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BUET beats IIT to become Asia West champion in Moscow programming contest

Hindutva is a disgraceful ideology, their coach has Muslim name which he overlooked. Average IQs of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan are really low -- 82, 81, 83. Practically the same IQ. Realistically, India is far from competing with China whose IQ is 105. So I don't bother with nationalist debate.
You need more IQ to understand what affects IQ level.. age? Education ? GDP per capita and what affects average IQ ..avg age of population ? Education level of population ? GDP of the country ?
Don't make IQ a racial thing with your low IQ posts..
Infosys and TCS exist only as moneymaking enterprises, their involvement in cutting edge revolutionary research - such as that of developing a non-linux-distro OS or developing a Microprocessor architecture (forget actual Microprocessor hardware, of ANY sophistication) is zero. I don't expect these guys to change history.
It's not hard to figure out these companies serve different purposes it's like asking Intel to develop an OS comparable to Windows. Neither Infosys nor TCS is in software development business but they are consulting and B2B service providers. They are leading companies in their respective fields. They don't need to change the way they do business because they make $20 odd Billions in revenue and keeps growing. And are some of the most innovative companies.
ACM ICPC is definitely a very prestigious programming contest. The top teams from every college get to participate in the regionals. Then the top teams from each regionals participate in the world finals for the prize. I only managed to get a decent rank in one of the India regionals and boy even that was tough atleast for me and my mates. There is no doubt that each and every team that makes it to the world finals is very good at algorithmic programming and maths irrespective of who gets the final prize.
Also another point to note would be that it's basically a contest of algorithms, puzzles, math. You are not really judged for code quality or required to build any working gui application but to solve algorithmic/math problems using code, hence using it as a benchmark of which college/country has better software engineers in general is also not as valid.
A better view of software engineering would be something like Google summer of code participation where the students actually need to write working software for open source projects.
You need more IQ to understand what affects IQ level.. age? Education ? GDP per capita and what affects average IQ ..avg age of population ? Education level of population ? GDP of the country ?
Don't make IQ a racial thing with your low IQ posts..
Wake up. No country can compete with China with average IQ lower by 20 points. If it was another 20 points lower, that would be clinically retarded.
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Wake up. No country can compete with China with average IQ lower by 20 points. If it was 20 points lower that would be clinically retarded.

Wake up. No country can compete with China with average IQ lower by 20 points. If it was 20 points lower that would be clinically retarded.
Study changes in IQ during last 4 to 5 decades of different countries , changes in avg age and GDP of that country ,,you will realise it's not a rocket science..
Good achievement. Congrats
It's hilarious how these Pajeet's cope. :lol:
So 1.4 billion Hindus of your country couldn't produce a team good enough to beat the BUET team?

Well there's one thing we can never beat you at..
View attachment 783998
Give it a rest. Its getting old now.Bangladesh is even worse than this. Atleast India has achieved close to 90% ODF. "A proper ODF", unlike Bangladesh fake ODF.
I know I can already see Bhakt idiots coming down this thread to attack us on how Mahaan ancient Hindus were, and so advanced to develop space travel and plastic surgery, blah blah blah.

Speaking about the underlined, a few days ago I came upon this "academic" PDF presentation by a professor Shivanandam M from Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kanchipuram ( Tamil Nadu ) whose abstract goes :
Ancient Indian culture 7000 years ago knows how to create Vimanas to traverse the sky and beyond using a technology that NASA is still trying to harness today. There are many books and websites which forcefully and passionately assert that technologically advanced aircraft and spacecraft were in common use over the Indian subcontinent thousands of years ago. The sources also claim that advanced space propulsion technology being researched by NASA is in fact directly inspired by ancient flying machines. The references mentioned from Vedic texts such as Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Srimad Bhagavatham, Ramayana, Mahabharatha, Vaimanika Shastra and Samarangana Suthtradhara cites Vimanas that fly in air, water and land. They mention various propulsion including Mercury propulsion. Vaimanika Shastra provides complete manual for Design, Material selection, Manufacture, Operation, Space suits, Food, Tackling enemies, Becoming invisible etc. S.B.Talpade, Sanskrit scholar has designed and constructed an aircraft based on Vedic principles and demonstrated the first unmanned flight.
Read the PDF for fun. :D

We're talking reality here, not ganja and bhang-induced fantasy.

Very much. :lol:

It's not hard to figure out these companies serve different purposes it's like asking Intel to develop an OS comparable to Windows. Neither Infosys nor TCS is in software development business but they are consulting and B2B service providers.

That is a straight out excuse. What did those overhyped computer engineer "team leads" in Infosys and TCS learn then during their three to five years of "education" ? In all these decades couldn't these two very rich companies put together a team of five people to design an novel, reliable and simple OS which has a nice GUI ( like QNX Neutrino ) ? And speaking about the wonderful QNX Neutrino OS, its first version was developed in 1982 - one year after Infosys was established. I quote its history :

Gordon Bell and Dan Dodge, both students at the University of Waterloo in 1980, took a course (CS452) in real-time operating systems, in which the students constructed a basic real-time microkernel and user programs. Both were convinced there was a commercial need for such a system, and moved to the high-tech planned community Kanata, Ontario, to start Quantum Software Systems that year. In 1982, the first version of QUNIX was released for the Intel 8088 CPU. In 1984, Quantum Software Systems renamed QUNIX to QNX in an effort to avoid any trademark infringement challenges.

One of the first widespread uses of the QNX real-time OS (RTOS) was in the nonembedded world when it was selected as the operating system for the Ontario education system's own computer design, the Unisys ICON. Over the years QNX was used mostly for larger projects, as its 44k kernel was too large to fit inside the one-chip computers of the era. The system garnered a reputation for reliability[citation needed] and became used in running machinery in many industrial applications.

In the late-1980s, Quantum realized that the market was rapidly moving towards the Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) model and decided to rewrite the kernel to be much more compatible at a low level. The result was QNX 4. During this time Patrick Hayden, while working as an intern, along with Robin Burgener (a full-time employee at the time), developed a new windowing system. This patented[8] concept was developed into the embeddable graphical user interface (GUI) named the QNX Photon microGUI. QNX also provided a version of the X Window System.

Toward the end of the 1990s, the company, then named QNX Software Systems, began work on a new version of QNX, designed from the ground up to be symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) capable, and to support all current POSIX application programming interfaces (APIs) and any new POSIX APIs that could be anticipated while still retaining the microkernel architecture. This resulted in QNX Neutrino, released in 2001.
And now QNX is used in nuclear reactors, industrial control, military, automobiles, medical devices and even in the International Space Station. What does Infosys have to show as it started around the same time as the original QNX company ? What does TCS have to show as it started more than a decade before that ? All those IIT graduate Infosys founders, what has been their technological achievement ?

They are leading companies in their respective fields.

And what are those fields ?

They don't need to change the way they do business because they make $20 odd Billions in revenue and keeps growing.

There are profitable companies in India that produce motorcycles and dog clothing. Doesn't mean they should continue to exist.

And are some of the most innovative companies.

Innovative in what, blowing multi-colored hot air ? :lol:
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BUET beats IIT to become Asia West champion in Moscow programming contest

View attachment 783929
Jinat Jahan Khan, Abdus Salam Shawn
Mon Oct 11, 2021 01:53 PM
Image: Facebook

'BUET HellBent', a team from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), has earned the title of the 'Champion of the Asia West' in the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Moscow World Final 2021. Globally, it has also secured the 28th position out of 117 teams participating from over 100 countries in this prestigious yearly multi-tiered programming competition.

'BUET HellBent', a team from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), has earned the title of the 'Champion of the Asia West' in the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Moscow World Final 2021. Globally, it has also secured the 28th position out of 117 teams participating from over 100 countries in this prestigious yearly multi-tiered programming competition.

The team 'BUET HellBent', consisting of Arghya Pratim Pal (CSE-15), H M Ashiqul Islam (EEE-15) and Pritom Kundu (CSE-16) and coached by Mohammad Sohel Rahman, has overtaken the team from the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), Delhi to win ICPC Asia West region.

BUET HellBent participated in the preliminary competition in Bangladesh in 2019, organised by Southeast University. They came first competing against 1792 teams. The selected teams went to the next stage, ICPC Dhaka Regional 2019, where 190 teams participated. They came out on top again leading them to the world finals. The finals of 2021 were held in Moscow where the teams were given a problem set of 15 questions. BUET HellBent solved 7 of those problems making them the Asia West Champion, and securing 28th place in the global ranking.

H M Ashiqul Islam, a team member of BUET HellBent, said, "We have a strong culture in BUET when it comes to programming competitions. Our teachers arrange different contests every week, and anybody from any department can participate. We also help each other with problems which enrich our own knowledge. Moreover, it has helped us maintain good relationships with seniors and mentors, who have always mentored us and helped us."

The ICPC is one of the most prestigious programming competitions in the world, where the finest programmers and coders around the world compete to be crowned as the champion. Every year, more than 60,000 student programmers from more than 3,000 universities of 115 countries take part in the qualifying rounds.

Another team from Dhaka University, 'DU SwampFire' has also obtained the 33rd position in this event. The Nizhny Novgorod State University of Russia became the champion in the ICPC World Finals.

No one can beat Bengalis in the things which requires agility and manoeuvre, be it programing or be it flying fighter jets.
It has more credibility than Indian media.

Fake News Sir Gee, India has achieved 100% in vedic times.

very fake but at least not fake as Bangladesh.
"putting lipstick on the pig" kind of fake

100% ODF yet all shit goes to drinking water and natural water source. what the use of ODF than. It is not to just offer some privacy but to clean the ecosystem also. here read this.

from the article
“I learned that not one household I surveyed had access to a septic tank. Generally people connect their drain pipes to the nearby river which is heavily polluted, the water is totally black,”
and this is from an urban dwellings not even some rural habitat, where the situation will be even more grim.
so much so for 100% ODF. congrats again. keep celebrating. It does not matters to anyone outside BD anyway.
That is a straight out excuse. What did those overhyped computer engineer "team leads" in Infosys and TCS learn then during their three to five years of "education" ? In all these decades couldn't these two very rich companies put together a team of five people to design an novel, reliable and simple OS which has a nice GUI ( like QNX Neutrino ) ? And speaking about the wonderful QNX Neutrino OS, its first version was developed in 1982 - one year after Infosys was established. I quote its history :
Its called Economics afterall they have think tanks who probably have pitched your idea like a decade back and figured out it's rather a waste of time and money. If there is a monopoly or Duopoly it is near impossible to crack into such a market. OS for one Windows has more than 50% of market share. In search Engines Google has the monopoly, google had billions of funds to spare for a fresh OS but are yet to enter into one.

You take two IT giants in India and expect them to develop an OS which has nothing to do with their primary business. It's simply nonsense. From an economic standpoint spending billions on developing an OS which may or may not be successful is simply pointless.
I imply nothing nor do I condone actions in certain Indian states you are referring to.
My only point is like a lot of Hindu bengalis already have and are doing, this folks defintely would have some relatives in India. And when they would, their migration would be easy and welcome! Thats it.

some well known bangladeshi members would actually agree with me regarding how well connected the hindu bengalis are across border and how their extended families are staying in both the countries.
Some more vile ones will even root for these folks to actually move to India for that very reason. Its only because their ilk have no one at thes guys level they are all here boot licking Hindu kids.

adding to that, you are part of the Ummah right?
So why the heart burn when Hindus celebrate and welcome their brethren? The border drawn a few kilometres here and there would have made me a Bangladeshi or these guys Indian.
Chances were I would have migrated to India and these folks would not have migrated to a Muslim majority state with a state religion of Islam. These are plain facts.
And who is responsible for these all state?
very fake but at least not fake as Bangladesh.
"putting lipstick on the pig" kind of fake

100% ODF yet all shit goes to drinking water and natural water source. what the use of ODF than. It is not to just offer some privacy but to clean the ecosystem also. here read this.

from the article
“I learned that not one household I surveyed had access to a septic tank. Generally people connect their drain pipes to the nearby river which is heavily polluted, the water is totally black,”
and this is from an urban dwellings not even some rural habitat, where the situation will be even more grim.
so much so for 100% ODF. congrats again. keep celebrating. It does not matters to anyone outside BD anyway.

Whatever makes you sleep at night...cope and cope. :lol:

Latest Word Bank data,

From an economic standpoint spending billions on developing an OS which may or may not be successful is simply pointless.

LOL. Why should it take billions to develop an OS. Did those two Canadians who wrote the QNX v1 have billions ? I too have written a very simple, QNX-inspired OS some years ago and all I required was a regular Windows PC on which I learnt x86 Assembly language and then wrote the OS on Linux using the BCC compiler ( Bruce's C Compiler ) and ran it within an emulated PC environment using the Bochs emulator / virtual machine. Did I have billions ? I and a financing person co-founded a company to further commercially develop the OS but had to close down the company because of non-technological reasons. It won't take billions to do this. All it takes is a person or persons who can design and write the code accordingly, and Infosys and TCS don't have that intellectual capacity.
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When I was younger, in my early 20s, I too lived with the notion that certain communities, ethnic groups, nationalities etc are better at something, while others are good at something else. After 2 decades and some more wisdom, I can conclusively say that it is all a matter of having a head-start, and where you lack head-start, initiative.

Educated, privileged people in all countries are more successful, regardless of their man made classifications. I was born in a Brahmin family in North India and all my growing years I heard that business is for Marwaris / Jains / Aggarwals / Gujaratis and people like me are destined to fail. I did fail, but the reasons had absolutely nothing to do with my caste.

Trashing Indian IT skills is not going to give anyone any head-start and is rather juvenile. People who do not live in India have no idea of how big and thriving this sector is. Stereotyping Indians as lacking in innovation is cliched and if you dislike cliches about yourself, you should desist from tagging others with it. Why is it that inventing only an OS or a search engine qualifies as innovation? Why is good software design not innovation? Why is a high performing app that handles millions of transactions a day not innovation?

In any case if Indians are coolies, BDs and Pakistanis are no Nikola Teslas and Benjamin Franklins either. All of us developing country folks are improving and adapting existing systems for our own markets. We have a large business community and huge populations. For us Enterprise, B2C and B2B software is a no brainer. If your market requires helping farmers get better prices by reaching the customer directly, you don't sit and invent a new OS or search engine. The thousands of riders who deliver meals to doorstep need an intuitive app, in their local language, with good google maps integration. What has this got to do with inventing a super computer or a new jet engine? Innovations could be in process, in distribution and cost efficiencies and quality control too.

Franky this notion of innovation is too outdated and we South Asians continue to undermine our capabilities and treating ourselves as second grade to westerners.
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