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Can Afghanistan become a future state of Pakistan?

You and your reply is more childish and illogical. Afghanistan is a country don't belong to Taliban but Afghan people. Taliban are no one which part of land belongs to whom. To be a state size doesn't matter. Afghanistan is already further divided in different states

Have you ever even met an Afghan ? They hate us more than our eastern neighbors. They blame us for burning kabul. Our relations have never been cordial with them. We have a major land dispute with them. Afghanistan is the worst thing that has happened to us, the illicit drug trade and the smuggling has had a huge impact on our economy. Why on earth would we want a failed broken state like Afghanistan to join the dominion of Pakistan and multiply our problems. We gain nothing.

I suggest that you first educate your self on Pakistan-Afghanistan relations and modern history before you start such benighted threads in the future. regards

Real Taliban are heroes of Pakistan and US, they ousted soviets from Afghanistan. Pak and US are still not against taliban. There are many offshoots of Taliban which are evil, controlled by Hindus in guise of Muslim (known as RAW agents, who provide ammunition and training to them to conduct terrorist attack in Pak and Afghan).

Wow, such ignorance ! you do know that the taliban never fought the soviets right ? They were formed in 1992 , 4 years after the withdrawl of Soviets from Afghanistan. By any chance , are you a teenager ?
Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers.:D:D
Islam = Unification = Strength.


Are you kidding?

Islam is the most conflict ridden religious group in the whole whole world..You have any idea how many people are killed everyday because they aren't the right muslim or are non muslim in a muslim dominated region?.. or how many people have died in Islamic history because of Islam?.

Islam has genocided and killed on ethnic, religious and racial lines throughout history..and if someone refuses to accept or ignore is an idiot.
If it wasn't for the pakistani army..realistically millions of non sunni would have been massacred by the mullahs in Pakistan...and anyone denying that is an idiot.
Have you ever even met an Afghan ? They hate us more than our eastern neighbors. They blame us for burning kabul. Our relations have never been cordial with them. We have a major land dispute with them. Afghanistan is the worst thing that has happened to us, the illicit drug trade and the smuggling has had a huge impact on our economy. Why on earth would we want a failed broken state like Afghanistan to join the dominion of Pakistan and multiply our problems. We gain nothing.

I suggest that you first educate your self on Pakistan-Afghanistan relations and modern history before you start such benighted threads in the future. regards

Wow, such ignorance ! you do know that the taliban never fought the soviets right ? They were formed in 1992 , 4 years after the withdrawl of Soviets from Afghanistan. By any chance , are you a teenager ?
You are the narcissistic and dogmatic person. Things changes with time. Differences diminishes with time. Reunification is difficult but not impossible. Pakistan and Afghanistan share strong cultural and religious ties.
I have mistook Mujahideen as taliban. My mistake. To err is human

If merger happens; we can extract the oils and minerals present under their land.
so, eastwards expansion plans having failed, looking at a weak state to the north ?
so, eastwards expansion plans having failed, looking at a weak state to the north ?
Eastward expansion still in process. Efforts are being made to merge Kashmir and Khalistan with Pakistan

are you going to leave on my advices :lol: soon. the unique high coming from cross fading the depressant and stimulant is very dangerous for health.
Is everything OK in your home town Afghanistan?
keep dreaming, meanwhile 1971 is a reality, snapped you in two
This was something good happened to Pakistan. Good riddance. For which every Pakistani should thank India.
But Khalistan and Kashmir is reality. Sooner or later it will come true. Today Sikh population is 30 million but in a decade would be 60 million.Stronger opposition from sikhs. India won't have any choice rather than giving up Khalistan. time is most awaited.
Afghanistan is a barren land, what can they possibly offer us? It would be better to stay away from this god forsaken f****d up country

Are you kidding?

Islam is the most conflict ridden religious group in the whole whole world..You have any idea how many people are killed everyday because they aren't the right muslim or are non muslim in a muslim dominated region?.. or how many people have died in Islamic history because of Islam?.

Islam has genocided and killed on ethnic, religious and racial lines throughout history..and if someone refuses to accept or ignore is an idiot.
If it wasn't for the pakistani army..realistically millions of non sunni would have been massacred by the mullahs in Pakistan...and anyone denying that is an idiot.

oh really tell me which Muslim horde or army in history is responsible for massacring races and wiping out millions of civilians as that is the clear definition of the word "Genocide", now I'm not saying that weren't any crime and killings done by the Muslims of-course there would have been, those were such times but compared to other civilizations the conquering Muslims treatment for majority of the conquered natives were almost benign and many unbiased western historians agree to it, also if Muslim armies were such marauding genocidal maniacs then how come even after a thousand year of ruling India there are still billions of Hindus still living there or ruling Spain for more then 800 years today no traces of Islam is found there, which Muslim armies when to Malaysia and Indonesia and conquered them?

Now please don't give the accounts of ISIS and Al-Queda, with a multi billion dollar intelligence agencies like CIA and Mossad and also your Raw operating today it would be foolish to accept that don't have anything to do with the creation of ISIS and other proxy terror groups, tell me which is in more interest for Israel today a prosperous and united middle east or the barbaric evil middle east which it then can easily sell to the western world?.

Btw do you know about the NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden, the same guy who appeared on the last week tonight with John Oliver, he revealed through his document the ISIS leader baghdadi is a CIA asset and they created and funded him.
Afghanistan is a barren land, what can they possibly offer us? It would be better to stay away from this god forsaken f****d up country
The oil and minerals beneath their land. Which they are unable to extract.

Significant mineral heritage with over 1,400 mineral occurrences recorded to date, including gold, copper, lithium, uranium, iron ore, cobalt, natural gas and oil.Afghanistan's resources could make it one of the richest mining regions in the world.
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This was something good happened to Pakistan. Good riddance. For which every Pakistani should thank India.
But Khalistan and Kashmir is reality. Sooner or later it will come true. Today Sikh population is 30 million but in a decade would be 60 million.Stronger opposition from sikhs. India won't have any choice rather than giving up Khalistan. time is most awaited.
you don't know your history very well, do you ?

sikhs ethnically cleansed you lot from our Punjab during partition, they'll do it again.

Kashmir is also all in India, that little punjabi sunni terrorist infested sliver of land you call AJK isn't real kashmir anyway.

I suggest you quit dreaming about Afghanistan, those guys don't recognize the border, and with Punjabi sunnis dominating every aspect of life in Pak, don't be surprised if you see Pukhtoonistan instead of Khalistan. :enjoy:
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