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Can India become a superpower?

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see mr orange...my question is if you believe in the video posted..that indians can hire whites as servant by 2030 then why should indians have problem in hiring chinese as servents by that time. afterall 10 chinese are worth 1 white.

No one but Indians believe the video posted. That's why we (Chinese and Pakistani forum members) are laughing at you guys. You talk about having Chinese people as servants but your own country is too utterly disgusting and foul to even serve as a backdrop for a film about...your own country. :rofl:
No one but Indians believe the video posted. That's why we (Chinese and Pakistani forum members) are laughing at you guys. You talk about having Chinese people as servants but your own country is too utterly disgusting and foul to even serve as a backdrop for a film about...your own country. :rofl:

Even the Commonwealth games, which were supposed to showcase the best of India to the world, were covered in human waste. As everyone saw in those famous BBC pictures.

All the famous Olympic athletes refused to even come! Due to hygiene reasons.
Even the Commonwealth games, which were supposed to showcase the best of India to the world, were covered in human waste. As everyone saw in those famous BBC pictures.

All the famous Olympic athletes refused to even come! Due to hygiene reasons.

It was an Indian welcome. Whenever you check into a hotel outside of India, housekeeping leaves a mint on your pillow. In India when you check into a hotel, housekeeping leaves a coil of human poop on your pillow. Don't be so insensitive to Indian culture! :angry:
No one but Indians believe the video posted. That's why we (Chinese and Pakistani forum members) are laughing at you guys. You talk about having Chinese people as servants but your own country is too utterly disgusting and foul to even serve as a backdrop for a film about...your own country. :rofl:

if you don't believe then why post it?
if you believe the video then if indians can afford whites, they can easily afford chinese. after all 10 chinese are worth 1 white
Even the Commonwealth games, which were supposed to showcase the best of India to the world, were covered in human waste. As everyone saw in those famous BBC pictures.

All the famous Olympic athletes refused to even come! Due to hygiene reasons.

it is better you post in india pakistan threads not here in india china threads.
if you don't believe then why post it?
if you believe the video then if indians can afford whites, they can easily afford chinese. after all 10 chinese are worth 1 white

I posted it because Indians believe it. Indians like you. According to your white-worshiping calculations, If 1 white is worth 10 Chinese, then 1 white is worth 1000 indians.

The most ironic thing is that future "India with white servants" was filmed in present day "Dubai with indian slaves."
it is better you post in india pakistan threads not here in india china threads.

Are you telling me you didn't see those world-famous BBC pictures of the Indian Commonwealth games, with human waste all over the place?

Everyone in the world has seen it.

And don't blame the International media for portraying India as the "rape capital of the world" or the "open defecation capital of the world", it is Indians themselves who are desperate to push this news so that the whole world sees it.
We still have our Indian culture intact unlike blind aping of Western culture by Chinese
We still have our Indian culture intact unlike blind aping of Western culture by Chinese. :girl_wacko:

So you just want to tell me if our Chinese still live in the thatched huts, or caves, and using zax is so called " culture intact" ?

Please try to learn more about China and Chinese, I mean objectively, and trying to get in touch with some ordinary Chinese (not fifty cent party, nationalist) , but not just from your media about "despotism", " no human rights" "Overbearing"....

People need progress, and need to create better life for ourself and our sociaty. Culture is deeply in our thoughts, in our soul. Most of us are have no religion, but we respect other religion belives ( except those extreme), and we respect advanced culture and technology, our people are always hardworking and enthusiasm, no racial discrimination ( just have different aesthetic view), our food are world-famous (except indian vegetarians)

That's our culture!
if you don't believe then why post it?
if you believe the video then if indians can afford whites, they can easily afford chinese. after all 10 chinese are worth 1 white
1 Pakistani is worth 1000 Indians
1 Chinese is worth 1000 Indians

Because you Indians still live in the world of dreams in your dirty caves.
I posted it because Indians believe it. Indians like you. According to your white-worshiping calculations, If 1 white is worth 10 Chinese, then 1 white is worth 1000 indians.

The most ironic thing is that future "India with white servants" was filmed in present day "Dubai with indian slaves."

what matters is whether you believe in yourself...as Abraham Lincoln said "Determine that the thing can and shall be done and then we shall find the way"

As on 1 chinese to 10 indians..it is hilarious, haven't you not read the news that indians have categorized chinese with somalians :lol:
The Indian subcontinent, which includes not just India but also Pakistan and Bangladesh, is one of the most ancient places on earth. In fact the Indus valley is one of the birthplaces of civilization. The Ganges river in Northern India, is an extremely strategic river system, easily comparable to the Mississippi river in the US. And the Ganges Delta, located in Bangladesh, is one of the most fertile lands in the world. The subcontinent is home to more than a twothousand ethnic groups. Unified by their religions and common values and manifested in three independent states. The largest of those countries is India. Which has a growing economy, that ranks among the top in the world. Its population numbers around 1.2 billion and is still growing. In this report we look at what shapes the country. And if India can become a superpower.

Not in near future but It will become reality one day !! Jai Mata Di !!
Are you telling me you didn't see those world-famous BBC pictures of the Indian Commonwealth games, with human waste all over the place?

Everyone in the world has seen it.

And don't blame the International media for portraying India as the "rape capital of the world" or the "open defecation capital of the world", it is Indians themselves who are desperate to push this news so that the whole world sees it.

you seem to have comprehensive problem. i rest my case.
1 Pakistani is worth 1000 Indians
1 Chinese is worth 1000 Indians

Because you Indians still live in the world of dreams in your dirty caves.

this is not the place for a pakistani...hence sooo
1 Pakistani is worth 1000 Indians
1 Chinese is worth 1000 Indians

Because you Indians still live in the world of dreams in your dirty caves.

then you got to stop these precious lives become extinct as they are not Pakistanis they are becoming Jihadis
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