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Building a new ‘Mandar’ in Riyasat-e-Madina is against the spirit of Islam: Ch Pervaiz Elahi

Just because some people attack Islam does not mean the rest of us become like them
Thats cute.

Islam is mocked on a daily basis on pdf. No one takes any action. Do I need you to remind you each and every time someone takes a jibe at Islamic concepts like jihad, sharia, ummah, hijab ?

If someone makes a statement, lets say, in favor of ummah or jihad or against construction of temples by taxpayer money, y'all start howling in agony and hand out certificates of wahabi, extremist, racist, ttp, lej all in one go. You even try to bend Islam so that it suits your Western sensibilities but if someone points that out, he becomes an extremist filthy mullah.

No it doesn't justify anything. I am a human and may err. But if you think that someone mocking Islamic values by saying stuff like ummah chummah or mocking jihad, shariat etc (things which are a daily occurrence here) don't fall under the same category then you are mistaken my friend.

Should non Muslims be expected to pay Jizya in Pakistan?
Muslims pay zakat.

Non Muslims pay jizya.

Islam doesn't care about your sensibilities. It is what it is. Either take it or leave it. Its not about what you like or not.

please give me some thing that they are exempted from the tax bracket.
They aren't exempted from tax bracket. They have to pay jizya which is a tax.
How will you do it? by putting a knife to his throat or by delivering the message of Allah pak?
When did I say put a knife to anyone's throat. They are entitled same rights as that of Muslims minus that they cannot be the head of the state.

Let me explain my position:
They can build temples. But the state cannot build temples at taxpayer's expense.

They can do business, jobs and are to be treated with justice, honor and dignity and are entitled to public welfare schemes. They are even exempted from conscription. They, however, cannot become head of the state.
Muslims pay zakat.

Non Muslims pay jizya.

Islam doesn't care about your sensibilities. It is what it is. Either take it or leave it. Its not about what you like or not.

They aren't exempted from tax bracket. They have to pay jizya which is a tax.

Someone who propagates that non Muslims have to pay jizya in this day and age simply cannot be taken seriously. Even Saudi Arabia does not take jizya now.
They aren't exempted from tax bracket. They have to pay jizya which is a tax.
So if they are in tax bracket & citizens of this country then they have a right to receive the support from this govt.
Someone who propagates that non Muslims have to pay jizya in this day and age simply cannot be taken seriously. Even Saudi Arabia does not take jizya now.
The catch is that there is no other tax besides zakat and jizya in Islam. It is a substitute for tax itself. But it is futile to talk about alternative political systems with someone who has been mentally colonized by the West. Keep on dancing to the tunes of your gora overlords.

So if they are in tax bracket & citizens of this country then they have a right to receive the support from this govt.

They can build their own temples just like Muslims collect chanda and build their own mosques.

There is ijma on that particular issue. It has got nothing to do with your sensibilities.

They can build their own temples just like Muslims collect chanda and build their own mosques.

There is ijma on that particular issue. It has got nothing to do with your sensibilities.
Give me a reference of what you are saying from the book of Pakistani law, I will agree with you.

I can give you reference of 100s of mosques built from Tax money.
When you travel on motor way there is a mosque built on every service station from Tax payers money.
Give me a reference of what you are saying from the book of Pakistani law,
I am talking about Islamic principles not Pakistani law.
I can give you reference of 100s of mosques built from Tax money.
Did I talk about mosques? I only talked about mandirs. Mandirs cannot be built from tax payer money as per Islam. Period.

Historical reference of Muslim kings who also killed their own brothers plus waged wars against fellow Muslims is not a good example to quote when talking about Islamic principles.

Hundreds. There are mosques in police lines colleges and other government offices. Some mosques imams including Lal masjids imam receive salary from government.
Mandirs cannot be built from tax payer money as per Islam. Period.
Hundreds. There are mosques in police lines colleges and other government offices. Some mosques imams including Lal masjids imam receive salary from government.

Auqaaf department ka Audit kyon nahi karwa lete?

This government rose to power due religious blackmail and now wants to implement fascist ideology by masking it as Nationalism
I never came across this it will be knew knowledge for me & will help me.

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