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Can their ever be Bloodless Eid ?

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Ok, First thing first. People say Hinduism denies of Meat eating and that is not true. in Many religious texts, it is prohibited only for Brahmins. This was one of the reason Gautam Buddha went ahead and created new religion for Not killing any animals in 6th century BCE. It was somewhere in 4-5 century AD, This theory propagated because India was reduced in number of cows and it was mentioned by religious Gurus, Not to kill Cow as this is Holy else anyone can refer me to religious texts then I will be obliged. As I am also looking since when the thought was propagated and in what instance. Currently, As depicted in photos of Pakistani posters, Many Aadi Shakti (Like Kali) temples still see Bali (Slaughtering) of Anmials. I have seen it in Vindhyachal and it was gross but again it happens very rarely and on certain occasions.

Now, Second thing. Nobody is saying that Muslims should be Vegetarian but the current practice of Bakrid is gross and Barbaric. Killing in any form and that too in such a large number should be discouraged. I have seen that small kids of 4-5 years old who start the processing of animal slaughter gets scared for a day or 2. Now, if I take in India Muslims as 150 Millions and even 33% Muslims do Goat slaughter then it turns out to be 50 Million killing of Goats in a day. This is not for Hunger or Taste but unnecessary excessive killing.
So i will see Bhagwan Raam in hell? :-)
How can you see Bhagwan Ram in hell? He did not eat meat and was the epitome of virtuousness. He has gone back to his divine realm the Vaikunth loka. You will get to see Ravan in hell:P

In America, in 2013, according to U.S agriculture and livestock department, 3.7 billion animals (including millions of cattle).

America is the biggest meat consuming nation.

Western World eats way, way, way, way more meat than any other region of the world.

It must be that Westerners are most un-modern, and most savage...most uncivilized, eh? :lol:

Stop being such a stupid person, bro.

Dude forget US, Hypocrite Indians themselves are second largest producers of leather after China but still don't feel any shame on giving lectures to others (specially Muslims) about how cruel it is to kill animal.
can their ever be a noiseless Diwali?

try to be as much tolerant as possible...otherwise, there wudnt be anything called as human being!
I lost brain cells reading the rants of the OP.
I lost brain cells reading the rants of the OP.

Now, some people will recommend you to take one tea spoon full of 'Panchagavya' to regain those lost brain cells. Just wait for it. :D

In America, in 2013, according to U.S agriculture and livestock department, 3.7 billion animals (including millions of cattle).

America is the biggest meat consuming nation.
I'm confused by your OP. Are you advocating vegetarianism for all? o_O
Oh man. you brought up such a nice topic.

so the rest of the world has become vegan, and only Muslims are eating goats and chickens and cows?
This thread is not about meat eating

What do you mean by so called Hindus?
I had asked some Hindu saints about animal sacrifice mentioned in some Hindu religious texts and whether it was a right thing to do. They told me that some of those texts were corrupted overtime by some people to be misinterpreted as animal sacrifice being required in Hindu rituals and in reality God does not demand animal sacrifice but he asks us to sacrifice our animal like vices/ bad qualities. God cannot be cruel to demand killing of animals to make him happy. Our devotion to him and being virtuous is what makes him happy.

I fully agree with you that animal slaughter in religious texts is a barbaric and an inhuman tradition and i say that it should be stopped in all religions. justice must be given to those poor creatures.
respect for your views :tup:

I dont believe hindu is a religion but that has nothing to do with topic ,animal sacrifice is barbaric be it from any religion
There's a difference between a sacrifice and slaughtering. A sacrifice is done in the name of something, in this case to represent Abrahams sacrifice of the animal in place of his son. Whether or not the sacrificial animal is eaten or not doesn't matter.

Slaughtering is done for food and no other reason, not because God commanded it, not to represent a past sacrifice, and not to symbolize anything, and not in the name of anything.

Also you can't call for a bloodless Eid al-Adha and allow the celebrations, that makes the argument meaningless. If you are against sacrificing then you are against the Eid al-Adha celebration even if it is bloodless.
can their ever be a noiseless Diwali?

try to be as much tolerant as possible...otherwise, there wudnt be anything called as human being!

Sure , I call anything done in the name of ideologies AKA religions which is bad for world as bad .
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