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Can Asia Challenge The West – OpEd

Chinese are boot polishers of the west, discuss on the topic idiot.

really?how? you mean the west likes China the most?

An Average Chinese in China looks like this:



can Indians do better than this unprovoked attack against Chinese people?that's the perfect show of Indians' inferiority complex.
Why should we challenge west? We should be concerned with the evil rising from our east??

An evil power which covets our land...and has been doing everything it can to destroy us...

These type of Srilankan poodles of China, who know nothing of history or care about facts, whose only concern is that 50 cents thrown by their Chinese masters, should not be taken seriously.
everyday we can see reports talking about fearing China in economy,culture,sports,military....,and war of words going on between China and the west for decades,India is unmistakenly put itself in the western camp,how did you Indians get the conclusion that China is the boot polishers of the west?
Seriously..........Equations have changed. The question should be- Can the West challenge Asia anymore??:lol:

And for all those idiots who think India "worships" West, open your TV sets, read the newspapers(except Global Times), and you will find out how sorely mistaken you are. Srilankans call us white worshipper cause we supported US against them. Actually all we did was support our state of Tamil Nadu.............
China thinks we want to build a western nexus against them. I would like to assure China that these dealing in defence are just business, and had China not been embargoed and excluded , it would have been the same. No need for a self applied embargo for India..........

I would suggest my Chinese friends to please stop reading stupid articles in Chinese magazines and read some real incidents on the net instead. If you can find me one source which implies India bowing down to Western unjust wishes, then I'll take my words back.
(P.S. we still haven't let the Italian Marines be extradited either:lol:)

really?how? you mean the west likes China the most?

can Indians do better than this unprovoked attack against Chinese people?that's the perfect show of Indians' inferiority complex.
Unprovoked?? Your countrmyen have been ranting and accusing indians of being White worshipers and slaves........
Yet you consider that post UNPROVOKED??:lol:
Convert to Islam and We will exclude from our Civilization like Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. :lol:

We are not part of any country, so dream boys can dream about "exclude". lol
Seriously..........Equations have changed. The question should be- Can the West challenge Asia anymore??:lol:

And for all those idiots who think India "worships" West, open your TV sets, read the newspapers(except Global Times), and you will find out how sorely mistaken you are. Srilankans call us white worshipper cause we supported US against them. Actually all we did was support our state of Tamil Nadu.............
China thinks we want to build a western nexus against them. I would like to assure China that these dealing in defence are just business, and had China not been embargoed and excluded , it would have been the same. No need for a self applied embargo for India..........

I would suggest my Chinese friends to please stop reading stupid articles in Chinese magazines and read some real incidents on the net instead. If you can find me one source which implies India bowing down to Western unjust wishes, then I'll take my words back.
(P.S. we still haven't let the Italian Marines be extradited either:lol:)

Unprovoked?? Your countrmyen have been ranting and accusing indians of being White worshipers and slaves........
Yet you consider that post UNPROVOKED??:lol:

I don't see any such posts in this thread,only see Indian posters brought China in here.
How can you be challenged by someone when there is no one to challenge you in the 1st place? (this statement is not true, i will explain it later in post). The question can Asia challenge the west? First of all, who is Asia? The world today is largely dominated by the same western imperialist, the same ones from the brutal and bloody days of colonialism (yes, the same people who invaded and completely exploited and raped your country are the same people who today control and influence much of the world through 1. a system of international institutions (http://www.umdnj.edu/uroweb/interna... info/List of International Organizations.pdf) and 2. thought/opinion (western mass media).

(western) international institutions - live by the established rules/laws set forth by them
western mass media - opinions and thoughts are based on their point of view and what they say

It would seem like total dominance have already been established in Asia (and elsewhere), except for one big factor, China! Earlier I wrote "how can you be challenged by someone when there is no one to challenge you in the 1st place?" This statement holds water if China did not exist, if China was a subdued nation like Japan, or if China was a weak country like the Philippines, since neither one are true the statement is false.

In fact, China poses a direct challenge to the west on every front--be it economic, military, cultural, technological, educational and even ideological. Without China in the equation, there would be no Asia to challenge the west, that is unfortunately but true. The U.S., leader of the western world, knows this, which is why it plans for the Pivot to Asia policy--part of its 'Asian strategy'. What the U.S. plans to do is to bring together as many Asian countries in the region to its camp and have them keep China engaged in our own backyard, thus handicapping us in our own neighborhood where it would be difficult to directly challenge the U.S. outside of Asia. It is able to accomplish this by putting itself in the territorial disputes between China and X, where X is supported by the U.S., it also helps that the U.S. has two puppet states in Asia and also many military bases there as well. And also by using the combined western mass media to hype up the 'China threat' it is able to keep the flame and tensions hot.

Now the question turns to, how can Asia challenge the west when Asia is busy challenging itself? THAT is what the U.S. 'Asian strategy' is all about and how the west intends to become unchallenged, although how successful this policy will be is yet to be known.

China is not stupid to attack any country where it will be used as an excuse to isolate us and further consolidate U.S. influence and control in the region and no country would risk attacking China, so my question is, how long can the west wait? Can it play the patience game longer than the oldest continual civilization-state on earth? Within this decade China will have a defense budget larger than the rest of the Asia-Pacific region combined and another decade further will have a defense budget that may even rival the U.S. for the number 1 spot, so there will definitely be a challenge for the west, the course has already been set.
Let me show their Aukats.

Sri Lanka - The Same Sri Lankan Bi*tch had a RAF Air Base in its Territory till 1957. It was India which forced them out of the region.

Pakistan: Signed SEATO and sat into the Laps of Uncle Sam forever!


China: After the Soviet Split in 1969 and when Soviet Daddy was near to Nuking china, China ran to American Daddy to save its A*s. It sold itself to America like Pakistan. And When Unkil had finished using China against Soviet, they Dumped China in 1989. :lol:

If your Soul is Harvested, F*ck off to Vatican. We don't give a Sh!t about Abrahamics. Who the F*ck are these People? They use our religion, Our Culture. I hope all Sinhalas Convert to Christianity. :lol:

This is one thing I have observed Pakistanis, Arabs, Chinese, Iranians, Sri Lankans, Turks all F*cking Sit on the Western Laps for 50 Years and from 1947-2001 India was the Enemy of the West and We didn't even have Normal Relationship with them and still have the audacity to blame India. :lol:

hahaha this is the funniest post i seen here, dude why are you fuming, chill pill man you are going to give yourself an early heart attack.
Convert to Islam and We will exclude from our Civilization like Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. :lol:

one thing you shouldnt do is talk about Islam and hinduism, its going to get really rough for hindus I assure you that

Islamic Republic of Lanka shall be achieved and You have no less Friends who will Help you. ;)

yes they should and they will become better looking then Indians will be the ugliest nation on the planet. maybe you should ask them to stay hindu so you stay on no 2 place
In fact, China poses a direct challenge to the west on every front--be it economic, military, cultural, technological, educational and even ideological. Without China in the equation, there would be no Asia to challenge the west, that is unfortunately but true. The U.S., leader of the western world, knows this, which is why it plans for the Pivot to Asia policy--part of its 'Asian strategy'. What the U.S. plans to do is to bring together as many Asian countries in the region to its camp and have them keep China engaged in our own backyard, thus handicapping us in our own neighborhood where it would be difficult to directly challenge the U.S. outside of Asia. It is able to accomplish this by putting itself in the territorial disputes between China and X, where X is supported by the U.S., it also helps that the U.S. has two puppet states in Asia and also many military bases there as well. And also by using the combined western mass media to hype up the 'China threat' it is able to keep the flame and tensions hot.

Now the question turns to, how can Asia challenge the west when Asia is busy challenging itself? THAT is what the U.S. 'Asian strategy' is all about and how the west intends to become unchallenged, although how successful this policy will be is yet to be known.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/199724-can-asia-challenge-west-oped-2.html#ixzz22NmDeiLN

good analysis
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