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Can Saudi Arabia Create an Indigenous Defense Industry?

KSA doesn't have a good defense industry because it has been seeking help from friendly countries in all its wars and the level of threats isn't that much compared to now, so U.S or UK forces in the Gulf can do the job instead of KSA.

During this period all what KSA got to do is buying the most advanced weapons in full packages including spare parts and maintenance for tens of years costing tens of billions of dollars!

Although there is an offset program, but there is no much achievement in KSA's favor compared to the billions of $ spent during all the past years on weapon supplies. When the oil prices were at high levels we had a very poor administrations throwing money everywhere and betting on foreign powers to protect the country and fight for us with no plans to build a strong national army or local defense industry. Miscalculation of politics and choosing wrong allies without strategic planning is another reason.

Anyway, it's not the time for crying over the ruins. The war in Yemen taught us who's our true allies and the ones making alliance with us for a bunch of dollars. These lessons aren't for free as we're paying the cost for trusting others and not depending on our ourselves.:yes4:

As KSA determined to work on its military industry no one can stop us. KSA isn't a superpower so the challenges aren't that the same ones that faces US or China for example. For the air force, if KSA could succeed in producing spares/critical parts and ammunition for its F-15,Typhoons and Tornadoes it won't depend on the west so much like before. We aren't going to invade the world or neighboring countries, all we need is the local capabilities to sustain the military operations if we get stuck in a never ending war with no much dependence on other countries.

By now KSA produces only %2 of its military needs and it should be %50 by 2030, but that doesn't mean we're not making anything. As @Saif al-Arab mentioned above, we produce different types of ammos and due to the unrest in the region we have expanded the capacity of production lines into fair numbers.

20mm ammo(they also produce 30mm ammos for Apache cannon and Bradley armored vehicle) :



Parts of F-15 being produced by Alsalam aircraft co (labeled by yellow ) for the conversion of F-15S into F-15SA :



More to see about the company :-

Production of weapons database & management system for F-15 by AEC (advanced electronic co ) :


EW systems :


Upgrade of APG-63(V)1 radar to APG-63(V)3 :



Production of Chaffs & flares :


Production of Paveway bombs and Mark 80 series :




All these are just toys compared to the future projects. In mid 2017 will be the completion of the 1st factory in KSA for aircraft's airframes & composite materials by cooperation between KACST and Taqnia aerospace. Here AN-132 and S-70 Black Hawk helicopters will be produced by 2019.


Few moths ago, project reached %60 and these are some of high tech equipment delivered to the factory by Broetje-Automation (Germany) & Altis Holding (Ukraine) and some other companies. It will be like these :









And yet some says no they can't.:lol:
The matter is our needs, once we need something we will do it whatever it takes.

Sorry for the late reply brother. I have been very busy to say the least and will be for the upcoming months, so consider this a rare "visit" to this mental asylum, lol.

All I have to say is that you described everything clearly and precisely and also showed the ignorant individuals here that they are at fault and that everything from now on will look vastly differently which is the most important thing and that this process is in our hands solely and very much achievable.

The Arab-Bashers are now flooding in.

@Saif al-Arab ignore this idiot.

31 years of "curse" is over. Now do me and us Arabs (especially those of us with Egyptian ancestry - most Hijazis) a favor and win the damn whole thing for the 8th time by defeating Burkina Faso in the seminal and either Ghana or Cameroon in the final.
Brother, have in mind that recently the only Iranian Mullah forum (English speaking) was closed/disappeared. IMF or something. This created an influx of Iranian users into this forum as they have no other alternative in English.

This is why you have numerous Iranian false-flaggers pretending to be Nigerians, Americans etc. trolling.

@100 is one such example as you know. Another is that user who uses American flags but is a perfect example of a Wilayat al-Faqih worshipping Mullah fanboy somewhere in Qom. He claims to be an "Nigerian".

Just so you know.
i wish i was a shia from Qom brother. u write well...but am worried you are GETTING CARRIED away with your false-flagger theories which are masked ad hominem attacks on others you probably dont agree with or like their country/ideas/philosophies.
Onto me, I am not a false flagger. Yes i was on IMF(username Nigerican) before, but since there is no other Iranian defence forum i joined this one.
My dad is NIgerian, my mom is american. i have both passports on me now so how am i false flagger? because i like Iran so much? tbh i never advocate or support terrorism or hate, but i have a right to like what i want to like right? so for that am a "guy in Qom"?(its just conspiracies in YOUR head) thats why you saudis and Pakistanis bitch about Iran-because in reality you guys can do little about Iran but Iran can affect you all alot. Dont u think i realize its hard to like Iran while holding a US passport?hey but i know my rights and i know am not doing anything illegal by liking Iran. Most of you arabs cant boss Iran around(despite your more money and numbers.) and maybe thats what i like. Iran. Iran took shit from the world's sole super power for over 30 yrs and is still kicking with TONS of potential. how many countries can claim that?Even big Russia is feeling the heat from US sanctions. 33years+ of sanctions and Iran is stil in the game. Pakistan would have gone broke and entered war or broken up a long time ago, and KSA would be like Yemen or Jordan under those types of sanctions. If you arabs were that strong u wouldnt need US for military insurance.with syria and iraq under Iran's management u arabs r finished. wtf can u guys do to Iran? your normal move- call the sherriff sorry US. US wont come this time like b4. that why against your islamic dignity(and palestines) u blockheads colluded with ISrael against your fellow muslim brother Iran. but that didnt even work bcos Iran is a hard nut to crack. Daddy america already knew that so how would ANY OF U SUCCEED?
Since am back in US i will go change 1 false flag to real flag. lmaoo.
Ok lets take it easy...am not a serious type
i dont see any reason what stops them ... they can if they want to..
Yes Saudi Arabia does have a local defence industry, ive seen some of the APCs/MRAP pics before. They have some good tech on hand, but the scope of their work doesnt seem as wide as it should/an be.

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