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BSF jawans gun down Pakistani woman.

We know the difference, Pakistani fishermen too are caught and detained like Indian fishermen on the Pakistani side.
IF you don't stop, you will be shot, BSF don't have the luxury to second guess, well Pakistan must really know how to second guess or maybe you have already forgotten the Wagah incident?
Wagah incident? our rangers stopped him from coming into the main parade area, other wise Supa Dupa India would be gathering his forces around our border for the 'Cold Start Doctrine"
Is there something wrong in your reading skill? Is this a national problem for Pakistan?

If not, and had you actually been able to READ the goddamn article, you would know that the woman was NOT alone. She had others with her who fired at BSF.
Ok to all Pakistanis

Send another batch of 4-5 infiltrators with one woman to cross the IB. Do it everyday for the next one year.

Our BSF would shoot them dead every single of the 365 days.

Now that should mean if you value your citizens life, then ask your incompetent border forces to stop the infiltrators from crossing the Pakistani side.

The Pak rangers are one hell of a incompetent lot. What are they worth for. Good for nothing.
all i can think is that this woman might have been a asylum seekers or refugee ...looking for a new home ......she had some utensils with her when shot

Well.It seems BSF got firm order from higher levels to deal with intrudrers.This is their duty and that is why they paid for.And they dont even care whether that is their brother or father.
I think real intruders used this lady as a shield .

well if someone fires on you defence is you right. BSF did same thing , infact they were defending their border & themselves
yup reminds me, someone should have told the woman "mess with the best, die like the rest" THIS IS SUPA POWA INDIA

Don't try too be sarcastic here if you correctly read above article you know that action is correctly justifiable.
the article is BS, you BSF got scared of a woman and shot her, and now are placing accomplices with her

Maybe only in Pakistan a woman with a group of armed people firing on another country's soldiers can be called 'confused'.

In the rest of the world we call them smugglers and infiltrators and are shot.

What in Gods name is wrong with you people? Can you not accept that your country has a problem with smuggling and illegal activities?
you wont accept your stupidity, we wont accept ours, first you accept that your BSF peed in their pants
all i can think is that this woman might have been a asylum seekers or refugee ...looking for a new home ......she had some utensils with her when shot

Asylum seekers and refugees don't move about with armed men.
And at the very least stop when asked to by BSF. Those who run away and fire at soldiers are not refugees, they are infiltrators or smugglers.
Ok to all Pakistanis

Send another batch of 4-5 infiltrators with one woman to cross the IB. Do it everyday for the next one year.

Our BSF would shoot them dead every single of the 365 days.

Now that should mean if you value your citizens life, then ask your incompetent border forces to stop the infiltrators from crossing the Pakistani side.

The Pak rangers are one hell of a incompetent lot. What are they worth for. Good for nothing.

Imaginary infiltrators will also accompany Children who will also be shot dead by the BSF I suppose.
you wont accept your stupidity, we wont accept ours, first you accept that your BSF peed in their pants
Did not realize, I was arguing with a child.
I realize my mistake now, though it is not the one you are alluding to.
Next time when Indian fishermen intrude into Pakstani territorial waters perhaps our coast guard jawans also need to show this kind of 'bravery"

You should do that.Anyone who trespass your territory deserve it.
Wagah incident? our rangers stopped him from coming into the main parade area, other wise Supa Dupa India would be gathering his forces around our border for the 'Cold Start Doctrine"

That's beside the point, the bomb DID blow and people WERE killed.
If you don't act then they will act, BSF shot her as its a protocol, not our fault that Pak rangers are inept at preventing bomb blasts.
Or maybe you want BSF to charge at women with tasers while they are pressing a button blowing everyone up?
Female suicide bombers are not a new phenomenon - The Washington Post

The Emergence of Female Suicide Militants — Palestinian suicide bombers — Crime Library

Enjoy denial, no one listens to Pakistan because of these incidents. GO cry to the UN(again) if it makes you feel better.
That's beside the point, the bomb DID blow and people WERE killed.
If you don't act then they will act, BSF shot her as its a protocol, not our fault that Pak rangers are inept at preventing bomb blasts.
Or maybe you want BSF to charge at women with tasers while they are pressing a button blowing everyone up?
Female suicide bombers are not a new phenomenon - The Washington Post

The Emergence of Female Suicide Militants — Palestinian suicide bombers — Crime Library
keep it up please, shoot children too k?
Imaginary infiltrators will also accompany Children who will also be shot dead by the BSF I suppose.
We don’t have to justify anything specialy to our neighbor's

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