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Shouldn’t Tamil Eelam be in Tamil Nadu?

Shouldn’t Tamil Eelam be in Tamil Nadu?

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Brother, If India helps in the break-up of SL to form a separate country for Tamils, it will only effect India in the long term:

1. The SL (remaining part) will become totally against India & may even throw out every Indian company & other Indian interest from SL.

2. It will play perfectly well for China as now Lanka will give it an access in the IOR region which it could only have dreamt of earlier.

3. Lanka may even take path of Pakistan (post 1971 break-up) where it wants nuke for itself (no matter whats the cost), can we afford another nuke neighbor??

4. Ealem will only encourage separatist tendencies in Indian TN.

5. This will make every Indian neighbor afraid of Indian Hegemonic tendencies & again the most advantaged nation of this situation will be CHINA.

So, is a separate Tamil nation interests of India or not??

My heart really goes out for the Innocent Tamil people of Lanka who have died b'coz of this war, but for me, Indian Unity & Interests comes first.

So we should think here PRACTICALLY rather than EMOTIONALLY.

But, India should make all the efforts to bring the perpetrators of the genocide to justice.

Just my opinion :)

Will INDIA do the bolded part?
Besides, the more the Tamil interests are not reviewed at Center, the more the treason from Tamils might take place as INDIA is putting them to that position. I am least bothered about INDIAN companies. For them money only matters not life of people.
Will INDIA do the bolded part?
Besides, the more the Tamil interests are not reviewed at Center, the more the treason from Tamils might take place as INDIA is putting them to that position. I am least bothered about INDIAN companies. For them money only matters not life of people.

Buddy, you have to understand that Indian govt. can interfere in another nation only to an EXTENT.

SL is as sovereign a nation as India is, besides Tamil parties has great leverage at the center, so they will never let die this issue.

India cannot & should not solve this issue with any aggressive approach like a military solution for it.
I am happy that you have a sentimental feeling as a Human being to feel for the fallen 140000 comrades in SL. But the formation of a new eelam has been a dream and will be a dream as the people who fought for it has already been wiped out by SL with the help of India, China and Russia.
The cultural identity of the Tamil majority Eelam is already gone in the last 4 years as a lot of Shingalese have been moved and the Tamils already made minority in their own lands. Hindu Temples have been demolished and Buddhist temples have raised in the very same place where Hindu temples stood.
BJP has openly said they are not going to interfer in the SL issue. I see no hope for the Tamils in SL.
All we can at the most demand is bring the people responsible for the killings to justice in the International court and if that does not happen and INDIA does not act proactive, the next step from TN Tamils will be on stop paying tax to the INDIAN Union, that will put the policy makers in the center to realize that our own 8 crore people have been forgotten at the Center

Ashok,dont get emotional now,

we dont have water to have a new country.
BJP has openly said they are not going to interfer in the SL issue. I see no hope for the Tamils in SL. All we can at the most demand is bring the people responsible for the killings to justice in the International court and if that does not happen and INDIA does not act proactive, the next step from TN Tamils will be on stop paying tax to the INDIAN Union, that will put the policy makers in the center to realize that our own 8 crore people have been forgotten at the Center

Don't feel discourage and allow the PDF Iyers to instill fear in your struggle for Tamils' independence. Sri Lanka will continue playing the China bogeyman to bring India to its knees. India for political and economical leverage in Sri Lanka will make Tamils the sacrificial goats (e.g 2009 ) Its up to the Tamils to decide if they wish to be India's sacrificial goats forever (e.g Tamilnadu Fishermen)
Ashok,dont get emotional now,

we dont have water to have a new country.

I am not talking about own country but if policy makers at center think that we will keep quite on what ever policies related to Tamils can be taken at their own with out taking Tamil aspiration into account then they will have to face the treasury deficit with out TN tax money
Buddy, you have to understand that Indian govt. can interfere in another nation only to an EXTENT.

SL is as sovereign a nation as India is, besides Tamil parties has great leverage at the center, so they will never let die this issue.

India cannot & should not solve this issue with any aggressive approach like a military solution for it.
Why did INDIA involve itself in 1971. because we thought of dividing our enemy was in our strategic interest or was it because of the genocide in East Pakistan. If the first was the reason, then INDIA is a Rouge state

Don't feel discourage and allow the PDF Iyers to instill fear in your struggle for Tamils' independence. Sri Lanka will continue playing the China bogeyman to bring India to its knees. India for political and economical leverage in Sri Lanka will make Tamils the sacrificial goats (e.g 2009 ) Its up to the Tamils to decide if they wish to be India's sacrificial goats forever (e.g Tamilnadu Fishermen)

Fear!!! We were the ones who tought the world how to fight brave till the last breath and die like a warrior.
We know how to defend our interest and make the INDIAN brothers listen to us. Autonomy or Independence will be the last option if our INDIAN brothers think of Tamils as expendables.

Ashok,dont get emotional now,

we dont have water to have a new country.

How long will we be played that card of water. International law states that the people in the down stream have higher right to water.
I am not talking about own country but if policy makers at center think that we will keep quite on what ever policies related to Tamils can be taken at their own with out taking Tamil aspiration into account then they will have to face the treasury deficit with out TN tax money

The Indian government is only concerned directly about the Tamils of India who are citizens, By extension, such sympathy may also be shown to those who are not Indian nationals but have some connection to other Indian nationals. However it would be very foolish to think that the Indian government is obliged to compulsorily worry about every sentiment an Indian national(s) feel(s) in circumstances where other considerations also have a part. There are Indians throughout the world, the Indian state cannot go & declare war on every one simply because there are problems. Diplomacy is the most effective means to sort out the problems that might occur, nothing more.

Btw, India voted against Sri Lanka on the resolution, what more do you want? There is no magic wand to wave.
Comparing Apples to oranges.. But then again we cant expect much logic or factual comments from Indian keyboard warriors here (Bar a few knowledgeable intellectual ones) Who cant differentiate their left testicle from the right

Your own post is completely devoid of any logic or factual comments. All you ended up talking about is your fascination with testicles.

Tell me what part of what i said was incorrect. You hate Tamils , the Tamils hate you . Logically it should have been a part of India.
The Indian government is only concerned directly about the Tamils of India who are citizens, By extension, such sympathy may also be shown to those who are not Indian nationals but have some connection to other Indian nationals. However it would be very foolish to think that the Indian government is obliged to compulsorily worry about every sentiment an Indian national(s) feel(s) in circumstances where other considerations also have a part. There are Indians throughout the world, the Indian state cannot go & declare war on every one simply because there are problems. Diplomacy is the most effective means to sort out the problems that might occur, nothing more.

Btw, India voted against Sri Lanka on the resolution, what more do you want? There is no magic wand to wave.

very true, the only option is for Tamilandu to be independent and relieve India from its Tamil dilemma
Will INDIA do the bolded part?
Besides, the more the Tamil interests are not reviewed at Center, the more the treason from Tamils might take place as INDIA is putting them to that position. I am least bothered about INDIAN companies. For them money only matters not life of people.

Look,We all are in a difficult situation,especially the Sri Lankan.They could've had an Ealem if LTTE was more clever and diplomatic.Whole international community was irritated over LTTE’s obduracy for not willing to negotiate. The way the Tigers violated the ceasefire agreement with impunity further annoyed the international community.Somewhere down the line the LTTE shifted from being a motivated guerrilla force fighting for the Tamil cause; to being a force fighting for Prabhakaran's relevance.All internal dissent was brutally wiped out till the face of the LTTE was just Prabhakaran. Notice the dynastic aspirations in the positioning of his 24 year old son Charles Anthony.Such an organisation ceases to have credibility with the population it is fighting for because the military means to a political solution becomes the end in itself.Later on International community started equating the use of illegal violence by non-state actors with “terrorism”.The Tigers lost the aura of “freedom fighters”.Now the only answer for Srilankan Tamils problem might be finding a federal solution.Sri Lankan Tamils are simply tired of all the war.Its some selfish Tamil Nadu politicians who are still romanticizing LTTE.

very true, the only option is for Tamilandu to be independent and relieve India from its Tamil dilemma

Hey Pakistani false flagger,Mind your own business.
Buddy, you have to understand that Indian govt. can interfere in another nation only to an EXTENT.

SL is as sovereign a nation as India is, besides Tamil parties has great leverage at the center, so they will never let die this issue.

India cannot & should not solve this issue with any aggressive approach like a military solution for it.

No. We can say that we didnt have the leadership to Interfere. If Indira was there, the problem would have been solved by now.
The reason is well known, she had more guts than men under her. RAW was under its zenith under her.
After Independence , Nehru made a statement, that India is not powerfull now. But when it does becomes powerfull, it will protect its people and people having origins in India all over the world. Now we have failed in Sri Lanka, but did succeed in 1971.

This China fear is overstretched. China, herself, is not so stupid to directly engage in India's backyard. Her relations with India is more important than SL anyway.

What steps have central govt have done to ensure that promises made by Rajapakse is honoured?
brother as a fellow Indian and a Bengali i want justice for our Tamil brothers of SL!i mean whenever i see those pictures of a young child(Balachandran) getting murdered in cold blood by those lankan soldiers,my blood start to boil!but those congressis are hell bent to not interfare in this serious matter!here in Kolkata the majority of my fellow Bengali friends support the Tamil cause for a separate Ealam in Northern Lanka and my my words that it will soon become a reality.just wait for the 2014 Loksabha Election,once NDA comes to power and Mr.Modi becomes the P.M. we are going to have an independent Ealam for our Tamil brothers in Lanka itself pretty soon:agree:

keep dreaming :rofl:
I am happy that you have a sentimental feeling as a Human being to feel for the fallen 140000 comrades in SL. But the formation of a new eelam has been a dream and will be a dream as the people who fought for it has already been wiped out by SL with the help of India, China and Russia.
The cultural identity of the Tamil majority Eelam is already gone in the last 4 years as a lot of Shingalese have been moved and the Tamils already made minority in their own lands. Hindu Temples have been demolished and Buddhist temples have raised in the very same place where Hindu temples stood.
BJP has openly said they are not going to interfer in the SL issue. I see no hope for the Tamils in SL.

Correct that was the current secenario

All we can at the most demand is bring the people responsible for the killings to justice in the International court and if that does not happen and INDIA does not act proactive,

Here Everyone knows about Human Rights control UN and the damn VETO some are with Tamils some are with Sinhalese So there is no way to Find Solution via International Politics ...So India should Annihilate Tamil Peoples Majority Places and Join with Indian Union ..

the next step from TN Tamils will be on stop paying tax to the INDIAN Union, that will put the policy makers in the center to realize that our own 8 crore people have been forgotten at the Center

Everyone knows about Govt. action...even today I payed tax .So that is no Option If you are a economic enthusiastic you know that's will affect only Tamil Nadu
I am happy that you have a sentimental feeling as a Human being to feel for the fallen 140000 comrades in SL. But the formation of a new eelam has been a dream and will be a dream as the people who fought for it has already been wiped out by SL with the help of India, China and Russia.
The cultural identity of the Tamil majority Eelam is already gone in the last 4 years as a lot of Shingalese have been moved and the Tamils already made minority in their own lands. Hindu Temples have been demolished and Buddhist temples have raised in the very same place where Hindu temples stood.
BJP has openly said they are not going to interfer in the SL issue. I see no hope for the Tamils in SL.
All we can at the most demand is bring the people responsible for the killings to justice in the International court and if that does not happen and INDIA does not act proactive, the next step from TN Tamils will be on stop paying tax to the INDIAN Union, that will put the policy makers in the center to realize that our own 8 crore people have been forgotten at the Center

india doesn't have enough qualifications for receive this credit. pakistan so much better than india
Comparing Apples to oranges.. But then again we cant expect much logic or factual comments from Indian keyboard warriors here (Bar a few knowledgeable intellectual ones) Who cant differentiate their left testicle from the right

can I smell the same for Kashmir and Tamil Eelem

very true, the only option is for Tamilandu to be independent and relieve India from its Tamil dilemma

Tamil Nadu has a Leader has it own Government...Then where the hell we want Independent

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