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Can India become a superpower?! CAN INDIA BECOME A SUPERPOWER?!!

Inaccurate. He has only one post about Shanghai
Uh no he didn't. He may have had only one post when you last checked it (and I didn't raise any fuss about it). But by the time I logged in after that, he had 3 or 4 repeated long posts posting the exact same pictures and videos, taunting and trolling. You want me to bring the mod that deleted all of that to confirm?

He deserves his right to speech even his point of view may not be to some members' liking, unless he violated forum rules.

Hence why I have no problem with it here, since its a new general discussion thread and these posts are at least containing different material each time.....and thus I am interested to see what Joe Shearer does.

But repeated spamming on a thread is definitely against forum rules.
India imports everything from Military to Bollywood to players in IPL.
India imports everything from Military to Bollywood to players in IPL.

Of course.

We buy the best. Never any shoddy, sub-standard goods for us. Look at the countries from which we draw our foreign players in the IPL.
Of course.

We buy the best. Never any shoddy, sub-standard goods for us. Look at the countries from which we draw our foreign players in the IPL.
For Sunny Leone i agreed rest i beg your pardon to differ you.
One aspect of "superpower" status is Olympic medals. India currently doesn't do too well in the Olympics.
I'm really scared now. What if his OCD turns him into a psychopath and makes him come down to kill us? I see all kinds of psychosis here...

This would require him to operate on an intelligence level far beyond his means.

He will end up hurting himself way before hurting anyone else.
This would require him to operate on an intelligence level far beyond his means.

He will end up hurting himself way before hurting anyone else.


I'm really scared now. What if his OCD turns him into a psychopath and makes him come down to kill us? I see all kinds of psychosis here...

Oh lord, this is so funny... What's up with the Spiderman in the intro?

:undecided:I still remember what I have learnt when I was in Junior middle school.
Politics class,and political textbook:USA is the only super power in this world.:usflag:
:coffee:China isn't and won't be in the future.
:undecided:I still remember what I have learnt when I was in Junior middle school.
Politics class,and political textbook:USA is the only super power in this world.:usflag:
:coffee:China isn't and won't be in the future.

India will become the second superpower by 2020, less than 5 years away!

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