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British intelligence warns Iran will have nuclear weapons by 2014 as US tig

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
Mary Casey, Jennifer Parker | Foreign Policy Mideast

Sir John Sawers, the head of the British intelligence agency M16, has estimated that Iran will likely achieve nuclear weapons capability within two years. Sir John spoke in front of a forum of about 100 senior civil servants in London last week, and announced that covert British operations had prevented nuclear weapons development as far back as 2008. He said, "The Iranians are determinedly going down a path to master all aspects of nuclear weapons...It is equally clear that Israel and the United States would face huge dangers if Iran were to become a nuclear weapon state." Iran has insisted its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. The United States has further tightened sanctions to increase pressure on Iran after recent rounds of talks have failed to bring the parties to an agreement. According to the U.S. Treasury Department, it has blacklisted several companies and individuals it suspects are assisting Iran in its acquisition of nuclear weapons capacity. The U.S. Treasury department has also identified "Iran's attempts to evade sanctions through the use of front companies, as well as its attempts to conceal its tanker fleet by repainting, reflagging or disabling GPS devices." The United States has also ramped up military deployments to the Persian Gulf as Iran continues threatening to close the vital waterway, the Straight of Hormuz.
British Intelligence which is actually responsible for the Iranian dogma today - toppling a democratic government in favour of shah dictatorship yet nobody questions the past.
Good attempt to finalize the date for attack on iran ..........
They of course know they are lying, it's just propaganda to fool ordinary people. By doing this they willl perpetuate the "evil Iran" myth. It's a conventional tactic employed by western politicians for decades, telling a lie over and over and over again until almost everybody actually believes it to be true. Unfortunately, it has always worked.
Are not these Brits the ones who just said last year that Iran has developed one of the most sophisticated later generation nuclear warhead!?
Now it is 2014 !, only a fool will believe their made up stories, but one should try to find out what is behind these allegations and what purpose(s) are they trying to serve.
Where are the satellite pictures and aluminium tubes?

No presentation this time?
Are not these Brits the ones who just said last year that Iran has developed one of the most sophisticated later generation nuclear warhead!?
Now it is 2014 !, only a fool will believe their made up stories, but one should try to find out what is behind these allegations and what purpose(s) are they trying to serve.

History repeats itself, previous UK prime-minister said Iraq has nuclear weapons, and is "40 minutes from striking UK". We know how that turned out :disagree:

I'm more surprised that people continue to believe such nonsense, I and few others in the West learned from the past, majority never learns :frown:
previous UK prime-minister said Iraq has nuclear weapons, and is "40 minutes from striking UK".

Did he really say that? I must have forgotten (shame on me). Man that's really revolting. They seem certain that most people will believe everything they say.. sadly they are right :frown:
lol yes and the world will end in 6 months....

Now some people are saying its not 2012 but its some where between 2012 to 2150.

First it was 1990 then it was 2000 then it was 2008 then it was 2012 and now it is 2150. :lol:
2012 is definitely an interesting year, but it ain't going to be the end of the world. :coffee:
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