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BSF jawans gun down Pakistani woman.

BSF always does its job whether it is in Pakistani side or Bangaldesh side....Intruders are not allowed inside India...theyhave already allowed enough Lungies to take over parts of their eastern front...
So essentially, the BSF leadership has okay'ed the shooting of an unarmed young woman(possibly a mental patient or someone who did not understand the language) on the pretext that she strayed too far? Without having the decency to call up their opposites on the other side and let them know?

Bravo indeed. The Jawan's killed a lethal terrorist today.. and as I pointed out in another thread.. Indians are celebrating the deaths with glee.
+ @Cheetah786
Enough with the condescending attitude.
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BSF sources said jawans noticed some suspicious movement on the border and challenged the intruders who opened fire on the BSF personnel.

In retaliatory firing, BSF shot dead a Pakistani woman intruder while her accomplices managed to escape.

BSF guns down woman intruder near Khalra sector

And by all means - do forgive the Indians for their pathetic act of shooting at a group who is firing at BSF on the International Border.
I mean what was BSF thinking? Firing back at those firing at BSF? They should have just accepted the bullets because there was a woman among the infiltrators/smugglers!
so brave Jawans, wow, they killed a woman in her 20s, she could have killed a battalion of the IA. no?
another terrorist woman is dead, the world is a safer place now
Bravo to these brave jawans, give them the Param Vir Chakra
The BSF story is very plausible. Only days after the suicide blast on India border, they were not going to risk their lives if their instructions were not being followed, let alone someone shooting at them.

As to those pakistanis abusing our soldiers for doing their admittedly tough duty, can they please give an update on what happened to this incident (not carried out by cowards, terrorists, sick fcuks etc etc but by mard e monins)?

Kharotabad Incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BBC News - Pakistan murder testimony doctor Baqir Shah shot dead
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I like Indians but I've got to say, the BSF are bloodthirsty. Indians got to do something about it.
(possibly a mental patient or someone who did not understand the language)

Those Jawans did not have the luxury of your assumptions. The woman could have been a suicide bomber, let's say that's what the jawans assumed when she did not stop despite being told to, given the Wagah Border suicide blast. It's international border, not an amusement park where you can try to sneak in and still be dealt with courtesy when caught.
another terrorist woman is dead, the world is a safer place now

Yes rightly said. Thanks.

But please check who sent the women intruder from Pakistan side. I mean this is height of desperation to use women for such nefarious acts.
Bravo indeed. The Jawan's killed a lethal terrorist today.. and as I pointed out in another thread.. Indians are celebrating the deaths with glee.

Exactly, it reminded me of that thread. Jawans must be celebrating how they peed the hell out of seeing the sight of Pakistani woman later killing her.
Leave aside European Union and US/Canada border, anyone would be shot while crossing any other International border.
No one knows from distance, whether someone is armed or trying to blow herself up.

Right decision but loss of life is always sorrowed.
so brave Jawans, wow, they killed a woman in her 20s, she could have killed a battalion of the IA. no?
another terrorist woman is dead, the world is a safer place now
Bravo to these brave jawans, give them the Param Vir Chakra
She could have killed our jawans like wagah incident. It is impossible to identify suicide bomber.

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