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Can Phalcon AWACS + SU 30MKI Counter J20

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Dear All

I would like to know how Phalcon AWACS + SU 30MKI can Counter J20 with Modern BVR, as J20 is stealth.

Who can detect first Phalcon or SU30MKI.

If Phalcon detect J20 , how will it guide SAM or any other aircraft to shoot it down.
as it will be invisible to SAM or other aircraft radar... how it will guide the missile.

what would be the benefit of Anti radiation missile for this kind of mission.

How it will feed the details to shoot it down.

We have great researcher here can anyone give technical details and not flare up the Thread.

Please No Fighting just Imagination and your knowledge.
IR-guided SAMs had been the primary source of casualties in Operation Desert Storm. There was some confidence that the radar-directed missiles could be dealt with using traditional means of suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD) and electronic countermeasures (ECM). Unlike radar-guided SAMs, IR-guided SAMs present a serious suppression problem since the launchers rely entirely on passive sensors and are generally smaller, more mobile and easier to conceal. S300V have more robust counter-countermeasures. How effective will it be in Stealth.
Assuming that the AWACS is not destroyed first, the Su30MKI has at present highly integrated computer systems capable of networking with other elements within the theater of war in order to achieve an advantage in situational awareness. This is supposed to be further augmented in the recently declared upgradation to a "Super Sukhoi" configration. So technically, yes it can be used.
Even a phalcon will have to wait till the J-20 presents a large enough target for its sensor's to distinguish.
When that happens. It can direct fighters such the Su-30 to fire missiles at a linked target info.
Question is, unless the link is real time from the Missile, to the Su-30.. to the Phalcon.... shooting down an aircraft that is designed to supercruise will be a difficult prospect.
A better option is to position su-30 with AESA at two different threat points.. and use the phalcon to process any raw data or otherwise.. sort of like an airborne bi-static radar.
Given the time the J-20 will come into service the IAF will likely have 3-4 more Phalcons and 3-5 DRDO AWACS aswell as 130+ "SUPER" MKI and advanced SAMs such as AKASH and SPYDER and will have their own dedicated satellite launched by ISRO to further enhance their new found "net-centric" approach. So all IAF systems will be heavily networked with Indian built secure data-links, I'd say it was a very likely possibility.

Added on top the PAK-FA/FGFA will be entering about the same time.
Even a phalcon will have to wait till the J-20 presents a large enough target for its sensor's to distinguish.
When that happens. It can direct fighters such the Su-30 to fire missiles at a linked target info.
Question is, unless the link is real time from the Missile, to the Su-30.. to the Phalcon.... shooting down an aircraft that is designed to supercruise will be a difficult prospect.
A better option is to position su-30 with AESA at two different threat points.. and use the phalcon to process any raw data or otherwise.. sort of like an airborne bi-static radar.

you are assuming that J-20 will have "Raptor-like" stealth
A PAKFA Radar(Considered to be more powerful radar than any Fighter)can detect the following planes at following ranges(kms).
F22 30
F35 50
J20 90
EuroFighter 100
Mig29 140
Su30mki 200
Haha---I've heard enough crap from SU30MKi fans - now comes another joke - SU30 can shot down 5th Generation Fighters!!
Even a phalcon will have to wait till the J-20 presents a large enough target for its sensor's to distinguish.
When that happens. It can direct fighters such the Su-30 to fire missiles at a linked target info.
Question is, unless the link is real time from the Missile, to the Su-30.. to the Phalcon.... shooting down an aircraft that is designed to supercruise will be a difficult prospect.
A better option is to position su-30 with AESA at two different threat points.. and use the phalcon to process any raw data or otherwise.. sort of like an airborne bi-static radar.

Santro Bhai -

In a war scenario there are many radars that track a fighter, not only the AEW or the plane...you will mostly have it bi static mode, its just how network centric you are and who can feed the data to whom...
I am not aware of whether AWACS can detect LO targets like J20. At what distance?? Isn't that possibility that before these phalcans can detect J20, it might have already fired missile on these AWACS... About IR seeker missiles its ok that it can target stealth FA, but whether J20 will allow SU30 MKI so near for leting its IR signature to Su and get targeted by IR seeker missile..Just a view point of mine.. Please correct me if am wrong..

With regards
Haha---I've heard enough crap from SU30MKi fans - now comes another joke - SU30 can shot down 5th Generation Fighters!!

Are you sure it cant???....from a technical POV?
Well if they can open a thread abt su-30 vs f-22 , why not JXX....LOL

Gods gift to aviation =SU-30 ALL HAIL.

Though PAF F-16s picked it up on their radars... so what... LOL
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