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Can Saudi Arabia Create an Indigenous Defense Industry?

Atilla I dont know why you are involved in this. Every country can improve it just depends on their dedication. If Saudi Arabia dedicates themselves to this aim they can achieve it, but it takes a long time for any nation to develop an advanced defence industry. In our case one of the most important cases was the US embargo after 1974 invasion of cyprus and the embargo is when most of these defence companies arose.
Without the need of Oil. :)
I saw him bring Turkey into it, so thought i'd mention how much Saudis would be ahead in science without oil. :)
What is wrong with what i said?

So are you glad that non-Ottoman supporting Turks killed Turks and Muslims? Or Ottomans killing Muslims from Albania to Iraq?

Turks didn't beg the British to help us gain those lands LOL.
Without the need of Oil. :)
I saw him bring Turkey into it, so thought i'd mention how much Saudis would be ahead in science without oil. :)
What is wrong with what i said?

Turks didn't beg the British to help us gain those lands LOL.
without oil they was like egypt
This is not the place but just to clear- Mamluks of Eygpt was a Turkish empire however Selim defeated them. Also if I was an Arab for example, I could say the revolt was good IF ONLY the British was telling the truth. Anyways thats a completely different topic.

We are talking about the Abbasid Caliphs who ruled from Cairo until 1517 and who were accepted by the entire Muslim world as being Caliphs. In all diplomatic circles back then they were given the title of Caliph. Even the Ottomans recognized them as Caliphs until the conquest's in the early 1500's.
Mamluks were mostly of Caucasian origins but most of the soldiers were locals. Mamluks were in fact, in many cases, former slaves or recent free men.

Fact of the matter is that Ottomans stole the Caliphate that the Arabs had ruled for almost 1000 years (Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid) not by handling out flowers but through conquest which was normal back then and which all previous Caliphates also did. There is nothing controversial about this. So for him crying about SOME Arabs revolting, as did Albanians, Muslims on the Balkans (before them) and many other Arab regions and even Turks within modern-day Turkey, is pathetic at best.

As for Westerners, the Ottomans themselves were allied and actively fighting alongside "Kafir" non-Muslim Germans and Italians during WW1. The same Italians who ruled modern-day Libya and did a lot of crimes there as well as much of Horn of Africa.

So there is nothing to discuss. Using his logic the first backstabber was the Ottomans.

In any case we are talking about a false-flagger. That guy is not a Turk, he does not speak, write or read Turkish.
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when arab country will export almost 2 bilion dollars like turkey or 5-7 bilion dollars weapons like israel then we will talk

"Israeli" false-flagger, I am yet to see a single Arab user here or elsewhere say that they export more weapons than Israel or Turkey. However I will tell you this. In the future the Arab countries will export more weapons due to the sheer size and populations of the Arab world and the law of progress.

Because indigenous Arab defense sectors will emerge one day and when that happens tiny states such as Israel won't be able to compete with them on the long run unless the US (your daddy and biggest Santa Claus) will continue to have a "special" relationship with Israel.

Don't be surprised if by 2040 or 2050 for instance, there will be more Arab engineers than the number of Jews in the world.

So laugh all you want. At the end of the day you are a tiny state surrounded by Arabs. Even within Israel almost 25% of the population is Arab and most Israeli Jews (2/3) have direct ancestral ties to the Arab world. You might use nuclear weapons but by using them you will self-destruct.

So enjoy your 70-year old supremacy for some while more. After all you lived under the boots of Arabs for millennia.
"Israeli" false-flagger, I am yet to see a single Arab user here or elsewhere say that they export more weapons than Israel or Turkey. However I will tell you this. In the future the Arab countries will export more weapons due to the sheer size and populations of the Arab world and the law of progress.

Because indigenous Arab defense sectors will emerge one day and when that happens tiny states such as Israel won't be able to compete with them on the long run unless the US (your daddy and biggest Santa Claus) will continue to have a "special" relationship with Israel.

Don't be surprised if by 2040 or 2050 for instance, there will be more Arab engineers than the number of Jews in the world.
you dont have the jewish brains
you dont have the jewish brains

That's funny when science itself was developed by the ancestors of modern-day Arabs. Writing, mathematics, alphabets, the wheel, agriculture, the first civilizations, cities, buildings of any worth, etc. Such dumb people they were.

Let us talk by 2040 or 2050. I still stand by there being more Arab engineers than Israeli Jews by then. You have had your heydays for 70 years after living under the boots of Arabs since time immortal almost. Enjoy it while it lasts. All I have to say.
"Israeli" false-flagger

What's with you and calling everyone a false flagger??
You just didn't like me defending my country TURKIYE from your stupid nonsense. :)
Your country is a joke, i hope you get better in the future, and if you do, it will be because your country hit the jackpot, not because of hardwork and dedication :)
So, where do you get this arrogance?
still tiny israel is more advended more than all arab country its wierd dont you think?
look what place israel

Israel is ahead of all Muslims states for now for reasons that we all know. Good for you. Where were you just 1000 years ago when Arabs ruled the world and science? Let alone in pre-Islamic times?

As I said let's talk again by 2040 or 2050. Keep underestimating your neighbors. Last time you guys underestimated someone, 6 millions of you ended up in ovens.

What's with you and calling everyone a false flagger??
You just didn't like me defending my country TURKIYE from your stupid nonsense. :)
Your country is a joke, i hope you get better in the future, and if you do, it will be because your country hit the jackpot, not because of hardwork and dedication :)
So, where do you get this arrogance?

False-flagger, why don't you go pfuck yourself and learn how to read, imbecile?

KSA is progressing quick and well and will continue to do so in the future even more. The future is bright. You can keep crying for all I care.
iran turkey and even pakistan malesya are much more edvenced than any arab country

another Iranian guy pretends to be an Israeli after his government banned all social networks on its people but let Khaminie to have countless accounts on all social networks, you even can find him on Tinder.
So I don't really blame you to have countless accounts on PDF since your government doesn't permit you to have an account on FB or Twitter.
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