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Businesspeople meet COAS ahead of FY22 budget presentation

If they are thinking as such then it is no wonder our business community is in such a peril. The answer is right in front of them. The army has the biggest gun. In a lawless country the one that has the biggest gun, will rule. Audit requires financial transparency, revealing of financial information to public and state eyes, hard questions and lastly penalties.

The thing about ruling from back is that you have to come upfront once in a while because if you want yes men that won't interfere with you then you have to be ready for the fact that they will be largely incompetent and in such a scenario you Will have to make decisions where they have to count and for this you have to take the reigns.
Hear, hear. I’m sure the honest ones aren’t thinking as such, that remark was laced with sarcasm.
Is manhoos ki term kab end hogi? When he got extension that's when I knew he is not the right person for the job. General Raheel Sharif was too good compared to nincompoop like Bajwa. Opposition is trying their best to throw dirt at army for meddling in the politics but he is deaf and blind to everything and doing his own thing.

Raheel Sharif’s political contributions paved the road for the success of the current COAS. And also pls watch your tone, article 6, etc.
The country for the first time is in REAL shit today can post numerous videos of public feelings for this Govt.

Actually the entire business community be it brokrages, fpcci, aptma, cement you name it every core sector of our economy is very upbeat. Our economic fundamendats have never been any better.
Regarding public feeling videos i can post a dozen reflecting the opposite aswell. Most of them are made to forward a particular narrative.

Regarding the common man, the buying power of every segment of our society has increased massively. Go to any local restaurant, small shop, even a common barber has a 30k phone in his hand. This was missing in 2017-18, where small businesses were complaining about lack of revenue. Today no shopkeeper will say customers nahi hain, thats why you see record sales in every sector even candyland made 1.5 billion in profits.

Inflation is there but it is propotionate to rise in income. Today it is hard to find quality labour for construction just to give an example.

For the first time we are seeing wealth generation.

This is where sir you are wrong. I gave the example of candyland for a reason not honda, they are bought by the lower middle and lower class aswell equally. If they post record sales and profit that means every segment is buying.
Labourers charge 25-30% more. Even Barbers more. Farmers have earned alot more. The companies manufacture products which caters to everyone not just the elite e. g. tea soap cooking oil cigerettes etc have record sales.
When cement sales record massive growth that means we can expect equal increase in labour hiring.

Overall income has increased. Another example when around 9 million expats send 30% more remittances, they include labourers aswell. With the current rupee to dollar rates you can understand the amount in rupees sent to their 20-30 million beneficiaries.

When your industry is performing well common workers benefit aswell. Just look at textiles we are have crossed record exports and consider the revenue in rupee terms in a labour intensive industry. If we have record output of 6 major crops with the minimum price increased the amount of money injected in rural areas.

We never witnessed these things before because we had a consumption led economy primarily reliant on imports, this does not increase wealth generarion at a basic level but for a specific subset.

One needs to understand where the numbers are coming from.
This is where sir you are wrong. I gave the example of candyland for a reason not honda, they are bought by the lower middle and lower class aswell equally. If they post record sales and profit that means every segment is buying.
Labourers charge 25-30% more. Even Barbers more. Farmers have earned alot more. The companies manufacture products which caters to everyone not just the elite e. g. tea soap cooking oil cigerettes etc have record sales.
When cement sales record massive growth that means we can expect equal increase in labour hiring.

Overall income has increased. Another example when around 9 million expats send 30% more remittances, they include labourers aswell. With the current rupee to dollar rates you can understand the amount in rupees sent to their 20-30 million beneficiaries.

When your industry is performing well common workers benefit aswell. Just look at textiles we are have crossed record exports and consider the revenue in rupee terms in a labour intensive industry. If we have record output of 6 major crops with the minimum price increased the amount of money injected in rural areas.

We never witnessed these things before because we had a consumption led economy primarily reliant on imports, this does not increase wealth generarion at a basic level but for a specific subset.

One needs to understand where the numbers are coming from.
Brother you are among the few whom I respect, but unfortunately I beg to differ on all of your assertions. The proof is in the pudding, at the grassroots level the ordinary Pakistani is suffering. We have had many Finance ministers changed but on the SM the numbers are good for the believers. I don't want to bombard this thread with Graphs and Surveys on how the common folk are fairing. From Hyper Inflation, loadshedding, per capita income, exports, mismanagement at all levels, rising trade deficits, revenue generation, debt burden, circular debts etc everything is in shambles.
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Brother you are among the few whom I respect, but unfortunately I beg to differ on all of your assertions. The proof is in the pudding, at the grassroots level the ordinary Pakistani is suffering. We have had many Finance ministers changed but on the SM the numbers are good for the believers. I don't want to bombard this thread with Graphs and Surveys on how the common folk are fairing. From Hyper Inflation, loadshedding, per capita income, exports, mismanagement at all levels, rising trade deficits, revenue generation, debt burden, circular debts etc everything is in shambles.

Sir to be honest you lost the argument when you quoted a 2020 june article just after we ended a lockdown before the rebound. Our lsm was at an all time low, our exports were low, our stock market percormance was poor because of lockdown.

Majority of the people have regained their jobs around 90% by the end of last year lost due to corona.

Now our lsm index is at an all time high not in % but quantitative index, our exports will cross even 2018 level.

Our revenue generation has posted 18% increase and have crossed 4t mark and will cross 4.5t by year end.

Our circular debt addition is expected to be 100b less than 2018 this fisical year given that our capacity payment has more than doubled.

Our trade deficit is far less than in 2018 (our CAD is negligible as compared to 2018). Our trade deficit stands at 27b in 2018 it was around 45b. We have moved past the covid shock. The article you posted was for may when we imposed a complete lockdown for 10 days and our exports was less than 2b that is a rarity just like august numbers when we had urban flooding in port city due to heavy rain.

Loadshedding, this recent phenomenon is just a 2-3 day thing, on a broader level our generarion is all time this FY so is our consumption at 6.5% growth. Our industrial electricity consumption has shown growth in double digits. We barely had loadshedding the entire year ( Generators and UPS shops have disappeared all over the country)

Our inflation js expected to be 9.1% for the whole financial year, for 11 months it stands at 8.8% cummulative. But our income per capita stands at 281000 rupees a huge jump, this is what i was saying. We have crossed 47t gdp in rupee terms. Buying power has increased aswell, otherwise there would be no record sales in many sectors.

That was an intellectually dishonest post.
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Sir to be honest you lost the argument when you quoted a 2020 june article just after we ended a lockdown before the rebound. Our lsm was at an all time low, our exports were low, our stock market percormance was poor because of lockdown.

Majority of the people have regained their jobs around 90% by the end of last year lost due to corona.

Now our lsm index is at an all time high not in % but quantitative index, our exports will cross even 2018 level.

Our revenue generation has posted 18% increase and have crossed 4t mark and will cross 4.5t by year end.

Our circular debt addition is expected to be 100b less than 2018 this fisical year given that our capacity payment has more than doubled.

Our trade deficit is far less than in 2018 (our CAD is negligible as compared to 2018). Our frade deficit stands at 27b in 2018 ig was around 45b. We have moved past the covid shock. The article you posted was for may when we imposed a complete lockdown for 10 days.

Loadshedding, this recent phenomenon is just a 2-3 day thing, on a broader level our generarion is all time this FY is our consumption at 6.5% growth. Our industrial electricity consumption has show growth in double digits. We barely had loadsheeding the entire year ( Generators and UPS shops have disappeared all over the country)

Our inflation js expected to be 9.1% for the whole financial year, for 11 months it stands at 8.8% cummulative. But our income per capita stands at 281000 rupees a huge jump, this is what i was saying. We have crossed 47t gdp in rupee terms. Buying power has increased aswell, otherwise there would be no record sales in many sectors.

That was an intellectually dishonest post.

Everything you said is WILL BE, Ik has been saying the same thing for ages. Even with full support he still has not got the team to deliver apart from borrowed technocrats. nothing to be proud of. Let's see how the month of June fares, I am expecting a lot of skeletons from the closets, will keep everyone updated.
I will leave this debate for it now as I am busy with other matter.Nevertheless, I respect your opinion and have no intentions of muddling it. Stay happy and blessed.
(On the side note you should be in the Govt as your presentation skills far exceed those in the cabinet). :cheers:
Everything you said is WILL BE, Ik has been saying the same thing for ages. Even with full support he still has not got the team to deliver apart from borrowed technocrats. nothing to be proud of. Let's see how the month of June fares, I am expecting a lot of skeletons from the closets, will keep everyone updated.
I will leave this debate for it now as I am busy with other matter.Nevertheless, I respect your opinion and have no intentions of muddling it. Stay happy and blessed.
(On the side note you should be in the Govt as your presentation skills far exceed those in the cabinet). :cheers:

There is barely any 'will be' in my post. The statistical facts are from FY 2021 sofar, we are in june.

The problem with our system is right people for the job are not interested or can not get elected. We have suffered greatly due to this system. The system has failed a long time ago. Its just personal interests and benefits of a few forcefully keeping it alive.

Stay blessed sir jee.
Khota Biryani overdose
I wonder under your Govt this is a mega achievement! :D
They aren't bothering to even pretend anymore! Khulay aam fauji raaj!!! Aur phir baighairat aik dam masoom ban jain gay - it was IKs government, it was always NS, it was Zardari rule, the politicians are to blame, bs bs bs when in reality it has always been General ka rule since as far back as I can remember!

I swear I love our armed forces, but I genuinely hate these Generals and all the damage they have done to Pakistan and continue to do. Every massive mistake can be traced back to these idiots!
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