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Businesspeople meet COAS ahead of FY22 budget presentation

And the saga continues.....
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So what. Your absconder leader Nawaz Sharif even had business with Israelis
Bajwa need to intervene because we can ill afford populist leader. Our public is stupid who doesnt know abc of geopolitics and geoeconomics. Im pretty sure USA will use IMF to get what they want and IK will have to accept.
Who was responsible for going to IMF 21 times before Imran Khan?

Not confirmed still finding the link for the WSJ article.
If true then Pakistan's security is compromised 21 times before Imran Khan 😂
The act empower PM for an extension, it was PM's discretion to extend the tenure of COAS why should PMLN vote against this principle??
Because your Pmln absconder leader Nawaz Sharif claims he was removed from power because he denied extension to General Bajwa
Why does the Army need to get involved?

If Cartoon-e-Azam PM Imran Khan is performing bad, his political party the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Baqwas need to force him to resign and put forward another candidate. Thats how it works in civilised nations.
Yeah why was army involved to bring your absconder leader Nawaz Sharif into politics?

Pyaray bhai let's focus on the topic, we shall debate in length on this topic later, as I am BACK. :enjoy:
It's all connected. Present Army chiefs meddling in business, politics to the selection of Nawaz Sharif, Bhutto by past army chiefs
NS isnt the problem, it's KJB and Niazi dunkey
Yeah sure
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The Military Establishment, remember Mushy got 35 Billion dollars to support the war on terror. Where has the money gone?
It went to pay back debts taken by your absconder leader Nawaz Sharif between 1997 and 2000
Because your Pmln absconder leader Nawaz Sharif claims he was removed from power because he denied extension to General Bajwa
MNS was removed because unlike the late 80s and early 90s he was a changed man. The perks enjoyed by the few were in jeopardy, the Pmln Govt was more assertive and took control of all the state affairs. The foreign policy, Defence budgets, new DHAs, CPEC, Mushies case, Raheels Extension, Loans for infrastructure and power plants, Coziness with the neighbors are just a few reasons.
I can post dozens of IK anti Establishment rhetorics here if you want.
What has our COAS got to do with Business, I thought this poor nation pays his salary to keep an eye on the borders. We have a Govt and a PM, who is he to meddle in all the Govt matters! SHAME
Under normal circumstances, the COAS or the Fauj shouldn't be indulging in matters of politics or business. But circumstances are not normal in Pakistan. Pak fauj will continue to have a role in civilian life as well for some time at least. Not least being the lack of adequate managerial firepower at the top level in Pakistan. Faujis and retired faujis can provide that.

Right thing is to create an institutional framework for this. Specifying what is that the Fauj/COAS can do and cannot do in civilian life.

I don't know why are you guys jumping upside down in anger .
Its most probably due to Army ensuring SOP's during 2 days lock down in a week ( now one after 15th June ) as trader even rejected working hours , i forgot where they even asked Army not do join hands with Pak govt and Prov govts by ensuring timing and lock down and PM himself constituted NCOC where Army is a major player . Like it or hate it Pakistan Army is an institutions to look after many thing you guys never objected why few days ago Army reached Train accident area and did relief work although its job of rescue organization .
My guess is COAS has also PM Imran Khan approval as well . As it is released by ISPR so it is official meeting . They are not free like you guys to call or message you that he met for this reason. Don't you guys have anything to do ?? one Reply must have been enough by most of you guys ..
Take Care . Get Well Soon .
MNS was removed because unlike the late 80s and early 90s he was a changed man. The perks enjoyed by the few were in jeopardy, the Pmln Govt was more assertive and took control of all the state affairs. The foreign policy, Defence budgets, new DHAs, CPEC, Mushies case, Raheels Extension, Loans for infrastructure and power plants, Coziness with the neighbors are just a few reasons.
I can post dozens of IK anti Establishment rhetorics here if you want.
Changed man? Check Pakistan debt to gdp increase during 1997 and 1999, 2013 and 2017 when Nawaz Sharif was PM. Nothing changes for the crooks.

Haha, seriously. Mushy rescheduled the debt from the Paris club with Bushes assistance.
Still Pakistani economy was injected with dollars from abroad. It brought down debt to gdp and increased real growth unlike artificial growth during your absconder leader Nawaz Sharif
Check Pakistan debt to gdp increase during 1997 and 1999, 2013 and 2017 when Nawaz Sharif was PM.
Your obsession with MNS is not your fault, it's that what is constantly fed to your likes. Seriously your kind blames all the ills of Pakistan on his combined eight years tenure as PM. Before him and after him Pakistan was heaven on earth. Seriously Pakistan has been in existence for 73 years not 8. The Elites want you to believe this so that they carry on their dirty work for the others and settle abroad.
Your obsession with MNS is not your fault
Same to you. Your obsession with army generals. Same army generals who brought your absconder leader Nawaz Sharif into politics
Your obsession with MNS is not your fault, it's that what is constantly fed to your likes. Seriously your kind blames all the ills of Pakistan on his combined eight years tenure as PM. Before him and after him Pakistan was heaven on earth. Seriously Pakistan has been in existence for 73 years not 8. The Elites want you to believe this so that they carry on their dirty work for the others and settle abroad.
Before Nawaz Sharif happened, Pakistan had growing exports. Systematic money laundering wasn't there as foreign currency accounts without accountability were first allowed by Nawaz Sharif in 1992 under Economic Reforms Act.

Same to you. Your obsession with army generals. Same army generals who brought your absconder leader Nawaz Sharif into politics
Here lies the difference, at your age I used to think the same. Blame all the politician and Pak army Zindabad. After spending 35 years in political wilderness, I have come to the conclusion of how stupid we were made. In the 80s they picked up naive industrialists to do their dirty work. Facilitated his fathers business with easy loans. When that Naive started asserting himself they clipped his wings. The same goes with IK they will never let him thrive, weak PMs helps their agendas. I seriously think even with many kin in the services, it's time for them to sound the RETREAT.
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