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BSF jawans gun down Pakistani woman.

Exactly, run to the opposite side not towards the one who are going to shoot you. She still kept coming while her accomplice started shooting.
actually in this situation my instinct would just make me run in the direction i would be standing you know
yes, a confused women walking is suspicious movement? we returned your fully armed BSF to you, so we should shoot them too?
Is there something wrong in your reading skill? Is this a national problem for Pakistan?

If not, and had you actually been able to READ the goddamn article, you would know that the woman was NOT alone. She had others with her who fired at BSF.
oh so now we should start shooting your fishermen that intrude into our waters as they are "terrorists" dude these people are illiterate, i dont think they would understand whatever language your BSF were using, but still a brave act worthy of congratulation

We know the difference, Pakistani fishermen too are caught and detained like Indian fishermen on the Pakistani side.
IF you don't stop, you will be shot, BSF don't have the luxury to second guess, well Pakistan must really know how to second guess or maybe you have already forgotten the Wagah incident?
+ @Cheetah786
Enough with the condescending attitude.
Please Read before you comment:
BSF sources said jawans noticed some suspicious movement on the border and challenged the intruders who opened fire on the BSF personnel.

In retaliatory firing, BSF shot dead a Pakistani woman intruder while her accomplices managed to escape.

BSF guns down woman intruder near Khalra sector

And by all means - do forgive the Indians for their pathetic act of shooting at a group who is firing at BSF on the International Border.
I mean what was BSF thinking? Firing back at those firing at BSF? They should have just accepted the bullets because there was a woman among the infiltrators/smugglers!

So now there are imaginary accomplishes to justify her being shot dead?
actually in this situation my instinct would just make me run in the direction i would be standing you know
First of all, what was she doing with someone who was armed, not so much innocent was she.
wow, so according to you we should defend our border with lathis specially when suicide bombing incidents are going on near our border.
well, my heart says that never to shoot at women and children, and always use non lethal weapons again them, well then again BSF dont have a heart do they
yes, a confused women walking is suspicious movement? we returned your fully armed BSF to you, so we should shoot them too?

Jf bhai, they are all a flock of coward hyenas including BSF who killed a woman without much interrogation and upon suspicion only. Let them celebrate killing of a woman, aap choro apna kaam karo.
@Cheetah786 - Get that vision you are on - in assuming your military is somehow 'good'. This is done by all militaries throughout the globe.

India has returned numerous Pakistanis who have strayed over the border - but they also complied when challenged and stopped as asked.

I bet you will be ignore this post though.
Your rangers failed to save 61 lives & you think our BSF needs serious training :what:
yeah, they stopped the bomber from coming towards India, now isnt that a shame? if he had blown up there atkeast you would have something to blame on u s for no?
yes, a confused women walking is suspicious movement? we returned your fully armed BSF to you, so we should shoot them too?

Maybe only in Pakistan a woman with a group of armed people firing on another country's soldiers can be called 'confused'.

In the rest of the world we call them smugglers and infiltrators and are shot.

What in Gods name is wrong with you people? Can you not accept that your country has a problem with smuggling and illegal activities?
well, my heart says that never to shoot at women and children, and always use non lethal weapons again them, well then again BSF dont have a heart do they
Don't try too be sarcastic here if you correctly read above article you know that action is correctly justifiable.

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