – not Sri Lanka, not Indonesia, not Ghana – all of whom supported the Chinese position on what is today Arunachal Pradesh.

In 1971, Pakistani ships refuelled in Colombo enroute to East Pakistan to undertake the genocide, Bengali Hindus being disproportionately impacted.

In 1977, Jayewardene was all set to provide the Americans a de facto intelligence presence in the island until Indira Gandhi used the Tamil issue to neutralize his mischief.

In 1987, Prime Minister Premadasa called the Indians – ‘Pariah dogs’.

We see a similar but more suave trend under Rajapakse where the Chinese have been invited to explore petroleum reserves in the Sethu sea, known in Sri Lanka as the Palk Straits, Chinese housing projects for the Sri Lankan military in Sri Lanka’s north, a potential Chinese naval port in the deep south, and more intriguingly cooperation in outer space where China uses the bandwidth allocated to Sri Lanka under international space law to launch reported intelligence satelites to view India.

This brings me to the issue of Bangladeshi Hindus. The Hindus were 29% of East Bengal’s population in 1941. This declined to 22% in 1951, 18% in 1961, 14% in 1974 and now 9%. The systematic decimation of the East Bengali Hindu is to be deplored. One never saw the protests and mass movement against that ‘structural genocide’ if I may call it that in West Bengal. 3 million East Bengalis were killed in 1971, many disproportionately being Hindu. Now that’s a shame!

The Sri Lankan Tamil issue is not comparable. What you faced in Bangladesh was far worse. But you have to take your hats off to Tamil opinion in Tamil Nadu for keeping Sri Lanka on the Indian radar screen. I wish West Bengal had done likewise. Instead, West Bengal refused to give asylum to Tasleema Nasreen who played her own heroic part in exposing what had happened in Bangladesh.

So lets not defame the victim, our civilizational allies, our co-religionists and our supporters be they the East Bengali Hindu or the Sri Lankan Tamil Hindu. Its no point raising the LTTE bogey over and over again. I appeal for a Hindu dispassion and this otherwise good website from being a forum for anti-Sri Lankan Tamil views.
dont listen to the sinhala....he is just talking through his ***.......

I'm not Sinhala dumbass.. Whats with you Madrasi's and your obsession with Sinhala people??..:lol:

Btw anybody who's interested can jolly well google it and see well documented history.. No need to take my word for it
Btw anybody who's interested can jolly well google it and see well documented history.. No need to take my word for it

oh ok jerkoff....we can all see how much "documented" facts you have written........cherry picking random things to suit ur narrative....
oh ok jerkoff....we can all see how much "documented" facts you have written........cherry picking random things to suit ur narrative....

cool it champ its a troll thread and the op already left.what are u fighting for now??
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