I have not been to any middle eastern country but been many in Europe. We have still a long way to reach European standarts.
We are developing daily in all areas, just now they said they removed notarium requirement to start a business in Turkey and made it easier:
Everything will be done online soon in Turkey already I can login online and see if I need to be in court or what property I own. Pretty cool.
Also they are talking about removing the need for passports to travel abroad, because the new ID cards are very advanced they have fingerprints and even bone scan.
Soon they will insert DNA to these id cards for those willing to do the test, so no passport.
I have been to middle eastern countries, I can say besides Israel most isn't even worth visiting, the mentality is messed up very different from Turkey they don't act like muslims at all. They just talk a lot in forums, in reality arabic world is like a different species.
Now time to make you hungry Sinan
Having been to instability and Ankara, I must confess its quite modern and I felt like I was more in a European city than a middle Eastern country. Turkey is one of the few truly secular countries in the region. Even in terms of the mentality and character of the people I interacted with there. I think other Muslim countries can learn a thing or two from Turkey.
Thanks, if you've been to arabic countries as well you can clearly see the total difference in mentality, we have the european mentality in Turkey.
Only thing we have common with arabs is religion.
The success and progress of Turkey right now is also proof of different DNA.
Only successful arab countries if you can call them successful are those with oil/gas, rest can't product sh**.
I have not been to any middle eastern country but been many in Europe. We have still a long way to reach European standarts.
2 days ago while Iw as at clubs I was denied entry to one club because I didn't have girl with me (damsiz almiyoruz). I really hate that about Turkey, why should I get 2nd class citizen treatment? Bende insanim benimde seyim var
I can move away from Turkey just for this reason alone. Who the F are they to decide, I can buy the bodyguards 10x!