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Can their ever be Bloodless Eid ?

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ou already decided you are common ancestors with the baboon? and here I was trying to save you all the hairyness

one thing always confuse me why baboons stopped evolving and becoming human, on other hand more n more humans are becoming baboons. Is it some kind or reverse evolution going on?
one thing always confuse me why baboons stopped evolving and becoming human, on other hand more n more humans are becoming baboons. Is it some kind or reverse evolution going on?
Its called selective interest :woot:

Are we talking about to become vegetarian? Nopes. Are we talking about closing slaughterhouse? NO. The only thing is that this addition one day's gruesome killing in home and that too in such large number.
Not everyone does it...and they are doing in their homes not in yours...its like you keep screaming stop the Mullah from stuffing his thoughts in my head yet you wish to do the same?! :unsure:
Did you read what I have mentioned? Nope. You were busy to just prove other guy wrong and never saw actually what I am mentioning. We are talking about number of Slaughtering on one day, as a celebration of certain Humans to kill so many animals.

offtopic, there are so many gruesome practice but that is not point of discussion. Be it Hindu's practices as you posted or Muharram's practices.
Its called selective interest :woot:

Not everyone does it...and they are doing in their homes not in yours...its like you keep screaming stop the Mullah from stuffing his thoughts in my head yet you wish to do the same?! :unsure:
When you make it religious practice, Almost everyone tries to do it. I have seen poor people collecting money for months just for sacrificing goat as this is religious practice (Not to forget respect as well). Even if they are doing it in their home, does not make it less gruesome or barbaric.
Did you read what I have mentioned? Nope. You were busy to just prove other guy wrong and never saw actually what I am mentioning. We are talking about number of Slaughtering on one day, as a celebration of certain Humans to kill so many animals.
Slaughtering...what about human sacrifices and the infection with all those needles?

offtopic, there are so many gruesome practice but that is not point of discussion. Be it Hindu's practices as you posted or Muharram's practices.
Nope those were Hindu and Christian practices....
Are we talking about to become vegetarian? Nopes. Are we talking about closing slaughterhouse? NO. The only thing is that this addition one day's gruesome killing in home and that too in such large number.

Baap bara na bhaia sab se bara rupayya. I guess i found solution, Muslims should start selling the hides and donate money to Hindu organizations and Mandirs, lakshmi devi can do wonders.
When you make it religious practice, Almost everyone tries to do it. I have seen poor people collecting money for months just for sacrificing goat as this is religious practice (Not to forget respect as well). Even if they are doing it in their home, does not make it less gruesome or barbaric.
Then that is not right its not a religious "practice" and you cant do it based on loans....thats the fault of the ignorant not the religion...
Jews have MOSTLY stopped animal slaughter although mentioned in their Religious TEXTS

The reason why Jews have stopped slaughtering animals is because they no longer have their "Temple", which was destroyed by the Romans. If they did, you would be seeing a whole new level of slaughtering and the media would in fact be promoting animal sacrifices (hint hint!).

But when they do get their Temple by destroying Masjid-e-Aqsa (Naozubillah & Never), since they are trying so hard to build it, you can see more than enough animal sacrifices.

Link from an authenticated source proving my claim:-

Judaism 101: Qorbanot: Sacrifices and Offerings
The reason why Jews have stopped slaughtering animals is because they no longer have their "Temple", which was destroyed by the Romans. If they did, you would be seeing a whole new level of slaughtering and the media would in fact be promoting animal sacrifices (hint hint!).

But when they do get their Temple by destroying Masjid-e-Aqsa (Naozubillah & Never), since they are trying so hard to build it, you can see more than enough animal sacrifices.

Link from an authenticated source proving my claim:-

Judaism 101: Qorbanot: Sacrifices and Offerings

I didnt know kosher fell from heaven! :unsure:
Slaughtering...what about human sacrifices and the infection with all those needles?

Nope those were Hindu and Christian practices....
Are you having problem of understanding? I am mentioning that we are not talking about ill practices be it in any religion. If you are quoting these offtopic pictures, I can say this is wrong in any ways be it Hindu's practices or Muharram's processions.

Baap bara na bhaia sab se bara rupayya. I guess i found solution, Muslims should start selling the hides and donate money to Hindu organizations and Mandirs, lakshmi devi can do wonders.
I don't know how come you came to this. It looks more intentional troll rather than any intelligent discussion.
Kill thousands of animals an hour, 24/7/365 with inhumane machines and electric shocks, no one gives a flying f*ck.
Muslims kill animals for Eid and all the "civilized" people lose their minds.

Just one example of your civilization : Revealed: Shocking undercover video captures inhumane butchering of cattle at slaughterhouse for In-N-Out Burger chain | Daily Mail Online

If civilization means automatically becoming a total hypocrite, keep your bloody civilization with yourselves.

The Eid sacrifice means a lot more than you people think it does, by the way. Firstly, the food doesn't go to waste. 1/3 goes to charity, 1/3 to friends and family and the remaining third is for yourself to eat. Secondly, it represents sacrifice, like the one Hazrat Ibrahim (Abraham) was ready to make. It's not some evil voodoo sacrifice to some volcano god.
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India should ban butchering all sorts of animals and send to Bangladesh :D
Jews have MOSTLY stopped animal slaughter although mentioned in their Religious TEXTS
So called Hindus have MOSTLY stopped animal slaughter although mentioned in their Religious TEXTS

Why can't Muslims Reform islam to stop this barbaric inhumane tradition ?

Why can't the voice come from inside?

This Question is not about religion at all ,its about the civilized world and point to redefine ourselves with the new definitions of modernity and due Justice to all living biengs.

Teaching hate,death and violence by showing animal slaughter to children like afridi(This is just an example) did to this little child will lead to where? definitely not in the abode of peace .

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I'm not even criticizing islam but rather the muslim problem to change with time , lets not make it a religious issue ,lets discuss it with due sense .


Happy EID - Take some Peshawari chapli kebabs and calm down.

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