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Building a new ‘Mandar’ in Riyasat-e-Madina is against the spirit of Islam: Ch Pervaiz Elahi

People doing bakwas against Pakistan have no problem when the West imposes restrictions on Muslims like niqab ban, hijab ban, minaret ban, azan ban, animal sacrifice ban etc. However, these same people go absolutely ape when some Pakistani expresses his opinion that taxpayer money shouldn't be used for construction of temples. Jaahil worshippers of Western culture don't even realise that even the West isn't involved in such cheap gimmickry.
So Western culture is to accept all religions? and Islamic culture to kill anyone who is not Muslim?

Why are you using the internet? It's also an invention of the west. Heck pretty sure the servers of this website and backend are running on western infrastructure. Forget that why are you typing in English?

Munafiq ki ulaad
So Western culture is to accept all religions? and Islamic culture to kill anyone who is not Muslim?

Yes. That is the logic of most Pakiatanis.

West shouldn't ban niqab but we can ban miniskirts.
Yes. That is the logic of most Pakiatanis.

West shouldn't ban niqab but we can ban miniskirts.
I don't quite agree with the miniskirts bit, since its not part of our culture. However, safeguarding somebody's right to have a different religion should be part of our culture.
So Canada is funding construction of Mosque?
Doesn't matter what anyone else does.

We are not supposed to ape the West. Let these bandars copy the West in their own private lives. They might even change their religion if it appeases their Western gods. They have been intellectually dominated and colonised by the West. Their logic is that if the West does it then it might be right.

There is no place for syncretism in Islam.

Islam grants the minorities right to worship, life, honor and property. But it is not the job of Muslim state to construct idol houses at taxpayer's expense.
I don't quite agree with the miniskirts bit, since its not part of our culture. However, safeguarding somebody's right to have a different religion should be part of our culture.

Niqab is not part of the West's culture also.

It's also not a part of our Sufi culture. It's an Arab Wahhabi imposition.
West can ban whatever it wants and so can we. It is hypocrites like you who give the exclusive right of banning stuff to the West while denying that same right to Pakistan.
Don't put all Pakistanis in the category of 'we'.

There are plenty of Pakistanis who see no issue with the construction of the Hindu Temple.
It's no big deal, and there are reactionary turds in every society. This is just justice, all OUR people will get their due rights.
Nothing. Besides what can someone do with a potty mouth like you?

You run to mods, I don't. Its not my thing. I don't have such effeminate habits.

Finally, you only show your manners and your own upbringing to everyone else.

You have got some serious comprehension issues. Quite visible from your posts here and elsewhere where you exhibit your ignorance for everyone to see.

Why don't you start a promotion campaign for the mandir with that blue elephant potrait on your left side, that multiple arm diety's poster on the right side and a langoor on your head. That will do justice to your sentiments.

Brother, if you expect someone to respect our religion, then we must respect theirs.
Brother, if you expect someone to respect our religion, then we must respect theirs.
Brother, Islam is insulted and mocked on a daily basis on pdf. If someone states his position based on Islamic principles, he is immediately declared a mullah, TTP, extremist, LeJ, Wahabi, Jihadi and takfiri all at once without even hearing him out with an open mind. Concepts like Jihad, jizya and hijab are frowned upon, at times by our own compatriots. No action is taken.
Brother, Islam is insulted and mocked on a daily basis on pdf. If someone states his position based on Islamic principles, he is immediately declared a mullah, TTP, extremist, LeJ, Wahabi, Jihadi and takfiri all at once without even hearing him out with an open mind. Concepts like Jihad, jizya and hijab are frowned upon, at times by our own compatriots. No action is taken.
Mandir will get built, land has been allocated and funding has been provided. Karlo jo karna hai.
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Issue isn't with the construction of temple. Issue is with its construction at taxpayers expense. And we have the right to talk about it.
You can absolutely talk about it - I didn't say you couldn't talk about it, but don't cast it as an issue where Pakistanis are unanimous in their views. Like almost every issue or discussion in Pakistan, this topic too has supporters and detractors. That said, your comment did not make any distinction about opposing tax payer money for construction of temples vs construction of temples - you clearly said that 'if the West can ban X then we can ban Y' - so next time take more care in how you phrase your arguments.

From a legal perspective I agree (and I have said this on another thread related to the Temple construction) that the government should not be involved in funding religious places of worship with some exceptions for historical sites or sites that were occupied/damaged/destroyed and it was the government's job to prevent said damage/occupation.

Similarly, I would also like to see wide ranging actions against ALL mosques and madrassa's that have been constructed illegally. This issue is deserving of far more bandwidth and discussion than one single temple being constructed since the number of illegally constructed mosques and madrassa's is a much larger problem, especially if you're concerned about taxpayer money and the damage to tax payers - the illegally constructed mosques are either on government land or privately owned land - either way it is the average tax payer that is suffering.

Seems mods won't take action against mullah members.

They can declare anyone non-Muslim.

However, no matter how much these mullah dogs bark, it won't change the fact that the mandir will get built. Karlo jo karna hai
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