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Buddhism v Islam in Asia Fears of a new religious strife

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No. they are repeating the same reading miscomprehension.

I wrote that the colonialists made Muslim-majority lands part of non-Muslim-majority countries. That applies to all three cases.

I meant the area of Rakhine state that adjoins Bangaldesh and is Muslim-majority. It was made part of Burma by the British.

It along with chittagong was part of Burma and was ceded by Burma after first Anglo-Burmese war.
If Muslims are attacked we will find ways to fight back

If Afghanistan was Hindu as soon as the U.S invaded the Hindus would have turned and run or surrendered you can't overcome natural cowardice

Hindus keep sscratching their heads they make excuses why so many people converted to islam

They make up excuses like force to make themselves feel better

The reality is Hinduism and most of these eastern religions are weird, lingham (penis) worship, elephant gods
Monkey gods
Blue gods
Dracula gods

Its obscene

Islam is a superior ideology, this is why millions upon hundreds of millions of Hindus Buddhists etc have converted to islam and very few have converted to Hinduism and Buddhism

We don't forget an enemy and we won't forget transgressions against Muslims by Buddhists or Hindus

You have been warned
No. they are repeating the same reading miscomprehension.

I wrote that the colonialists made Muslim-majority lands part of non-Muslim-majority countries. That applies to all three cases. I meant the area of Rakhine state that adjoins Bangaldesh and is Muslim-majority. It was made part of Burma by the British.

I said this earlier, so where do we draw the line? Province level, district level, village level? Should Lakemba, Bankstown, Auburn and Granville be declared Islamic Republics? Every tiny nook and corner with Muslim majority should be declared an independent country?

What about traditional ownership? Just because Muslims can make more kids than the rest so eventually every other area will be Muslim majority, so other groups should just put their hands up in despair?

What about natural boundaries? Like Naf river in case of Burma and East Pakistan? Rakhine is just a new name for Arakan, and that province was never Muslim majority, you can't just pick the border area and go hey this is Muslim majority.
Read my post again. I didn't say these were Muslim-majority lands, but that the British (or other colonials) gave Muslim-majority lands to these kingdoms: Arakan province, southern Thailand, Southern Philippines were all Muslim-majority, but they were made part of non-Muslim countries by the colonialists.
Depends on your viewpoint doesnt it.

Those regions which are Muslim majority always belonged to those countries(I use the term loosely). Just because the people were of different faith does not mean that you give them a different country.

Question 1:
If that were the case, then why stop at faith? Why not sects within a faith?
There are umpteen cases to be made in all of the Muslim countries where there is a district within a country which has a different religious or sectarian population. If the British should have stripped those districts and formed them into countries then would the Muslim world not have cried out loud?

Question 2:
On the other hand, do you know that Rakhine and some others are not Muslim majority? They have a sizeable Muslim population as a percentage of population, but it does not exceed 50%.

So what happens in this case? Where say the Muslim population is 40%. Should the region be removed from the country to formed into a separate one?

The British gave India, the country, its existence. Before that time, India was a civilizational entity, like Europe, not a political entity (except for very brief periods).
Civilizational entities ?
India had been united in form or the other - from the Mauryans, the Mughals, the Guptas even apart from the British.

There is a reason why when the Marathas were rising, they were supported by many Hindus, or when the Sikhs were rising?
There is a civilizational continuity in India.

The British when they were about to leave, tried as hard as possible to keep India fragmented. The Indian independence leaders limited the damage using a whole lot of methods - some honourable, some dishonourable to keep the number of countries to two(initially).

Had it not been for those Indian leaders, India would today have been a dozen countries minimum.
Lot of bad things happened in Myanmar much before than this... Why was that an onus to all ASEAN countries? Why only now ASEAN and Indonesia become suddenly aware that there was a nation called Myanmar there?

In ASEAN we have a motto "You can do whatever you want as long as it within your border," but we will interfere when a country problem become its neighbors problem. This Rohingya incidents for one has reached to the entire Archipelago & to the international community.

You do realize that the Myanmar you see today is a product of ASEAN diplomacy toward the country. (Indonesia mostly done the work, but you know what I mean)
Is it just about different religions colliding? I wonder why don't buddhists and christians aren't in a collision path in Europe?...Hmmm,it must be something else,a piece of the puzzle that is common to all this conflicts....
Buddhist claimed to be a "peaceful religion" yet killing Asian Muslim. Hypocrites, that's all I can say. Also, not many people in the world knows the crimes of the Buddhist against Muslims because the hypocrite mainstream media never aired it or show awareness.
If Muslims are attacked we will find ways to fight back

If Afghanistan was Hindu as soon as the U.S invaded the Hindus would have turned and run or surrendered you can't overcome natural cowardice

Hindus keep sscratching their heads they make excuses why so many people converted to islam

They make up excuses like force to make themselves feel better

The reality is Hinduism and most of these eastern religions are weird, lingham (penis) worship, elephant gods
Monkey gods
Blue gods
Dracula gods

Its obscene

Islam is a superior ideology, this is why millions upon hundreds of millions of Hindus Buddhists etc have converted to islam and very few have converted to Hinduism and Buddhism

We don't forget an enemy and we won't forget transgressions against Muslims by Buddhists or Hindus

You have been warned

The Burmese have been fighting against Buddhist Karen, Buddhist Kachin, against the Kokang Chinese in 2009, and the Burmese massacred ethnic Chinese under Ne Win's regime. Girls were burned alive in schools.

Theravada Buddhist Burma has also been at war with Theravada Buddhist Thailand countless times in its history. Burma also went to war with China multiple times in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Mahayana Buddhists also have nothing to do with Theravada Buddhists.

You think the Burmese would actually care if you murder an innocent Laotian Buddhist over what Burmese Buddhists do? The Burmese have been at war with almost all their minority ethnic groups including Buddhist ones and against other Buddhist countries as well.


The Burmese Buddhists would actually be very happy if you massacre Karen, Kachin and other minority ethnic Buddhists in Burma. The Burmese have been fighting against them for over fifty years and haven't been able to get rid of them.

The Burmese would also be very happy if you massacre Buddhists Laotians too, previously they fought against the Lao and took them over as well.

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I said this earlier, so where do we draw the line? Province level, district level, village level? Should Lakemba, Bankstown, Auburn and Granville be declared Islamic Republics? Every tiny nook and corner with Muslim majority should be declared an independent country?

What about traditional ownership? Just because Muslims can make more kids than the rest so eventually every other area will be Muslim majority, so other groups should just put their hands up in despair?

What about natural boundaries? Like Naf river in case of Burma and East Pakistan? Rakhine is just a new name for Arakan, and that province was never Muslim majority, you can't just pick the border area and go hey this is Muslim majority.

It's not about creating new boundaries; it's about dissolving old.

Southern Thailand (Northern Malay lands) and the various Sultanates in Philippines were separate political entities before the colonialists merged them into Siam and Philippines, respectively. There is a detailed thread about the Philippines' history on this forum.

The situation in Rakhine is different. It's simply that the Burmese majority is ethnically and religiously intolerant towards all minorities -- Hindu, Muslim, Christian, etc. The people who berate Muslim majorities for intolerance fail to apply the same standards to the Burmese Buddhists.
Burmese Buddhists csn destroy other buddists or hate each other I don't care

But when they attack Muslims they are asking for vengeance from 1.7 billion Muslims and growing

Its true other buddists may face punishment first but Burmese should not think we will forgive or forget

We have a habit of remembering feuds and emnities
If Muslims are attacked we will find ways to fight back

If Afghanistan was Hindu as soon as the U.S invaded the Hindus would have turned and run or surrendered you can't overcome natural cowardice

They were Hindu and then Buddhists before they were converted. As were the vast majority of Pakistanis.

Hindus keep sscratching their heads they make excuses why so many people converted to islam

They make up excuses like force to make themselves feel better

There is no mystery here. There was little choice and many were just cowards. ;)

The reality is Hinduism and most of these eastern religions are weird, lingham (penis) worship, elephant gods
Monkey gods
Blue gods
Dracula gods

Its obscene

Islam is a superior ideology, this is why millions upon hundreds of millions of Hindus Buddhists etc have converted to islam and very few have converted to Hinduism and Buddhism

We don't forget an enemy and we won't forget transgressions against Muslims by Buddhists or Hindus

You have been warned

We think it is far better than your ideology and a brief mention of the details will set you off. ;)
If Muslims are attacked we will find ways to fight back

If Afghanistan was Hindu as soon as the U.S invaded the Hindus would have turned and run or surrendered you can't overcome natural cowardice

Hindus keep sscratching their heads they make excuses why so many people converted to islam

They make up excuses like force to make themselves feel better

The reality is Hinduism and most of these eastern religions are weird, lingham (penis) worship, elephant gods
Monkey gods
Blue gods
Dracula gods

Its obscene

Islam is a superior ideology, this is why millions upon hundreds of millions of Hindus Buddhists etc have converted to islam and very few have converted to Hinduism and Buddhism

We don't forget an enemy and we won't forget transgressions against Muslims by Buddhists or HindusYou have been warned

So have you been warned, my friend.

Stay in your own middle eastern owned lands and you are free to preach whatever you want.

Come to Buddhist and Hindu lands and we will take appropriate actions to strike back without mercy.

What happened in Burma is simply a caution sign.

Don't take our patience for cowardice.
Those regions which are Muslim majority always belonged to those countries(I use the term loosely).

No, they weren't. Southern Thailand and Southern Philippines were separate political entities before the colonial period. They were only merged into their present countries by the colonialists.

Just because the people were of different faith does not mean that you give them a different country.

It's not about faith. The people are ethnically, culturally, and linguistically different. It's only the colonial diktat which forced them into a common country.

On the other hand, do you know that Rakhine and some others are not Muslim majority? They have a sizeable Muslim population as a percentage of population, but it does not exceed 50%.

Already addressed.

India had been united in form or the other - from the Mauryans, the Mughals, the Guptas even apart from the British.

Factually incorrect.

The area encompassing modern India was politically united for very brief spans of time (a few centuries at most) during the entire 3000 year history.

For the vast majority of its history, this land consisted of warring kingdoms.
It's not about creating new boundaries; it's about dissolving old.

Southern Thailand (Northern Malay lands) and the various Sultanates in Philippines were separate political entities before the colonialists merged them into Siam and Philippines, respectively. There is a detailed thread about the Philippines' history on this forum.

Wrong again.

These sultanates were incorporated in Thailand by Thai kings.
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