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BURMA (ALLAH give us Muhammad Bin Qasim Again)

Burma’s massacres and the world’s conscience

Burma is located in Southeast Asia covering an area of more 250,000 square miles and with a population of more than 60 million people. In recent history it was under British rule from 1886 until 1948, and Burma is a country that never been part of the Commonwealth after the departure of the British.
During the British rule, many people from nearby countries, especially from India, came to Burma. But many Muslims have been in the country for centuries. Burma’s main religion is Buddhism with about 4 percent Muslims and other minorities. The foreigners who came to Burma started to dominate running the services in the country.
They were met with extreme resistance and violence. Burma was and still is one of the poorest countries with one of the lowest GDP and per capita in the world. Burma never caught up with the other Southeast Asian countries in regard to development and economic advances, even thought it has far many more rich resources than some of the Southeast Asian countries. Burma drastically declined in development. It moved from a free market to a Soviet style governing body.
The economy of Burma used to be the strongest among Southeast Asian countries. They were the world largest exporter of rice and it has a lot of untouched forests with the best teak. But poor planning and mismanagement brought economic and social disaster to the people of Burma, and with poverty and lack of education, the country went into chaos.
The recent outbreak of violence is spreading even with efforts of Suu Kyi, the leader of the democratic opposition, who spoke to many world leaders about the situation in her country.
But the atrocities against Muslim minorities had been going on for a long time. It has to be dealt with once and for all. The northern area is only one part of the violence. The chaos is spreading and there is fear that an all out civil war can be near. The president of Burma, Thein Sein, has no control over his own armed forces. He was pressured by the west to calm down his own forces, but, the field commanders are not obeying his orders.
Now Muslim minorities started to leave Burma out of fear. Many of the refugees went to neighboring Bangladesh, but their treatment is not far better than when they were back in Burma. And many more refugees went to China, but the areas are not receiving any aid and now there is fear of wide spread starvation and diseases.
The violence in Burma is widespread with summary executions, torture and rape. The situation of the Muslim minorities is more complicated because they are not recognized as citizens and any scope of any reconciliation will not give them any protection. And it is very difficult to get any information about any solid agreement for the protection of Muslims because the country is very isolated.
The Muslim ethnic group, which is called Rohingya, has always been under constant threats and the massacres and it had been going on for so long, the world simply ignored the whole thing. The Muslims in Burma had been living like refugees in very desperate conditions and they are basically stateless people. And they are not allowed to own land and not allowed to travel outside their area (Rakhine). The world has to look at the Muslim minorities in Burma with serious steps to solve their chronic problem. The Rohingyas who live in the northern part of Burma are always called Bengalis regardless of his origin.
Because most of the fleeing Muslim Burmese are heading to Bangladesh, a country considered one of the poorest countries in the world, will not be able to accommodate or take care of the refugees. Also Bangladesh is having political problem of their own and don’t want to be dragged into a direct conflict with Burmese armed forces. The Burmese army did in fact attack the Bangladishi border in their efforts to pursue some Rohingyas.
Now, the situation in Burma is deteriorating for the Muslim minority and the official announcement about the reason behind the riots is not an excuse for many years of mistreatment of Muslims.
The Burmese government officials said the reason for the attacks on Muslims is because of the attack and rape by three Muslims of Buddhist women, but these attacks had been the norm for many years. Now the United Nations must to find a way to solve the suffering of the more than a million Muslims in Burma. There is an urgent need for medical supplies and food aid. And the only visible assistance came through some Saudi doctors who wanted to help, but there are many difficulties, which hamper their efforts. The number of people in need is very large and the access to where the refugees is very difficult to reach and hard to track. Burma is very isolated and very poor in every basic infrastructure.
I admit qasim only reached sindh before being put to death dishonorably, but why would you wish a foreign imperialist to attack arakan and take their women as slaves? They are suffering as it is.

That "foreign" imperialist made you Muslim kiddo
Those are Hindu Sindhis my friend... In few years there will be no pure born Sindhi in India, because the offspring of the Hindu Sindhis will be indian-born...

The talk was about shared heritage. Sindhi culture is very much alive in India because there are some Sindhi majority cities in India especially constructed for settling Sindhis.
a muslim woman ve'been killed by Buddhist extremitz n her child with her deadbody

The talk was about shared heritage. Sindhi culture is very much alive in India because there are some Sindhi majority cities in India especially constructed for settling Sindhis.

Your quoting BS... Indian Sindhis are in such low numbers, you won't even find a Indian metropolis full of Sindhis....
These are so disturbing images ..

so sad to see the Killing of innocent muslims.

Never seen any news on Pakistani Sh*t media .. the JEWISH supported channels in Pakistan never telecast these types of News.
a muslim woman ve'been killed by Buddhist extremitz n her child with her deadbody

They are not Rohingyas, Rohingyas looks like Bangladeshis and Rohingyas' language is similar to Bengali. Look the letters are written in Chinese.
This is the a thread of our Burma Muslim's Brother

who are killing by Buddhists Extremest and the Govt of Burma ... n no body even telling abt them...

there is not any Muhammad Bin Qasim in our Arm Forces ?? By ALLAH ... if i were a power i would send a army n i were be a man who'll leading that Army ,,,, n i'll be happy to be kill in it.... i don't care wht a world say abt me ... i just care what my ALLAH say abt me ?? i am still seating in Silence it's HARAM for me

where r u MUHAMMAD BIN QASIM ...

Where are u ..... ALLAH Give us a man AMEEN....

<(_|_)| AKBAR :pakistan:

burma muslim's killing pictures - Google Search

Buddhist vigilantes kill 9 Muslims in Myanmar violence | Reuters

Killing of Muslims in Burma > Insaf Forum > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

Wake up to reality world does not work the old fashioned way anymore.

Actually there are other Muslim groups in Burma for which I haven't heard any shenanigans of. The Rohingyas have been there for many ages, not just since the British era.
Kingdom of Mrauk U - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I do not think it is a religious thing, but largely an ethnic one. There is over there. The treatment they get from NaSaKa is just legendary!

The Burmans have made a lot of enemies over time with other ethnic groups. They don't appear very bright do they?
Sir, the reality is Muslims in all over the world are slaughtered like animals , when a single christian, hindu, jew or buddhist is killed everyone starts to throw the blame on muslims . A death of few christians with just a suspicion of muslim involvement gives the west and europe a good excuse to bomb the hell out of a muslim country and when muslims defend them self against any opression then they are tagged as terrorist

For west and europe killing hundreds and thousands of people just on the base of some suspicion or an evil plan is war against terrorism and defence by muslims for their lives and security is terrorism. That is what the definition of WOT and terrorism in west is all about

One need to spit on the face of rulers of muslim countries who are no more than the servants of west .

Till the day people will not choose the right and pious person these sorrows will only increase

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