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Can their ever be Bloodless Eid ?

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Sure , I call anything done in the name of ideologies AKA religions which is bad for world as bad .

its easy said than done...both eid without blood and diwali without noise is close to impossible in Hindu and Muslim dominated countries...

And why only eid, I guess, 95%+ jews and christians are non-vegies...so who will take the responsibility of blood being shed for their dinnings?
There SHOULD be ,now that doesn't neutralize anything ,my point is FAIR .
True I know you are fair so let's do our bit and let them do theirs that to only if they wish too.

People have to evolve and we can do what is best for us. We can not force others if they wish to stay in 7th century let them remain there.
Then what is it about? :undecided: As I said, neither Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, nor Buddhists, practice religious animal sacrifice. You may find some tiny sect within those that do, but none of them do as a matter of orthodox practice.
its called under the radar attempt at bashing :woot:

Oh not to mention an attempt to hurt sentiments but then soothing one's conscience by adding repeatedly the line "its not about Islam"
Yet only Islam was highlighted

Man just read OP ...its full of hatred reaking like some vampire just bit flesh....
I dont find anything good in people who claim anyone anti this or that Just for pointing questions ,thats just avoiding tactic .

MOST JEWS don't sacrifice animals in festivals, MOST OTHERS also don't,thats why i said .

True I know you are fair so let's do our bit and let them do theirs that to only if they wish too.

People have to evolve and we can do what is best for us. We can not force others if they wish to stay in 7th century let them remain there.

If muslims didn't lived in india , i wouldn't have done this , i will post a thread for non pataka diwali too .
Who the fu.k told you they are holy man? They are weirdos nobody even like going near to them.

sure bro... sure..


The Aghoris are one of the principal Indian traditions and the most extreme and fascinating form of the Tantra. Dattatreya, a divinity that includes the Trimurti Brahma, Vishnu andShiva, are considered to be the founder of this school.

The sanscrit term Aghora is the combination among two words and has various meanings: A is a negation; Ghora is the obscurity of the ignorance, but it also means intense, deep;Aghora therefore means Light, absence of obscurity, awareness, but it also symbolizes a style of life where a person of the Aghori tradition doesn't have intense or deep feelings, it doesn't make difference among the various feelings, seems to be indifferent to the various stories of the life.

It is said that Aghoris drink liqueurs, smoke ganja, eat meat (in some rites also human meat); they use a human skull as a bowl, they wander among the funeral pyres, meditate at night and don't have any sex inhibition. This path seems to be detached completely from hinduist philosophies and it deceives the true nature of this little known reality in the indian sadhus (ascetics) panorama. The ritual practices of the Aghori are symbols of their non-dualistic beliefs. The corpse upon which they meditate is a symbol of their own bodyand transcendence of the lower self and realization of the Supreme Self.

They are also known for their knowledge of magic arts; many people believe they owns magic powers and it is not difficult to hear histories of miraculous recoveries. Among the people, the word Aghori always arouses a mixture between respect and suspect; anyway they also have many devotees among the various religion present in India. Together with an Aghori you can easily found hindus, sicks, muslims, jains, Christians or other.

In reality when we are together with these sadhus seems to be in front of a mystical crazy person, The Fool of the tarots, all the rational thoughts seem to fade away for leaving place to an intense spiritual experience, over every duality.

The death's theme, so recurrent among the Aghoris, constantly remembers us our mortality but it is also a challenge to transcend the duality between life and death. Breaking every mental scheme, going over every taboo makes aware of the illusion of this world and becomes a path toward the liberation (moksha), the realization of the itself with the absolute one. Also the conventional Hindu distinction among pure and impure for the Aghoris is an illusion.

The site proposes to spread and to let know the Aghori culture too often misunderstood and stigmatized as one dark "sect". It doesn't absolutely want to make proselytism in accord with the conviction that any religion is pure illusion, fruit of mental conjectures and that in sum it estranges the man from the native spiritual message.
MOST JEWS don't sacrifice animals in festivals, MOST OTHERS also don't,thats why i said .
Sacrifice not for fun or play...we eat that meat like any other non - veg people...in fact Eid Ul Adha is prob 1 of the only days poor in S.Asia get a taste of meat....coz 1/3 is to be given to them and you can have no share in it....while 1/3 is for your neighbours and extended family....and you only can keep 1/3...the rest is not really Halal for you....

If that is wrong then you seriously have some definition problems...
If muslims didn't lived in india , i wouldn't have done this , i will post a thread for non pataka diwali too .
Again, they will have to decide for themselves if they want to change for good or not. If they chose to live with barbaric acts then we really don't have much options.we just have to make sure they remain limited to killing animals..
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I'am against animal sacrifice type barbaric bronze age tradition be it from any religion or cult .
Then why didnt you bring up any other sacrifice? Bronze age was prob before Prophet Abraham...thanks for showing us your ignorance level!
Your second point has some value,are childrens shown such violence in private? :|
No one forces anyone to see ...Many see it on their own will others hide coz they cant bear it.....as for violence....Same question should be asked of kosher...their meat doesnt fall from heaven it goes through the "same violent process"

Again this depicts your obvious bashing of Islam as usual!
Sacrifice not for fun or play...we eat that meat like any other non - veg people...in fact Eid Ul Adha is prob 1 of the only days poor in S.Asia get a taste of meat.....

You are again justifying this sick practice to link it with meat eating ,Animal sacrifice is an OLD tradition which MOST religions(EXCEPT Islam) have MOSTLY abandoned due to the inhumane nature of public sacrifice for fun .

Killing animals for FUN just to satisfy some religious tradition and to show your little children how beautiful it is is such horrific act ,one must understand this .
sure bro... sure..


The Aghoris are one of the principal Indian traditions and the most extreme and fascinating form of the Tantra. Dattatreya, a divinity that includes the Trimurti Brahma, Vishnu andShiva, are considered to be the founder of this school.

The sanscrit term Aghora is the combination among two words and has various meanings: A is a negation; Ghora is the obscurity of the ignorance, but it also means intense, deep;Aghora therefore means Light, absence of obscurity, awareness, but it also symbolizes a style of life where a person of the Aghori tradition doesn't have intense or deep feelings, it doesn't make difference among the various feelings, seems to be indifferent to the various stories of the life.

It is said that Aghoris drink liqueurs, smoke ganja, eat meat (in some rites also human meat); they use a human skull as a bowl, they wander among the funeral pyres, meditate at night and don't have any sex inhibition. This path seems to be detached completely from hinduist philosophies and it deceives the true nature of this little known reality in the indian sadhus (ascetics) panorama. The ritual practices of the Aghori are symbols of their non-dualistic beliefs. The corpse upon which they meditate is a symbol of their own bodyand transcendence of the lower self and realization of the Supreme Self.

They are also known for their knowledge of magic arts; many people believe they owns magic powers and it is not difficult to hear histories of miraculous recoveries. Among the people, the word Aghori always arouses a mixture between respect and suspect; anyway they also have many devotees among the various religion present in India. Together with an Aghori you can easily found hindus, sicks, muslims, jains, Christians or other.

In reality when we are together with these sadhus seems to be in front of a mystical crazy person, The Fool of the tarots, all the rational thoughts seem to fade away for leaving place to an intense spiritual experience, over every duality.

The death's theme, so recurrent among the Aghoris, constantly remembers us our mortality but it is also a challenge to transcend the duality between life and death. Breaking every mental scheme, going over every taboo makes aware of the illusion of this world and becomes a path toward the liberation (moksha), the realization of the itself with the absolute one. Also the conventional Hindu distinction among pure and impure for the Aghoris is an illusion.

The site proposes to spread and to let know the Aghori culture too often misunderstood and stigmatized as one dark "sect". It doesn't absolutely want to make proselytism in accord with the conviction that any religion is pure illusion, fruit of mental conjectures and that in sum it estranges the man from the native spiritual message.
You yourself mentioned they are drug addicts, drunkards so what else you expect from such losers. But they get beaten up every now and then when caught in the act.
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