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Can Pakistan become another Asian tiger

Can Pakistan become another Asian Tiger

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hey how come this thread become alive today,i have even not seen any of the member present in this discussion as active now
Surprising thing is......... the thread started off as Pakistan being a potential "Asian Tiger", but soon it turned into again a comparison viz a viz India's economy.

Some people even actually tried to prove how India is not a "Tiger" whereas Pakistan is or will be, for e.g. Googling and quoting articles about Pakistan's economy from 2006 :lol:

Hopefully the anticipated economic growth in Pakistan is going to move it towards a more modern society.

Good Luck!!
Surprising thing is......... the thread started off as Pakistan being a potential "Asian Tiger", but soon it turned into again a comparison viz a viz India's economy.

Some people even actually tried to prove how India is not a "Tiger" whereas Pakistan is or will be, for e.g. Googling and quoting articles about Pakistan's economy from 2006 :lol:

Hopefully the anticipated economic growth in Pakistan is going to move it towards a more modern society.

Good Luck!!

Yeah because this thread was started back in 2005 and went on to 2006, and when people were comparing ,it was the year 2006. So why wouldn't people post articles from that year? And are you implying that Pakistan isn't modern already?
Yeah because this thread was started back in 2006, and when people were comparing ,it was the year 2006. So why wouldn't people post articles from that year? And are you implying that Pakistan isn't modern already?

My bad........... didn't realize this post was started way back in 2005. Too many beers:cheers:

That leads back to the previous post, why this thread has been awakened after being dormant for about 5 years?

Also, since its been 5 years already, shouldn't the discussion be, if Pakistan has already become an Asian Tiger ?:tongue:
My bad........... didn't realize this post was started way back in 2005. Too many beers:cheers:

That leads back to the previous post, why this thread has been awakened after being dormant for about 5 years?

Also, since its been 5 years already, shouldn't the discussion be, if Pakistan has already become an Asian Tiger ?:tongue:

Good question, only the guy who bumped this thread after so long would know the answer to that ;)

You can start a new thread on that if you want :cheers:
Good question, only the guy who bumped this thread after so long would know the answer to that

I guess that would be a question best answered by Hafee with 3 Z's, maybe he suddenly figured it warranted his attention......

You can start a new thread on that if you want

Naah, that is too much work.......... I'd let someone else take the initiative............ perhaps Hafee3Z will take up the task...... ;)

Although, it would be in India's long term interest if Pakistan develops a good economy and democracy.
I guess that would be a question best answered by Hafee with 3 Z's, maybe he suddenly figured it warranted his attention......

Naah, that is too much work.......... I'd let someone else take the initiative............ perhaps Hafee3Z will take up the task...... ;)

Although, it would be in India's long term interest if Pakistan develops a good economy and democracy.

Lol will maybe he will, after reading your suggestion :)

Anyways, who knows what will happen in the future. Too unpredictable, Pakistan has potential but lacks good leadership to drive Pakistan forward.

I think Pakistan has enormous Economic potential.

All they need, is a strong leader to turn all this potential into a significant economic boom. :cheers:
I would ask if nepal, bhutan and srilanka can become asian tiger. If yes then pak can defenitely become as well. People here have just come our of dream dream.
To sustain growth Pakistan has to open trade with India.
More colloboration, investment and resourcs sharing with India can help it.
Indian companies are investing in Britain, Dubai,USA and even Chaina.

Plus you have to find difference between chinese investment and Indian investment too.
I would ask if nepal, bhutan and srilanka can become asian tiger. If yes then pak can defenitely become as well. People here have just come out of dream dream.

Pakistan,sri lanka etc have the potential to become asian tigers.And about bhutan,do you know their per capita income was was less than india 10 years ago and now it's about 6-8 times higher than in india?Instead of coming out of dreams we indians,pakistanis etc should dream more of becoming an economic power.In the words of our APJ,dreams leads to thoughts and thoughts leads to action.
It cannot be done without two things: Control the tribal regions so we can actually profit from them and open up trade with India.
It cannot be done without two things: Control the tribal regions so we can actually profit from them and open up trade with India.

Yeah Opening trade with India is very Important. Pakistan products can compete with Indian goods in manyfields.
I have see Pakistani textile/Handicraft in Pragati Maidan Trade Fair and it was very good.
Indian companies has huge cash flow and they will invest in Pakistan if given security and opportunity.

It shocked me to see Pakistan grow faster than India in 2001 to 2004 but why it reduced to 2 . Wot?. But India also have maoists problem
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