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Buddhism v Islam in Asia Fears of a new religious strife

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In ASEAN we have a motto "You can do whatever you want as long as it within your border," but we will interfere when a country problem become its neighbors problem. This Rohingya incidents for one has reached to the entire Archipelago & to the international community.

You do realize that the Myanmar you see today is a product of ASEAN diplomacy toward the country. (Indonesia mostly done the work, but you know what I mean)

Bro, Rohingyas has become a problem because Muslims particularly from Pakistan and Bangladesh have inflated it to those proportions.

Funny how the world doesn't react when my community was persecuted in these countries.

Rohingyas want a separate country with Islamic belief in a non-Islamic country.

Tell me how can one tolerate separatism and communal attacks in ones' own land?

Burmese Buddhists were fed up of Islamic bullying there as these people are not open-minded and friendly like Indonesian muslims.
Burmese Buddhists csn destroy other buddists or hate each other I don't care

But when they attack Muslims they are asking for vengeance from 1.7 billion Muslims and growing

Its true other buddists may face punishment first but Burmese should not think we will forgive or forget

We have a habit of remembering feuds and emnities

Would you approve of blowing up car bombs in the middle of Laos for what happens in Burma?
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You're cowards

Its true in your country its true when you emigrate

Its shameful watching you people lower your eyes when some punk makes a comment

You target innocent Muslims in Burma then why shouldn't Muslims cut the throat of every buddists they find?
Burmese Buddhists csn destroy other buddists or hate each other I don't care

But when they attack Muslims they are asking for vengeance from 1.7 billion Muslims and growing

Its true other buddists may face punishment first but Burmese should not think we will forgive or forget

We have a habit of remembering feuds and emnities

Where was this vengeance when Serbs massacred Muslims like cattle. Why did NATO put them out of their misery rather than Ummah?
Would you approve of blowing up car bombs in the middle of Laos for what happens in Burma?

Those buddists approve of the slaughter of Muslims in burma

As do indonesian buddists
As do sri lankan buddists
As do indian Hindus and buddists
You're cowards

Its true in your country its true when you emigrate

Its shameful watching you people lower your eyes when some punk makes a comment

You target innocent Muslims in Burma then why shouldn't Muslims cut the throat of every buddists they find?

If the reverse starts happening, you won't have a place to hide.

It is like: ulta chor kotwal ko dante.

I doubt people like you will ever understand though.
You're cowards

Its true in your country its true when you emigrate

Its shameful watching you people lower your eyes when some punk makes a comment

You target innocent Muslims in Burma then why shouldn't Muslims cut the throat of every buddists they find?

You're cowards

Its true in your country its true when you emigrate

Its shameful watching you people lower your eyes when some punk makes a comment

You target innocent Muslims in Burma then why shouldn't Muslims cut the throat of every buddists they find?

:no: I'm not a Buddhist. If the first Arabs who conquered Afghanistan and Sindh listened to your advice, Afghanistan and Sindh would be filled with Arab settlers instead of Afghans or Sindhis and other peoples.

Again I'm asking you, what to Buddhists in Laos have do with Burma?

A Buddhist and another pagan from the middle of the amazon rainforest are both non Muslim. So would you go out of your way to kill a pagan from the middle of the amazon rainforest for what happens in Burma? If you wouldn't, then don't bother with the Buddhist in Laos. They both equally have nothing to do with it.

If you view all non Muslims as equal in their disbelief in Islam, then don't single out any religion for special treatment unless they are ahl al kitab.
It's not about creating new boundaries; it's about dissolving old.

Southern Thailand (Northern Malay lands) and the various Sultanates in Philippines were separate political entities before the colonialists merged them into Siam and Philippines, respectively. There is a detailed thread about the Philippines' history on this forum.

The situation in Rakhine is different. It's simply that the Burmese majority is ethnically and religiously intolerant towards all minorities -- Hindu, Muslim, Christian, etc. The people who berate Muslim majorities for intolerance fail to apply the same standards to the Burmese Buddhists.

Would you also advocate the same for Muslim majority countries with minority enclaves? Like say Coptics in Egypt or Maronites in Lebanon?

Since you area talking about South East Asia, How about the Hindu Majapahit Kingdom of Java and Bali which was an independent entity before the Portuguese came to Indonesia? Should they be declared independent according to your logic?
Where was this vengeance when Serbs massacred Muslims like cattle. Why did NATO put them out of their misery rather than Ummah?

It was only because they were Muslim that they could withstand such punishment

If the bosnians were Hindus they would have surrendered

Now at least they have Bosnia and kosovo
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