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BUET beats IIT to become Asia West champion in Moscow programming contest

Well, Relativity Space is already doing it :

Its Terran 1 rocket is able to carry 1250 kgs payload to 185 kms low Earth orbit and the Terran R rocket will be able to carry 20,000 kgs payload to LEO. And eventually some of that to Mars. From this page :

Where have you seen this ?


And Relativity has been able to use this technique to more conveniently fabricate the tankage and engine of its Terran 1 rocket with self-developed alloys organically included in the fabrication process. From this page :

I mentioned Kaliakoir because maybe after my desired company is established in my city in India, after some years I can establish a branch in Kaliakoir. :)

I have to really look into what Relativity did for the Terran Rocket.

Anycubic Photon are a series of very small UV based 3D printers using photosensitive resin. You can use AutoCAD or other CAD generated files, the steps can be extremely minute, almost invisible. They can be used as masters for lost resin metal parts if necessary using sand-casting technology. Precision here is used as the byword, not volume or size. Think motorcycle carburetor parts for example.

Their largest current use is by hobbyists for miniature figures and they are quite popular for this purpose.

Man, I just got sick of politics to be honest as there are just too many perspectives to consider before you can call yourself objective. Also, I have came to realize that most human ills are universal and humans are just hypocrites who just do away with that by using whataboutery. While, I have broad philosophies (empathy, maximizing development/happiness of most people etc), I consider myself apolitical for most matters.

I am not acquainted with hardware stuff, so won't go there but processors seems to hard to manufacture : Design market seems to be dominated by US firms (Intel, Nvidia, Qualcomm - all three have India development centers by the way. You can apply and try your luck CAREERS AT NVIDIA INDIA, Intel Careers India, Qualcomm Careers India ) and manufacturing market dominated by Korea (Samsung) and Taiwan (TSMC).
Though India sort of tried its hand. See
Yes, China is ahead but they're so in every other sector too, why should we abandon what we already have to pursue an unknown territory. I am not "chest-beating" that I may deny obvious reality but it sounds ridiculous when BD is compared to India. Also, while not strictly "processors" but several cloud companies have been founded by Indians like Nutanix, Rubrik etc.
On OS, there's no point to reinvent the wheel when popular OS like Linux are open source for ages. One can build there custom distro out of it but don't expect to challenge any US giant in terms of market share. There's simply no return on that investment, why should on we put thousands or millions of expensive man-hours in such projects? If you believe it can be done, show us the way and be an influential billionaire yourself, maybe then people will take communist teachings seriously.

But they do provide significant exposure to start their own shit. Amazon ex-employees started Flipkart now valued at 37 billion dollars. Getting jobs is not the end of it - that's pretty obvious but it is also not easy to get the technical foundation to build something of your own without having a experienced pool of professionals. Let's see where it goes.
There are few success stories. But in vast majority of cases patents and profit all goes to American shareholders. Weather its google amazon Microsoft or Facebook. Indians can work hard or some in upper management at the end these are own by Americans.

These will help India but nothing like how your media keep mention India is 15 years behind china etc etc.. And all the usual hubris. For a country of 1.4 billion ppl India has dominate in multiple sectors across the board so far bunch of IT companies wont do that.

Small countries can focus one one or two thing and based on that can become rich ex Taiwan on semi conductors. Unfortunately for India that's not the case.
They produce the most patents per capita on earth.
Not all patents are equal. Google was founded on a single patent but produced far more returns than a million other "useless" patents which may never recover their cost of filing. Whites dominate in actual "hard science" research till now, just look at the winners of Turing awards, Nobel Prize, Fields medal etc.
Pakistanis are stupid they can't compete with high IQ indians and Banglas because we do not possess Hindus like bangla and India

Only high IQ Hindus can win these competitions!!
Funnily enough, I found a team bound for ACM ICPC (albeit from previous years) of FAST-Karachi and guess what? It had two Hindus out of three!!

There are few success stories. But in vast majority of cases patents and profit all goes to American shareholders. Weather its google amazon Microsoft or Facebook. Indians can work hard or some in upper management at the end these are own by Americans.

These will help India but nothing like how your media keep mention India is 15 years behind china etc etc.. And all the usual hubris. For a country of 1.4 billion ppl India has dominate in multiple sectors across the board so far bunch of IT companies wont do that.

Small countries can focus one one or two thing and based on that can become rich ex Taiwan on semi conductors. Unfortunately for India that's not the case.
Unlike some other Indians like to claim, India is NOT China. India has other structural problems including highly heterogenous population, land inequality, agrarian culture, rural poverty, caste conflicts, religious conflicts that either didn't existed in China at first place or CCP brutally stamped out early in their reign. Just think of this - While Software being one of the major export of India, 80% people I have met have never touched a PC. Yeah, India is dirt poor but that's regardless of some Indian's excellence in the software world. However worthless that may be, it tells at least one thing - India can grow. There's no predetermined wall stopping Indians but themselves.
Funnily enough, I found a team bound for ACM ICPC (albeit from previous years) of FAST-Karachi and guess what? It had two Hindus out of three!!
These are from recent weeks so I didnt even have to go to deep and that's why I remember, they are not even the best universities of Pak tbh
I cant see Hindus in these teams? Wait what? I thought only Hindus could ?! what my life is shattered

Logical explanation is Karachi is home to rich or upper caste Sindhi Hindus so the opportunities they have is something that an everyday Pakistani can only dream of having while at the same time Hindus of Thar are so-called low-caste so they live a bad life that most everyday Pakistanis wont live

Now put that Thari poor Hindu in that competition and watch if he'll win anything or not? - he/she wont win jack-s***
These are from recent weeks so I didnt even have to go to deep and that's why I remember, they are not even the best universities of Pak tbh
I cant see Hindus in these teams? Wait what? I thought only Hindus could ?! what my life is shattered

Logical explanation is Karachi is home to rich or upper caste Sindhi Hindus so the opportunities they have is something that an everyday Pakistani can only dream of having while at the same time Hindus of Thar are so-called low-caste so they live a bad life that most everyday Pakistanis wont live

Now put that Thari poor Hindu in that competition and watch if he'll win anything or not? - he/she wont win jack-s***
I agree to your observation. My comment was a extension of the jibe that you yourself took earlier.
Man, I just got sick of politics to be honest as there are just too many perspectives to consider before you can call yourself objective. Also, I have came to realize that most human ills are universal and humans are just hypocrites who just do away with that by using whataboutery.


While, I have broad philosophies (empathy, maximizing development/happiness of most people etc), I consider myself apolitical for most matters.

That is good and so do I hence you may consider again reading these proposal threads of mine :

I am not acquainted with hardware stuff, so won't go there

But then you can accept my postings about this. :)

but processors seems to hard to manufacture : Design market seems to be dominated by US firms (Intel, Nvidia, Qualcomm - all three have India development centers by the way. You can apply and try your luck CAREERS AT NVIDIA INDIA, Intel Careers India, Qualcomm Careers India ) and manufacturing market dominated by Korea (Samsung) and Taiwan (TSMC).
Though India sort of tried its hand. See

1. That vid has been posted before, twice, and yes, SCL didn't grow to its full potential for mass manufacture of processors and memory but it currently produces processor and memory chips and other elements for India's space industry and I think also for the military. Also, SCL has produced the prototype for the AJIT processor project from IIT-Bombay which is that institution's implementation of the American SPARC processor architecture.

2. About manufacture / fabrication of processors yes it requires big financial, material and supportive investment. Some years ago two Indian-led consortia - HSMC and Jaypee Group - made known their intention to establish a fabrication plant in India based on who the government will choose but nothing came out of plan other than a ground-breaking ceremony in Gujarat and MOUs with foreign companies to provide the machinery. But some days ago there was a thread on the forum about talks between Taiwan and India for Taiwan to establish a fabrication plant in India for a deal of I think 7.5 billion dollars. No news since then. Also, seems the Taiwanese were not so enthused with this idea of the Indian government and advised India to first set up fabless design companies which will design processors and send the designs to Taiwan or South Korea or say Israel or America for fabrication there. And that brings us to the point that the "design" branches of NVIDIA, Intel and Qualcomm in India and so-called Indian design companies don't really do actual design. They don't produce any innovation. They would be equitable to engineering software companies like Infosys and TCS.

3. Thanks for the career application links but do read a bit of my plan below.

Yes, China is ahead but they're so in every other sector too, why should we abandon what we already have to pursue an unknown territory.

Can you explain ?

I am not "chest-beating" that I may deny obvious reality but it sounds ridiculous when BD is compared to India.

Well, how different is an Indian fabless processor company from a Bangladeshi fabless company like Ulkasemi that @Bilal9 bhai linked earlier ? Both use existing, foreign processor architectures like ARM. The much-type IIT-Madras processor project called Shakti is nothing but its implementation of the international, open source RISC-V project and IIT-M got these chips fabricated in South Korea.

Also, while not strictly "processors" but several cloud companies have been founded by Indians like Nutanix, Rubrik etc.


On OS, there's no point to reinvent the wheel when popular OS like Linux are open source for ages. One can build there custom distro out of it but don't expect to challenge any US giant in terms of market share. There's simply no return on that investment

Linux is not a reliable, stable and secure OS when you want one for say a nuclear reactor or a medical device or a factory machine or in regular automobiles or mining vehicles and many such needs. For this you will need a proper RTOS like the legendary QNX Neutrino or another like INTEGRITY OS.

As for the stale statement "No need to reinvent the wheel" please read this recent thread of mine :

And then if Linux was so important and in India CDAC had already "developed" its Linux distro called BOSS why did DRDO announce in 2010 that it had begun a project to design and develop a new "futuristic" OS for Indian military, banking, consumer and other needs ?
The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is working on creating a futuristic computing system, including India's own operating system, said V.K. Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister and DRDO Director-General.

Talking to journalists after inaugurating the DRDO Transit Facility here on Saturday, Dr. Saraswat said: “We do not have our own operating system. Today, various bodies, including banks and defence establishments, need security. Having our own operating system will help us prevent hacking of our systems.”

Two software engineering centres are being set up for this purpose in Bangalore and New Delhi. “To start with, we will have 25 scientists at each of these centres. We are in touch with institutes such as the Indian Institute of Science, Indian Institute of Technology Madras and the Centre for Development of Telematics, besides universities and industries. We will use available talent.” Citing security reasons, he refused to provide details of organisations involved in the project.

The new operating system would also have commercial use, he said and added: “With a home-grown system, the source code will be with us and it helps in securing our systems,” he said. Asked about the money involved for the project and the timeframe, Dr. Saraswat said it was fairly a costly affair, without elaborating on the timeframe.
What has happened of this project eleven years later now in 2021 ?

There's simply no return on that investment, why should on we put thousands or millions of expensive man-hours in such projects?

Some years ago I had written a simple OS inspired by QNX Neutrino OS and yes it did take me some sleepless nights and many days but it was something that had to be done. With that I had also co-founded a company to further develop it for commercial productization. But the initial design it was just me who did it. Not a team of 400. QNX's first version was written in the early 1980s by two people too. So it will be with many other things. Many Indians will just have to discard being excusey and will have to necessarily put in the required intellectual and financial effort.

If you believe it can be done, show us the way and be an influential billionaire yourself, maybe then people will take communist teachings seriously.

1. So my Communist proposals and posts are not enough to be taken seriously by you ? Why not ? How did any revolution get taken seriously initially ?

2. Yes, for my project I plan to soon register a company at least with participation of a tiny group and then hope to get investment from venture capitalists to get the money to purchase a FPGA board to prototype the processor. If all goes according to plan. I have put my life on it.
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Also, seems the Taiwanese were not so enthused with this idea of the Indian government and advised India to first set up fabless design companies which will design processors and send the designs to Taiwan or South Korea or say Israel or America for fabrication there. And that brings us to the point that the "design" branches of NVIDIA, Intel and Qualcomm in India and so-called Indian design companies don't really do actual design.
Can't conclude that. There may be lack of expertise or lack of confidence in Indian counterparts since Indian design companies don't exists and foreign offices in India won't allow their employees to get hands on their sensitive IP. Taiwanese seem reasonable in their approach but who knows if India would successfully demonstrate its capabilities? Why it had to be in negative?
Well, how different is an Indian fabless processor company from a Bangladeshi fabless company like Ulkasemi
ULKASEMI | Services

We have the domain experience to handle the most complex and challenging analog circuit requirements.

Ulkasemi provides development of Verification IP using Verilog, Verilog-AMS, SystemVerilog, UVM.

Our physical design team has extensive Place and Route expertise, addressing the complete design spectrum from RTL through to GDSII.

Collaborate on IoT ASIC platform with several companies.

We offers programming, design, and consulting services to a wide range of industries and business areas.

We are able to draw on years of experience at the forefront of PCB design using the most powerful CAD tools.

Don't think they do anything relevant to microprocessors. PCB design is vastly different field.

nuclear reactor or a medical device or a factory machine or in regular automobiles or mining vehicles and many such needs.
Don't know the market for these niches but I guess they are small in size and scale. These small niches can not provide jobs to a larger population, so don't deserve first priority.
As for the stale statement "No need to reinvent the wheel" please read this recent thread of mine :
ROI. ROI. ROI. What's the return on investment on such things? Why should not the lower hanging fruits be utilized first?
2. Yes, for my project I plan to soon register a company at least with participation of a tiny group and then hope to get investment from venture capitalists to get the money to purchase a FPGA board to prototype the processor. If all goes according to plan. I have put my life on it.
Better, get off PDF and work on it if you put your life on it. Best of luck anyways.
Better, get off PDF and work on it if you put your life on it. Best of luck anyways.

I add to the design when the ideas come on their own. They may come individually or as a set both of which may apply to the whole system. For days I may be in a writer's block where I don't get ideas. Such is the process of a designer and in my case the project is a few years old and I have advanced on it and simplified it a lot since and on the company plan too I have simplified ( like seeing any coming employee as an equal partner in the company, at least getting the company registered, do the rounds of venture capitalists, certain departments of the Establishment to approach... Such practical things for the short-term or long-term ). Me being on PDF is immaterial to the effort I spend on the project now though when the company actually gets going I will of course spend lesser time here.

And thanks for the good wishes. :tup:

ROI. ROI. ROI. What's the return on investment on such things?

From the article :
GACW is currently focused on the $30 billion per year OTR mining market.
Is that not enough ? :)

Why should not the lower hanging fruits be utilized first?

Which are those ?

Don't know the market for these niches but I guess they are small in size and scale. These small niches can not provide jobs to a larger population, so don't deserve first priority.

Please elaborate.

Can't conclude that. There may be lack of expertise or lack of confidence in Indian counterparts since Indian design companies don't exists and foreign offices in India won't allow their employees to get hands on their sensitive IP. Taiwanese seem reasonable in their approach but who knows if India would successfully demonstrate its capabilities? Why it had to be in negative?

Well, let's see what I can do in the fabless space. I won't say more than that on an open forum.

ULKASEMI | Services

We have the domain experience to handle the most complex and challenging analog circuit requirements.

Ulkasemi provides development of Verification IP using Verilog, Verilog-AMS, SystemVerilog, UVM.

Our physical design team has extensive Place and Route expertise, addressing the complete design spectrum from RTL through to GDSII.

Collaborate on IoT ASIC platform with several companies.

We offers programming, design, and consulting services to a wide range of industries and business areas.

We are able to draw on years of experience at the forefront of PCB design using the most powerful CAD tools.

Don't think they do anything relevant to microprocessors. PCB design is vastly different field.

There are those "Functional verification" and "Physical design" points which are related to processor implementation. And from this page :
• ARM processor based MCU expertise
- NXP, TI, Marvell, Maxim, Microchip & ON semiconductor

WiFi, Zigbee & Bluetooth

Linux, Windows, Android and IoS

From this page :

Semiconductor design is a highly competitve and dynamic sector pitching large established companies against new emerging ones, all seeking the market leading performance for a succesful design.Design costs are rising to accommodate increased design and verification costs and the use of the latest technology nodes. Examples of our expertise include:

  • Architecture Planning
  • System Level Modeling
  • Circuit Design and Simulation
  • Block and Full Chip Layout
  • Physical Verification
  • Parasitic Extraction
  • Post Layout Simulation
  • GDSII Release
  • Foundry Interface

Ulkasemi's design teams are always designing and 50% of our engineering resource is typically operating on designs below 20nm technology node. An engineer in a Ulkasemi team will reach tape out a number of times a year and have knowledge of most of the latest EDA tools within their expertise area.
"20nm node" refers to the size of the transistor in a processor chip usually.

From this page :

Functional Verification is often the most resource intensive and costly part of the SoC hardware design process. Ulkasemi’s engineering team can starting verification early in the design cycle by streamlining testbench development, facilitating faster turnaround times and high quality, reliable designs.

Ulkasemi’s expertise covers a comprehensive range of skills including test plan creation, testbench development and design debug at both IP block and SoC level. We are able to bring the latest testbench verification methodologies such as UVM VIP development, ABV and metric driven verification.

  • Feature extraction from Specification.
  • Develop test plan which includes stimulus generation plan, functionality checking and coverage modeling.
  • Review the test plan with Design team.
  • Develop testbench environment and other components for verifying each block in design.
  • Create necessary test cases to ensure desired functionality of each block.
  • Run Regression tests at block level and report bugs in RTL.
  • Create directed and randomized test cases to check corner cases in design.
  • Integrate all blocks and reuse block level verification components to verify the design at system level.
  • Run tests at system level to ensure correct block integration. Proceed with system level regression testing to verify system functionality and generate coverage reports.
"SoC" means System-on-Chip which refers to the I/O subsystems ( WiFi, USB etc ) of a computer built on the same chip as the processor.
No bhai, @Naofumi is a Muslim and a sensible one :) but in his current college life he seems not be in company of progressive / leftist activists so he sometimes does go overly nationalist and sometimes makes non-delicate posts that say if 350,000+ Indian farmers committed suicide just within 20 years it can be explained away by saying it is but a minuscule percentage of India's population. Naofumi, you know I respect you but do consider above.
So instead of 3,50,000 suicides in 20 years, you want millions of Indians to be killed in a single year a la holodomor.
Can we not revive six month old threads with off-topic comments??

Please stay on topic...
American IT companies wont make india rich. Maybe it will help them to get by to pay bills but thats pretty much.

Let indians feel proud being IT salary man for us companies. Yes that will help these ppl the few lucky ones buy detached home in usa...but it wont change india...india will remain a third world shit hole it is now.

And seriously you are comparing china with india lol. Its like comparing bangladesh with japan or south korea. Better not go there.
Exactly, I dont know why indian bhakts have this infatuation and obsession over their IT industry. At most it will make the lives of 1-3% of indian society better, these people will probably move to the west anyways. Just because your IT exports are good does not improve the living situation of 95% of the rest of the population.

This is why I admire Bangladesh's bottom-up model of growth, start with the low-skill stuff like textiles, farming, so the poor can improve their living situation and then move on to the bigger stuff like IT and semi-conductors so the educated and middle class can improve. You can't have a Google headquarters next to a dharavi type slum and call urself a superpower capable of competing with China.

Sad reality for all South Asian countries is that all these things are easier said than done and unless we all adopt a China type one-party authoritarian system with massive re-education of the masses we will remain thirdworld shitholes with pockets of good areas and cities/states to live in like Islamabad, Kerala, and whatever area in Bangladesh is considered to have a high quality of life.
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