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Building a new ‘Mandar’ in Riyasat-e-Madina is against the spirit of Islam: Ch Pervaiz Elahi

The mandir in question is being built with public funds.
lol pakistani government not doing it in non muslim's love, motivation behind is good image(selfish motives). the love of government for non muslims is visible in the constitution for everyone to see.

“You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the state.” - Muhammad Ali Jinnah

these quotes are left for books only, in reality we non muslims are 2nd class citizen.
this is wrong
You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the state.
here is the correct one
You can only belong to one religion in the state of Pakistan
Nope Nasreen Jalil of MQM and PML-N ....

Whoever did it they Hindu community should be allowed to build this Mandir.. One point that Imran made in this video that religious places of worship are usually built with fundraising should be something to consider. Even mosques in Pakistan are usually built by fundraising and not by govt. At most land is provided for the mosque in rare cases but mostly even that is done by fundraising or donation of land. Govt has done its due by providing an expensive piece of land to Hindu community and whether construction is assisted by govt fund then that is something that can be debated. One can say if govt spent billions on Gurdawara Guru Nanak Sahib then a hindu temple shouldnt be an issue at all.

The issue here is timing if govt provides funds for temple now then all opposition will run malicious campaign against PTI endagering lives of PTI leadership as well as Hindu Community. I dont think that construction is an urgent issue and can be delayed for a year or two if govt funds are required.
“You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or to any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the state.” - Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Interestingly that last part of no business of the state is the only valid opposition to the building of this site. IMO it would follow that building a temple is no big deal, especially given this is good PR to promote a tolerant image of Pakistan and interfaith harmony.
Firstly, this obsession with PR has been a part of the problem with Pakistan's policies ever since Mush rule. Because , there is a real world out there which doesn't give a damn about such gimmicks and antics. The only thing which matters to them is whether or not your interests are aligned with theirs. If you toe their interests then they are OK with any kind of regime be it a theocratic, despotic, fascist or autocratic; doesn't matter.

Secondly, financing the construction of places of worship for non Muslims through public money is un-Islamic.

Thirdly, Jinnah wasn't born on the morning of 11th of August, 1947 and died in the same evening. But reading something other than a few English newspapers is something which cannot be expected from a lot of my country men.
lol pakistani government not doing it in non muslim's love, motivation behind is good image(selfish motives). the love of government for non muslims is visible in the constitution for everyone to see.

these quotes are left for books only, in reality we non muslims are 2nd class citizen.
this is wrong
You may belong to any religion, caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the state.
here is the correct one
You can only belong to one religion in the state of Pakistan

I am sorry for what you have to face.
In Mosques more people only gather during Friday prayers and Eid prayers but at such times there is no more traffic on roads as majority of public is Muslim and they attend Mosques during that time ,during rest of time there is not much gathering in any Mosque which can cause traffic issue.
Why are you mentioning world powers when it comes to the internal matter of Pakistan? Are Pakistani Hindus Pakistanis or are they foreign invaders?

Mosques getting attacked anywhere else is wrong, no one is saying otherwise. There is no reason to bring this up, it's not the Pakistani Hindus who are attacking any mosques.

As for bringing negative media spotlight, this is the most ridiculous reasoning for stopping the construction of a temple. If you think every negative thing can happen because it's a probability, then next time please don't come out of your house, as something bad (god forbid) might happen. You know, actually don't come out of your bed in the morning, what if you trip and fall over and hurt yourself. (Again, God forbid). Do you see how ridiculous you sound?

As for traffic, please tell me why you don't use the same reasoning when it comes to the constructions of mosques in Pakistan. Come take a walk with me in any major city in Pakistan near a mosque, and I'll show you major traffic congestion and parking issues. If we use the same logic, these mosques shouldn't exist.
those religious sites of minorities which are present already are only preserved in Islamic countries but building new sites are not allowed and also there is no rise n hindu population in Pakistan so there is no requirement or need of any mandir
The Ummayad and the Abbasid Caliphates both engaged in construction of religious buildings for non Muslims all throughout their dynastic rule
who the hell is this new islamic leader ?? moron .. when muslims conquered iran who were zorastrians, did we close down their religious beliefs ? in islam everyone is allowed to practice what they believe in

Iran converted to islam in a good 800 years after its conquest .. know your history corrupt chaur insaan ..

you my friend are “confused”

only 2 big mosques in pakistan

1 shahi masjid...........build .. long time ago

2. faisal masjid ....... money from saudia..

3. then bharia town masjid .biggest in asia

after that , no govt has ever shown any intrest in building mosques of enormous size.

..........the millions existing mosques small , medium, are all from charity, built, maintained, and secured
by the citizens themselfs.


. temples can be built , by hindu,s .. but if they purchase land from govt, and built from there own packet.

here , given free land. and millions of rupees from govt?
only 2 big mosques in pakistan

1 shahi masjid...........build .. long time ago

2. faisal masjid ....... money from saudia..

3. then bharia town masjid .biggest in asia

after that , no govt has ever shown any intrest in building mosques of enormous size.

..........the millions existing mosques small , medium, are all from charity, built, maintained, and secured
by the citizens themselfs.


. temples can be built , by hindu,s .. but if they purchase land from govt, and built from there own packet.

here , given free land. and millions of rupees from govt?

Government is saying that we have masawat, equality for all its citizens. Islam is all about equality even if you are buth parasat, idol worshippers. If government has made mosques with its own funds for its people, why not for hindus of its country? are they any less of people?

shame on you, you are confused and way out of line from islamic beliefs.
I see no issue with this. Sadly a lot of people against this move are themselves living in the west as a minority and day and night clamor for more religious freedom but aren't even willing to afford the same freedom to minorities in Pakistan. Jahil log.
I see no issue with this. Sadly a lot of people against this move are themselves living in the west as a minority and day and night clamor for more religious freedom but aren't even willing to afford the same freedom to minorities in Pakistan. Jahil log.
So Canada is funding construction of Mosque?
People doing bakwas against Pakistan have no problem when the West imposes restrictions on Muslims like niqab ban, hijab ban, minaret ban, azan ban, animal sacrifice ban etc. However, these same people go absolutely ape when some Pakistani expresses his opinion that taxpayer money shouldn't be used for construction of temples. Jaahil worshippers of Western culture don't even realise that even the West isn't involved in such cheap gimmickry.
People doing bakwas against Pakistan have no problem when the West imposes restrictions on Muslims like niqab ban, hijab ban, minaret ban, azan ban, animal sacrifice ban etc. However, these same people go absolutely ape when some Pakistani expresses his opinion that taxpayer money shouldn't be used for construction of temples. Jaahil worshippers of Western culture don't even realise that even the West isn't involved in such cheap gimmickry.

You have to let go of your crazy foaming at the mouth complex with the West. It doesn't matter one bit to the West, they keep advancing. It's only you who is left in a perpetual cycle of hate.
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