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Can Pakistan Army Defend Pakistan in 21st Century Modern Warfare?

use your own "smart" brain...TTA

now let me tell you what my brains tell......

There are several ways one can "Touch" a nation...... Let me tell you few of them

1) Politically
2) Economically
3) Diplomatically
4) Militarily

Now Please tell which one of the above you prefer to NUKE India?????......
Most of these satellites have the capability to change their orbit and move around but still it must not be very difficult to destroy them. We have to ask our Chinese friends to share anti-satellite technology with us. This technology can be in the form of laser weapons or possibly more conventional anti-satellite rockets.
I hope our army learns to find ways to be able to make our space free of any satellites in case of an armed conflict with any country and our army must keep its vision intact towards professional excellence that keeps Pakistan a free democratic country with its borders intact forever.

First of all i would like to congratulate you on the effort you taken to write such a long OP and you have also done some research.....

There are certain technologies which responsible country will be hesitant to share.... What ever may be the depth of the relationship.... One of such technology is Anti satellite weapons..... there are international implications to such technologies... the simple reason , there are several countries who uses satellite, not only India.... The chances of getting transfer of technology seems to be a distant dream.... But yes, If pakistan work on developing their own Anti satellite weapon then no one can stop you from using it....
Why we tell you our options to nuke you , you have to be smart enough what to "touch" or not & be in your aukat.
US never told Japan before that they would nuke them if:
- more than 2000 soldiers were killed
- more than 15 ships sunk

keep guessing.

Ok Sakthiman........
First of all i would like to congratulate you on the effort you taken to write such a long OP and you have also done some research.....
There are certain technologies which responsible country will be hesitant to share.... What ever may be the depth of the relationship.... One of such technology is Anti satellite weapons..... there are international implications to such technologies... the simple reason , there are several countries who uses satellite, not only India.... The chances of getting transfer of technology seems to be a distant dream.... But yes, If pakistan work on developing their own Anti satellite weapon then no one can stop you from using it....

Thank you for the compliment but it was written on an idle afternoon with just my general knowledge. Again since you are an Indian, I would like to tell you that I like Indians and a great proponent of friendship with Indians. But I am a very patriotic Pakistani and I fear that if India continues to develop satellite warfare technologies and Pakistan does not know how to counter that, some Indian government might be tempted to hurt my country in some way, that is why purpose of this post is totally professional excellence of Pakistan Army and to invite them to think of how to tackle the possible threats. But again, I want both nations to be very good friends and would like to do anything to make that dream a reality.
Pakistani is a jihadi country. We don't study , we all have guns in our houses & our children play with them. We don't think a bit for ourselves if some external power tries to invade us. We will inshallah definitely nuke them & will then become a martyer for allah.

I wish you all the best.......
On Topics:

We cannot close our eyes to this. The threat that looms causally today will be a reality in a decade from now. It will be air based, satellite based war. We just can't go nuke out a country, this programme needs to be taken up SPD now! It will take years to develop!

As for today, PA is one of the best armies in the conventional arena and stands second to none.
In a nutshell . NO.
The PA is not up to date with modern methods as of yet but is in the process of adapting certain changes in doctrine. Unless or until it is able to give equal importance to the rest of the arms in their ability to support or lead it in offensive and defensive operations; it will lag behind.
I have full faith in the Defensive capability of Pak Army.

If all else fails they will use Pak Tactical Nukes on advancing Indian Columns within Pakistani Territory.

So you will nuke the most fertile and most populated portion of Pakistan to counter India and lose the first strike advantage that you enjoy, knowing that Pakistan has far less chance of survival in a nuke war just because of its smaller size, even if we ignore the deficiencies in overall capabilities.

yea they can but if everything fails then i assure u we will take that nation with us by nuking them simple ...
dont u worry if ur army want to finish Pakistan we will assure u that we will finish hindu race from the map of the world

Look at the maps of two countries, in a nuke war we just need to destroy a small square piece of land that is slightly bigger than some of our states, whereas Pakistan can't even bomb many places of India as that will piss off a lot of important and powerful neighbouring countries. Think of a better idea than nukes.
Depends on the foe.

Pakistan Military can easily defend Pakistan against any indian attack. india is militarily too weak..It can't even think of taking on Pakistan in an open war.

But if the attack comes from the U.S Army...then no, Pakistan doesn't have enough firepower to defend its territory over a sustained period of time. The war will soon turn into a "unconventional" war theater with more focus on insurgent, limited strike operations against U.S Army than standing infront of U.S military machine in a conventional setting.
Again, the important message of my post was to indicate, in a nutshell, if we can destroy enemy satellites eavesdropping on our territory, the war will become mostly conventional. And in a conventional war, any foreign enemy stands very little chance of winning on our own territory.
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Pakistan cannot defend herself from advanced opponent as simple as that. Only option is to use nukes and that will never happen. So in the nut shell, if advanced enemy decided to attack, Pakistan has nowhere to hide.
I believe that Pakistan is developing or looking to develop such programmes.

There are a few things that need to be stated here about 21st century warfare, however, firstly, they have been in the completely imbalanced powerplay: Georgia-Russia, Russia-Ukraine etc., then the Global War on Terror. The basic capabilities of rivals nations like Pakistan and India make it improbable to fight a war or at least a large scale one: even Kargil was confined because both sides knew that having it snowball into a full border confrontation would be detrimental for both.

Now, let's take our previous wars as an example too, the 71, 65 wars both lasted under 30 days because both belligerents could not support a conflict beyond that time. Despite coming into this age that still is true to a large extent for Pakistan. India's size and industrial base make it less vulnerable for to lose a logistics war but we are extremely vulnerable and here in lies a glaring weakness: the size of our navy is too small to completely hold the Indian might to blockade us and this requires a significant increase in our conventional capabilities because we can try to rely on Iran/Afganistan to be our logistics gate but the Indian strategy has two strengths: first, they wish to isolate Pakistan, like they did in 1971. Second, their goals are limited to a war of attrition rather than conquest (unlike the other major conflicts of the 20th century onwards in Asia: Israel-Arab).

Taking our notes, we must see that we need to address these aspects simultaneously. Firstly, we need to increase our conventional strength where it matters and why (logistical support). Secondly, we need to adapt to the changing nature of warfare (where your points lie).

For the first part, I see a better solution than just changing our budget allocations (which is needed but that's a wholesale thing, our economy is our number one weapon) and that's inter-service co-ops. If for example, the PAF-PN can form a nexus to defend and strike our sea ways in perfectly like the IN and IAF did in 1971 then we cut short the need for waiting the PN Aviation Arm to catch up to such capabilities. We can do this within the coming years by creating joint battle groups of PN Marines, PN battle groups and PAF Squadrons. Basically, if we take the world war era thinking of having essentially three separate wars: air, land and sea and replace it with the notion of battle space continuum we can have a much more effective set of defence capabilities.

The second part, adaption to the nature of warfare: I would like to point out that such programmes are in place because Pakistan's defence stays updated to Indian capabilities. I would read more on the subject and update you. There's one thing that I would like to point out: Pakistan is an active battle zone, more so than India we are facing the true essence of the 21st century warfare against the TTP and its cohorts. That has lead to our forces gaining precious experience which the Indian side lacks. Contrary to popular belief, our Military has done much better than they get credit to, for example the battle for Swat was the largest urban battle since Stalingrad fought primarily by infantry (Tariq Khan limited and then stopped artillery and air use after the TTP resorted to holding nearly 40-50, 000 civilians and use them as shields, the FC and the PA led a street-by-street clearing of the TTP then). This asp ect cannot be ignored as these things come only in play once the military has fought an actual war, take the US Armed Forces for example, the average is at least one major conflict every decade.

That along with our desire to counter India would enable us to counter them in a 21st century conflict.

Wars in 21st century are moving towards highly electronic warfare where the countries who use modern technology have immense edge over armies who rely on conventional equipment. Wars fought in past twenty years should have taught us that advanced countries who use electronic and satellite warfare have huge superiority and they can even defend themselves from relatively unconventional Cruise or Ballistic missiles counter attacks from the warring countries. Though Pakistan is not currently threatened by any country, we must remain well-prepared to fight in case a war is imposed on Pakistan. India is a much larger and relatively responsible country but we do not know how future governments will deal with rising hindu fundamentalism that can find its way into fighting and imposing a war on Pakistan especially when India has enough technological superiority over Pakistan. Similarly since we are a Muslim country, America might be pitted against us in some future juncture in the history of Pakistan.

Indians are highly advanced in satellite launch technology and have been putting European commercial satellites in orbit using their own rockets.

I will give a few examples from previous wars to highlight a few facts.

Factual Incident 1: In the first Gulf War, Saddam Hussein had built especially fortified bunkers joined through tunnels in order to protect himself and the people in case of a war. Conventional bombs, however large, could not damage those bunkers. American Air force dropped bombs guided by satellites that were so precise that they passed through ventilator window of the bunker and killed several hundred women and children inside. Even when dropped by planes flying safely several kilometers above in the sky beyond the reach of conventional anti-aircraft weapons, the bombs were precise to even inches of the range of target. American army later claimed they had news that Saddam Hussein was in that bunker.

Lesson 1: In case of war with a technologically advanced country, our president and political leadership and even the generals of the army will not be safe. India might have similar satellite technology in a few years so we better stay prepared how to deal with similar issues in relation to our immediate neighbor.

Factual Incident 2: In the Gulf war, Saddam Hussein had more than two thousand tanks and he was prepared for the tank battle. US forces took Iraqis completely by surprise due to their air and satellite guided technology . All the tanks tried to retreat back to Baghdad. American pilots using satellite guided technology damaged every single tank on the highway and the highway to Baghdad became graveyard of Iraqi tanks.

Lesson 2: In case of fight with a technologically superior enemy using better air force and satellite guided bombs, your conventional weapons might become death chambers for you.

Factual Incident 3: Saddam Hussein fired several scud ballistic missiles on Israel, but almost all of them were destroyed in the air using Patriot anti-missile batteries which rely heavily on guidance, images and information of the itinerary of the ballistic missile from satellites.

India is working with Israel to develop anti-missile weapon systems. A comprehensive defence system would rely on satellites and kill any air-borne target including ballistic missiles and fighter jets.

Lesson 3: Our missile capabilities that we consider a deterrent might not work in case of an all out aggression by a technologically superior foreign enemy and it might have drastic consequences for our war strategy.

Factual Incident 4: China has recently done a test in which they destroyed a satellite using a special missile or rocket.

Lesson 4: It is indeed possible to keep track of satellites monitoring and moving to the vicinity where they could monitor our country and it is indeed possible to destroy those satellites using special weapons which are missile based or using modern laser technology.

Conclusion: We make the conclusion that a war in 21st century is moving towards electronic warfare guided by satellite technologies. Our country's army must keep exact track of every satellite moving towards the vicinity where they could monitor our country. Even if we might not be threatened by Americans in forseeable future, Indians might become advanced enough in a few years and start relying on electronic satellite guided weapons technology. If we are not aware of this threat, and do not keep track of satellites in orbits closer to our country, we might get taken by a surprise in the case of conflict with some technologically advanced countries.

Future Vision: Pakistan must have the capability to destroy every satellite that can monitor our land. This capability is most important to keep the war to conventional weapons in which no country could defeat us on our own land. IF the war enters the domain of satellite warfare, we are not that advanced as a country to be able to counter this threat and we might have to lose a satellite oriented war.

Most of these satellites have the capability to change their orbit and move around but still it must not be very difficult to destroy them. We have to ask our Chinese friends to share anti-satellite technology with us. This technology can be in the form of laser weapons or possibly more conventional anti-satellite rockets.
I hope our army learns to find ways to be able to make our space free of any satellites in case of an armed conflict with any country and our army must keep its vision intact towards professional excellence that keeps Pakistan a free democratic country with its borders intact forever.
dont u worry if ur army want to finish Pakistan we will assure u that we will finish hindu race from the map of the world
Lol what about hindus living out side india in USA and Europe :D:D So your Claims are Bogus and null:p:p:p:p
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