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British intelligence warns Iran will have nuclear weapons by 2014 as US tig

History repeats itself, previous UK prime-minister said Iraq has nuclear weapons, and is "40 minutes from striking UK". We know how that turned out :disagree:

I'm more surprised that people continue to believe such nonsense, I and few others in the West learned from the past, majority never learns :frown:

We say history tends to repeat itself for anyone who lacks prudence.
Muslims have a saying that a believer doesn't get bitten twice by a snake.

AS I said many times on this forum , Iran is not Iraq, the context and the conjuncture are not the same at all:
In The Iraqi case, the invaders had the population support and complacency, until they found out that they were mistaken about the real intentions of the west, than they started a deadly fight and got rid of the Americans with all their "might".
The Iranian case is totally different, the fight of a whole nation will start at ounce from day one, if attacked, and the US knows it, it even told Israel to take a hike.

So, it is all talk but no war; the US can not afford to loose 4 super carriers and dozens of destroyers and warships (that means at least 30-40 000 American soldiers lost lives) in the Persian Gulf, just in a few weeks, it also needs the GCC fire power, which I doubt very much that it will get involved unless attacked outside the American bases.
With the US humiliated by the loss of its aircraft carriers, it will have to use Nuclear weapons, and that means WW3, since too many neighbouring countries including Russia, Pakistan and GCC will be contaminated as well, so the choices for a war are no choices a all.
We say history tends to repeat itself for anyone who lacks prudence.
Muslims have a saying that a believer doesn't get bitten twice by a snake.

AS I said many times on this forum , Iran is not Iraq, the context and the conjuncture are not the same at all:
In The Iraqi case, the invaders had the population support and complacency, until they found out that they were mistaken about the real intentions of the west, than they started a deadly fight and got rid of the Americans with all their "might".
The Iranian case is totally different, the fight of a whole nation will start at ounce from day one, if attacked, and the US knows it, it even told Israel to take a hike.

So, it is all talk but no war; the US can not afford to loose 4 super carriers and dozens of destroyers and warships (that means at least 30-40 000 American soldiers lost lives) in the Persian Gulf, just in a few weeks, it also needs the GCC fire power, which I doubt very much that it will get involved unless attacked outside the American bases.
With the US humiliated by the loss of its aircraft carriers, it will have to use Nuclear weapons, and that means WW3, since too many neighbouring countries including Russia, Pakistan and GCC will be contaminated as well, so the choices for a war are no choices a all.

I'm not comparing Iran to Iraq, I compared West propaganda, which is similar in many cases.

What concerns war itself, I dont think US can win over Iran, due to many reasons. And while common sense would suggest there shouldnt be a war, but Israel isnt exactly run by common sense, and they are pushing US to war, hard. Due to Israel's massive influence to US government, Obama and Congress are moving on the path of no return. If they continue this road - war is inevitable, since Iran wont be surrendering its independence anytime soon.
They of course know they are lying, it's just propaganda to fool ordinary people. By doing this they willl perpetuate the "evil Iran" myth. It's a conventional tactic employed by western politicians for decades, telling a lie over and over and over again until almost everybody actually believes it to be true. Unfortunately, it has always worked.

Ever studied Freudian?

Oldest trick in the book when it comes to tactics regarding Indoctrination.

Advertisements work on the same principle.
Not only Iran has nuclear weapons hidden out in bunker busters, but it has a time machine as well, because anytime that they say two years later, Iran goes two years forward, achieves the nuclear weapons, hide them out in a cave, and then move back two years later and edit the guy's speech, so everything looks fine.
No, maybe I should. I actually had some great books on western philosophy and history but threw them away

Freudian isent western philosophy,it psychiatry. I don't care much about philosophy.

Ill state a loose quote--->Anyone under an influence of repetition, over a period of time, if provided by no contradicting thought will eventually believe in the existence of that concept.

THere are varied scenarios that he dosent go into details and someone like me like to study upon ,like the force of indoctrination via ..mobs,loud sounds ,enthusiasm.
its usually wrapped in half truths and a popular generally accepted concepts.

Does this sound plausible?

Religion is one outcome.
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