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Can India become a superpower?

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BS 8-):tdown::bad:
In China we have 3 types of instrumental musicians: East, West; East meets West and within each type there are many branches / genres
The musicians can go solo, forming a duet, quartet or other formation or joining 100-people orchestras
There are so many Chinese or western musical instruments to choose from: Erhu, Pipa, Yangqin, Suona, Flute ...Piano, Cello, Trombones, Violin, Guitar etc
or if they have good voices, they can sing as individuals, as duets, in choirs or in western or Chinese operas or perform as musical bands
Voices are further differentiated into modern / pop, classical Chinese / western (soprano, tenor, bass, ...etc) cultural (ethnic)
You can see the the widest array of musical combinations there in China's musical world. :china::yahoo::tup:

Indians like you never open their eyes to see what the world looks like
You are just a small frog in a well :rofl:

I didn't ask you the type of Chinese music but the popularity and career prospects and those Chinese classical music need government support for survival unlike in India where one can make a music career out of classical Indian music. Everyone in China is going after aping Western music. ;)
I didn't ask you the type of Chinese music but the popularity and career prospects and those Chinese classical music need government support for survival unlike in India where one can make a music career out of classical Indian music. Everyone in China is going after aping Western music. ;)

Too late to salvage your embarrassment and again you are digging for yourself a deeper hole in the well :coffee:
We have so many musicians who have established on their own great multi-million $ careers in Chinese music through concert performances (national tour and overseas) and recording! :dirol:

we plan to replace the whites with chinese.

Your "inferiority complex" syndrome will turn from bad to worst
You'll break your budgets tremendously and in severe debts - haha another Indian project failure! :laugh:
tbh I don't think so. these predictions almost always overestimate. a great power but not a superpower.
going to need some huge breakthroughs to make it to superpower status.
Too late to salvage your embarrassment and again you are digging for yourself a deeper hole in the well :coffee:
We have so many musicians who have established on their own great multi-million $ careers in Chinese music through concert performances (national tour and overseas) and recording! :dirol:

You'll break your budgets tremendously and in severe debts - haha another Indian project failure! :laugh:

don't bother...if we can hire whites, then for one white we can hire 10 chinese. so it cheaper to hire chinese as servants than whites...so where are we breaking our budgets.
The days of one super power is gone. There are going to be multiple super powers vying for more influence and power. Realistically speaking India can become a serious world power, it all ready is a regional power. Over a billion people with one of the largest armed forces in the world, rising defence budget. I think Indian is really good at exporting its positive image of Indian cultures, soft image is the most important bit in becoming international player in world politics.
don't bother...if we can hire whites, then for one white we can hire 10 chinese. so it cheaper to hire chinese as servants than whites...so where are we breaking our budgets.

Just because we have inflated our wages while other people are deflating their wages - the more severe situation can be seen in your country where the rupees are dropping like cow dungs on the ground :omghaha:
Just because we have inflated our wages while other people are deflating their wages - the more severe situation can be seen in your country where the rupees are dropping like cow dungs on the ground

hey...is this how you talk....cow dung and $hit...is this how chinese kids are raised.

anyway indians have already started working on this...haven't you seen the news today....now chinese are clubbed with somalians and pakistanis for getting indian visas
hey...is this how you talk....cow dung and $hit...is this how chinese kids are raised.

anyway indians have already started working on this...haven't you seen the news today....now chinese are clubbed with somalians and pakistanis for getting indian visas

You first statement is appropriate to your kids
Ours are doing very well.
We dont let cows and wild animals roam around in cities and litter the places with their excrements, unlike India 8-)

We dont really care about your visa policy on us which is your government's stupidity
Not many of our folks are going to a place like India anyway :bad:
We should work on tightening our visas on HK and Macau where Indians will be crying very soon :cheesy:
india never aspirant to be bully super power neighbour of all ...the super power usa..but it is super for african and islamic countries like afghanistan,iraq,pakistan but when come to deal with russia it can only produce sanctions....gone r the days when there r any super power...today..there is no super power....
tbh I don't think so. these predictions almost always overestimate. a great power but not a superpower.
going to need some huge breakthroughs to make it to superpower status.
USA will be the last superpower/hyperpower



You first statement is appropriate to your kids
Ours are doing very well.
We dont let cows and wild animals roam around in cities and litter the places with their excrements, unlike India 8-)

We dont really care about your visa policy on us which is your government's stupidity
Not many of our folks are going to a place like India anyway :bad:
We should work on tightening our visas on HK and Macau where Indians will be crying very soon :cheesy:

good...if you are serious debate with seriousness and logic..if not fk off
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