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BSF jawans gun down Pakistani woman.

Well cant take any chances, esp after the suicide bomb recently. The Jawans have a tough job to do.
I must agree with the Pakistani members here. The shooting of this woman should be investigated. Shooting at a person even if they disobey an order to stop is simply reckless. If they deemed her to be such a threat they could have used less lethal force such as shooting her in the leg to paralyze her. Now that it has been uncovered that she was unarmed and posed no threat, what do we do? Say "oops sorry" and carry on ?
Pakistani posters here seems to be having some comprehension problem. We Indians cannot dumb it down further.
Freeze at your spot when you are asked to otherwise you are bound to get shoot at the International border that too at night. This woman was asking for it.

The movement was suspicious claimed by the brave men who shoot her? They sound like men of honor and there word should be ,taken as such.
Its international border. If asked to stop you stop. Or else be ready for bullet in head. No mercy. Why you expect mercy, are you retard to try to cross IB that too between India and Pakistan.

good precedent set by BSF. Zero tolerance for any kind of infiltration is the only right policy.
The movement was suspicious claimed by the brave men who shoot her? They sound like men of honor and there word should be ,taken as such.
You should check the second link.

BSF sources said jawans noticed some suspicious movement on the border and challenged the intruders who opened fire on the BSF personnel.

In retaliatory firing, BSF shot dead a Pakistani woman intruder while her accomplices managed to escape.

Apparently, the woman was not alone.
Then she should have followed the instructions being giving to her.

Were you there that you are defending these Brave Men. she was a women and lost, she probably got scared .who knows what was going through her mind . same brave men could have captured her or fire warning shoots , but no they had to shoot to kill.
Were you there that you are defending these Brave Men. she was a women and lost, she probably got scared .who knows what was going through her mind . same brave men could have captured her or fire warning shoots , but no they had to shoot to kill.
Check my post #25. They were being shot at by her accomplice.

Yes I checked now. She was without weapon how can she challenge mighty supa dupa pawa India. Was she using shovel as weapon.
No, she was with someone who was with a GUN.

With growing chaos in our west , I think in future we have face a refugee problem.
Why dont you edit your 1st post with the content from the second link, it will clarify things.
BSF guns down woman intruder near Khalra sector
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