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C-130J crashes in Gwalior

the incident u r highlighting was not a plane crash buddy it was bombed ... nothing to do with pilots
There was no evidence for any bomb. In any case, Pakistani planes crash too, including the ones from America, so spare us this condescention that our military is only now evolving from primitive things to modern stuff. By and large, the IAF operates far more sophisticated toys than the PAF, and has done so for decades.

The dust has literally not settled, and some people are already looking to score points.
We have IAF & IN ...why we need enemies...
This is indeed a shameful incident in the recent history of I.A.F.I mean how on earth did they manage to crash a brand new C-130J Super Hercules which was purchased less than a couple of years ago.Now i am seriously thinking about what the pakistani members used to say about our pilots being poorly trained:angry:.I mean P.A.F. has been flying the basic version of C-130 for more than 40 years now without crashing even a single plane(leaving aside the Zia Ul Haq crash which was clearly a conspiracy).Normally i am quite sympathetic towards our Armed Forces but the present situation is totally unacceptable.Shame on the I.A.F. for imparting poor training in our pilots....:tsk:

You are very misinformed. Pakistan operated C-130s have crashed as well, including one instance of a mid air collision between two C-130s near Chaklala AFB in 1998 that killed several top air force personnel. But we shouldn't stoop so low as to blaming their training or capabilities, or saying that formation flying is beyond them or any such condescending remarks, unless we know for sure that that was the reason.
pakistanis are maintaining some prety old machines even from 60,s......indiand should be more carefull.these r not russian.this is american
maintaining western aircraft is easy than russians
maintaining western aircraft is easy than russians

BTW, as of now, the maintainance is done by the OEM, ie Lockheed-Martin, according to contractual obligations. I hope this puts to rest all these innuendoes about India's shoddy maintainance and whatnot.
You are misinformed. Pakistan operated C-130s have crashed as well, including one instance of a mid air collision between two C-130s near Chaklala AFB in 1998 that killed several top air force personnel. But we shouldn't stoop so low as to blaming their training or capabilities, or saying that formation flying is beyond them or any such condescending remarks, unless we know for sure that that was the reason.
Then how will explain this debacle.I mean you can't seriously think about blaming the aircraft when we all know that it was only a couple of years old and probably had clocked some 400-500 flying hours.We all know that any U.S.made equipment is generally state of the art and this aircraft was also not an exception.We have to admit the fact that the I.A.F. is probably the worst air force in the entire south Asian region when it comes to pilot training and currently holds the dubious record of crashing more than a thousand combat aircrafts in peace time operation.
You are very misinformed. Pakistan operated C-130s have crashed as well, including one instance of a mid air collision between two C-130s near Chaklala AFB in 1998 that killed several top air force personnel. But we shouldn't stoop so low as to blaming their training or capabilities, or saying that formation flying is beyond them or any such condescending remarks, unless we know for sure that that was the reason.
we purchased 2nd c-130s from Australia and USA
but we have lot of experience of maintenance
indian still did not have sufficient crew for highly advance aircraft
this is reality
Please dont advice us anything pakistani , you cant even control a bunch of tribesman in your own country. THey own you badly! :lol:
why u r diverting topic
there are more than 21 insurgencies groups in india
Then how will explain this debacle.I mean you can't seriously think about blaming the aircraft when we all know that it was only a couple of years old and probably had clocked some 400-500 flying hours.We all know that any U.S.made equipment is generally state of the art and this aircraft was also not an exception.We have to admit the fact that the I.A.F. is probably the worst air force in the entire south Asian region when it comes to pilot training and currently holds the dubious record of crashing more than a thousand combat aircrafts in peace time operation.

There is so much wrong with this post that I'm not sure where to begin.

1) Nobody has blamed the aircraft as of yet. But in military aviation, there are a thousand factors that can go wrong - design flaw in the aircraft, component failure of any one of the tens of thousands of components and subcomponents, weather conditions, pilot error, sloppy SOP, sabotage, bird hits, short circuit leading to a fire in a critical component, Foreign Object Damage...there are far too many reasons for a plane to crash. It is not always a simple either-blame-the-plane-or-the-pilot situation. These are complex machines, not like a motor car or dishwasher. The best answer to what went wrong is "we don't know", until it can be conclusively established - if that ever happens.

2) The next statement is just plain wrong. The crash rate of the IAF is comparable to that of any other air force, given its size and number of sorties and average age of the fleet. The USAF and USN have crashed several times more aircrafts than the IAF in peacetime, which is not surprising since their size is several times larger and so is the number of flying hours. However, note that the aircrafts of the USAF and USN are usually only half as old as that of the IAF; and yet, they have crashed thousands of F-teens alone, not to mention other jets.

As for pilot training, the IAF usually gives more hours in operational combat jets than other air forces in the region. Check out the average training hours put in by an MKI pilot, for example.

may be its pilots error
Maybe it is, maybe it's not. We cannot know until investigations are completed.
RIP to the dead.

C130 is a very stable plane, it was designed that way. Even with 1 engine pilot working pilot can land the plane. Being a new plane it dont look like a technical fault. Pilot error, sabotage can be a possibility. Also in a hilly train it can be a mountain collision. Pakistan is flying its very old models since 50's. One was Zia Crash which was a sabotage, and on Chaklala one landing C130 due to failed brake collided with a parked C130, writing them both off. So regarding this C130j crash......:disagree:
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