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Britain, Turkey sign defence deal to develop Turkish fighter jet

I'm skeptical about Pakistan's participation to be honest. One of the main reasons we are so willing to cooperate/help Turkey in such a crucial sensitive military project is also because Turkey is part of NATO and has been a close member/aligned to the West for over half a century now. So it's military doctrine, equipments, defence policies and arms industry is heavily tilted twoards European powers and the U.S( the West in general). As such it's far easier for us o streamline our cooperation and partner in building such complex weapon systems , something which will be inconceivable to-do with a non NATO member. Plus Pakistan close ties with China(government might be wary of its sensitive technology leaking to the Chinese as well) MIGHT also be an issue. So it might be an issue letting Pakistan in( at least not as a crucial member with access to sensitive technology/source codes etc ) such a project apart from a symbolic one . Plus alot of investment running into tens of bjllions will also be required throughout the lifetime of this project (15-20years or so)
If Pakistan participates (still a huge 'if' for many reasons), I don't think it will be in R&D. If anything, it'd be an exchange for procuring a few to help with scale, and could potentially involve supply-chain linking Pakistan to be the source (or a source) for some parts. If the PAF plans on procuring a relatively large amount of jets, then the 'tech transfer' could be in the realm of local MRO and perhaps permission/capacity to integrate weapons and sub-systems of choice to the platform. It'd basically be a step above just an off-the-shelf purchase (i.e. the arrangement the PAF has with the F-16s). But I wouldn't bet on crucial membership, incredibly unlikely. Pakistan isn't even a crucial member of the Shenyang FC-31, let alone a Western fighter.

That said, Pakistan might try to separately collaborate with Turkey to develop bespoke electronics and munitions technology for its own usage. Indigenization in this realm would enable Pakistan to flexibly configure its defence systems according to its needs and not be as encumbered by supplier restrictions (involving third-party integration). But I don't think there'll be jumping on existing makes or models, rather, getting China, Turkey and others to help with soft capacity building (i.e. education, training, etc). For Pakistan to succeed properly, it'll need to undertake the IP development on its own.
Now I am able to understand your German style .
Short, precise and only asking for answers. Investigating and double checking facts you already know.
Don't feel offended, but is it fair ?

Lets talk open, we will have TF-X in the air for our 100 th. year Turkish Republic Founding in 2023.
It will incorporate RR engines but a lot of innovative Turkish systems.

Sorry for Germany and the Brexit which was a strong sign against new german Imperial Plans , don't be jealous.
Try to smile.

There is nothing wrong with his approach, and claiming he already knows the fact isn't fair either. You should provide an example when asked. Unlike many hotblooded people being pragmatic and inquisitive more often than not yields the best results.

I doubt the TF-X is airborne on the 100th year of T.C. unless it's a direct copy-paste of an existing airplane. In which case the AKP will claim with fanatic zeal it's a genuine indigenous product. At the least they'll probably try integrate things we can make and focus on these and ignore any question regarding the core elements.

What's up with that last comment about German Imperial Plans ? You are hopefully aware of the economic powerhouses of Europe ? And that they're shouldering a bigger burden because the other EU countries aren't living up to their end of the deal ?

There wouldn't be a EU without Germany or France. England has always been an oddball and now they want to try something else.

I doubt the TF-X is airborne on the 100th year of T.C. unless it's a direct copy-paste of an existing airplane.

There was an official announcement by Mr. Dr. Temel Kotil. TF-X will be in the air 2023. Weapons, radar and subcomponents are ready to be produced after final design with BAE is finished .
Engine development and readiness will last 10 years (2027).

What's up with that last comment about German Imperial Plans ?

I like @Bismarck , he knows why and what I am talking about. It's a smart cat and dog relation between us sometimes.
Von der Unterstützung der Araber gegen die Osmanen bis hin zur gegenwärtigen Operation in Jemen; die Briten standen stets auf Seiten der Saudis. Das ist eigentlich kein Geheimnis. Vor wenigen Tagen wurde auch beiläufig hier im Forum aufgelistet, welche Waffensysteme die Saudis von den Briten erhielten, die unter anderen Umständen nicht für den Export freigegeben sind. An jeder saudischen Militäroperation sind angelsächsische Militärexperten beteiligt. Die Ziele, die in Jemen zur Liquidierung auserkoren werden, bestimmen und präzisieren biritische Analysten in Riyadh. Kein muslimisches Land - nicht einmal Pakistan - hat einen solch offenen Einblick in das Innenleben des saudischen Militärs und der politischen Elite wie Briten und Amerikaner.


Actually, I mean the current situation.
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