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Breaking: Search Operation at 90

now their only task is MQM only.
I disagree. Wait for it. PPP is not going anywhere.
As far as this raid is concerned, no one should be against it. Anyone who speaks against the state or anyone or any party standing by it need's to be put inside prison.
DG rangers has give assurance to Zardari that they won't go after Zardari's corruption and pressure will be put on MQM at max.
So now they started their job honestly ..........
Corruption isnt rangers domain but target killing, organized crime, terrorism , land grabbing and bhatta khori is rangers domain which are mostly the mqm monopoly.
I disagree. Wait for it. PPP is not going anywhere.
As far as this raid is concerned, no one should be against it. Anyone who speaks against the state or anyone or any party standing by it need's to be put inside prison.
Lets hope the Strings to get tighten on PPP because they have looted this City for too long now they they should be Taken care of first then MQM should have been Target because They are Bigger Culprit then MQM in destroying Sindh.

Corruption isnt rangers domain but target killing, organized crime, terrorism , land grabbing and bhatta khori is rangers domain which are mostly the mqm monopoly.
If that is so then how come they Raided SBCA Building the other day and also raided a House Allegedly Belongs to Sharjeel Memon's House and recovered Billions of Rupees???
Rangers raided because of the speech conducted against Pakistan army, Pakistan state and Rangers.
Pakistan army is not anyone's ghulam's. They don't care what PPP think or say. Zardari himself is under a lot of fire lately.

Bhai jaan without Zardari's consent rangers had not to be given powers .......
Good stuff. We also need action against Zardari as he has been sending money abroad illegally. So a couple of raids on Bilawal House are necessary too.

Let MQM cry. It has to answer a lot - from killings in Karachi to taking money from RAW. No sympathy, no corner.

Peace in Karachi at every cost. If it comes at cost of MQM, so be it.
DG rangers has given assurance to Zardari that they won't go after Zardari's corruption and pressure will be put on MQM at max.
So now they started their job honestly ..........

Its still good, would be one less thing for Pakistan to worry about.
Scotland Yard doesnt seems to be interested in these Cases anymore due to Pakistan's Govt.'s lack of Cooperation.
So Nawaz govt is also supporting them? Is that what you mean?
So Nawaz govt is also supporting them? Is that what you mean?
They arent supporting them though they are DEMANDING them something which they are not willing to provide in exchange for providing Imran Farooq Murder Suspects. That is why Scotland Yard is no longer interested in MQM related Affairs anymore.

Its still good, would be one less thing for Pakistan to worry about.
This isnt good because now they are exposed that they cant Handle Zardari and that means they arent very capable at all which makes Altaf Hussain Correct about them.
They arent supporting them though they are DEMANDING them something which they are not willing to provide in exchange for providing Imran Farooq Murder Suspects. That is why Scotland Yard is no longer interested in MQM related Affairs anymore.

This is Scotland Yard, not Punjab or Sindh Police. They are more interested in solving the case of Imran Farooq Murder Case rather than the Money Laundering Case which is an open/shut case. They are requesting the extradition of Imran Farooq Killers while on the other hand Pakistan has made that contingent on Britain extraditing Baloch Rebels hiding in London which Scotland Yard is not agreeing too.

Its a cat and mouse game, in this little impasse Altaf Bhai benefits but don't for a second think that Scotland Yard has lost interest. Britain takes the case of murder very very seriously, this is why the case was handed over to Scotland Yard instead of Met Police investigating it. But seeing how Altaf Bhai is shooting himself on the foot by pissing off the Military and Ch Nisar, don't be surprised if they do extradite these killers of Imran Farooq.

This isnt good because now they are exposed that they cant Handle Zardari and that means they arent very capable at all which makes Altaf Hussain Correct about them.

As i said before, in a street fight you take out the biggest guy first. In Karachi, MQM is the biggest dog. Zardari might be corrupt to the core but he is not a terrorist and a killer. He is not taking money from RAW, this is why taking out MQM's militant wing is of the utmost importance. Zardari will not be spared, i can assure you of that.
Breaking.. there is an acute shortage of adult diapers at MQM headquarters after rangers raid.

Most have been stolen by Haider Abbas Rizvi, Waseem Akhter and co. :lol:
This is Scotland Yard, not Punjab or Sindh Police. They are more interested in solving the case of Imran Farooq Murder Case rather than the Money Laundering Case which is an open/shut case. They are requesting the extradition of Imran Farooq Killers while on the other hand Pakistan has made that contingent on Britain extraditing Baloch Rebels hiding in London which Scotland Yard is not agreeing too.
Did you even bother to READ the response you have Quoted here?????Read that Response fully and do me a favor read what I said before that as well.
As i said before, in a street fight you take out the biggest guy first. In Karachi, MQM is the biggest dog. Zardari might be corrupt to the core but he is not a terrorist and a killer. He is not taking money from RAW, this is why taking out MQM's militant wing is of the utmost importance. Zardari will not be spared, i can assure you of that.
MQM is a big dog. That is WRONG case buddy its Zardari which is a big dog not MQM as MQM is confined to Karachi only while Zardari has way more Strings to play especially Rangers Authority string is very Dangerous one for Rangers and LEA. MQM RAW link has yet to be proved so there is nothing between RAW and MQM which could be JUSTIFIED over here. Zardari have used his Strings on LEA and got Ayan Ali out as well as Corruption Cases in Pipeline now Rangers wont be Raiding any Govt. Offices again for Anti Corruption. Compromise is DONE and PPP is free to Walk while Establishment is watching.
What kind of absurd logic is that ? ISPR was quiet both times. It was Government of Pakistan that responded on their behalf.

Since you are at it. How many times persons mentioned in your post has abused openly and repeatedly like Altaf Hussain ? I mean in your blind hatred, you are are comparing one or two speeches of certain personalities with dozen of speeches of AH which are full of abuses now and then ? Does All the mentioned personalities says, Tm kuttay ho kameenay ho, Ullu kay Pathay ho?

ISPR was quiet when AH gave his statement? Come on.

Contrary to popular belief, Altaf doesn't abuse or delivers threatening statements daily and he got busted the first time, he targeted the military. There's no blind hatred, there's just denial from your side and a compulsive need to forget the past or to pretend that nothing happened. Too much happened and hence today MQM is popular even among those who don't agree with its policies and actions.

And find me a speech before that particular one where he spoke ill of army.

Altaf Hussain is a repeat offender. His earlier mouth diarrhea was ignored by people after he apologized 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10....200 times.

But now it is too much. We can not let an alcoholic get off the hook by effectively saying, "hey I apologize from my heart, I was drunk and said all those things under the influence of alcohol/drugs. I promise I won't repeat that ever again"

And next day again the same thing. No sir, it is too much. His mouth must be shut and anyone who arranges his hate speeches in Pakistan is breaking the law and must be prosecuted.

Speaking of repeat offenders.

If Punjab police shoot any PTI worker,I will hang him - Imran Khan - NewsBeat.PK
Imran Khan joins civil disobedience movement, burns power bill - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Leaked conversation: 'Good, govt deserves it,' Imran allegedly told Alvi after PTV attack - The Express Tribune
Islamabad march: Imran threatens to storm PM House unless Nawaz steps down - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Imran threatens to bring Pakistan to stand still | News Pakistan
Army offensive threatens Pakistan itself: Imran Khan
Imran Khan’s Views about Sheikh Rasheed and Pakistan Army Generals(Unseen Video)

So, whats the excuse there for the military's sense? Now, give me a good excuse here, the "repeat offenders" and "particularly those inciting violence" isn't holding up. The bias again is very evident. You do let everyone else get off the hook.

@Armstrong Please, have a look, mate.

Who has not condemned Zardari after his latest bullyhte?

Who did condemn him from the political and military leadership? Make a list and notice the tone of condemnation and then compare. Only four people actually bothered to "politely" declare that his statements aren't helping.

damn, @Secur or @Oscar you both have confusing names

ISPR was quiet when AH gave his statement? Come on.

Contrary to popular belief, Altaf doesn't abuse or delivers threatening statements daily and he got busted the first time, he targeted the military. There's no blind hatred, there's just denial from your side and a compulsive need to forget the past or to pretend that nothing happened. Too much happened and hence today MQM is popular even among those who don't agree with its policies and actions.

And find me a speech before that particular one where he spoke ill of army.

Speaking of repeat offenders.

If Punjab police shoot any PTI worker,I will hang him - Imran Khan - NewsBeat.PK
Imran Khan joins civil disobedience movement, burns power bill - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Leaked conversation: 'Good, govt deserves it,' Imran allegedly told Alvi after PTV attack - The Express Tribune
Islamabad march: Imran threatens to storm PM House unless Nawaz steps down - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Imran threatens to bring Pakistan to stand still | News Pakistan
Army offensive threatens Pakistan itself: Imran Khan
Imran Khan’s Views about Sheikh Rasheed and Pakistan Army Generals(Unseen Video)

So, whats the excuse there for the military's sense? Now, give me a good excuse here, the "repeat offenders" and "particularly those inciting violence" isn't holding up. The bias again is very evident. You do let everyone else get off the hook.

@Armstrong Please, have a look, mate.

Who did condemn you from the political and military leadership? Make a list and notice the tone of condemnation and then compare.

Yeah, Imran Khan and others mentioned by you back up their political statements by murdering journalists, killing & kidnapping those who refuse extortion, kill all those police officers one by one in their hundreds who took part in rounding up criminals. Imran Khan lets the anchors know he is aware where their kids and sisters are going to study or work. Imran Khan clearily has serial killers like Saulat Mirza, Ajmal Pahari who directly take orders from him. Imran Khan tells his worker to pick up arms and get training to spread militancy. Yeah right, :agree:

Get a life dude, seriously. Defending the undefendable, so pathetic really!

And lastly if IK or anyone for that matter ever takes money from RAW to spread terrorism in our country, hang him too. Unlike the gangster cult MQM, I do not blindly support anyone.

Law and order should be maintained at every cost. This is 2015 and we are fed up of that foreigner Toad of London.
Corruption isnt rangers domain but target killing, organized crime, terrorism , land grabbing and bhatta khori is rangers domain which are mostly the mqm monopoly.

But rangers infiltrated and now has given assurance to avoiding abuse of authority ......
Shame on MQMers for trying to create an artificial race to bank votes and play victimization card. A Mohajir simply means someone who migrated, just as people came from East Punjab, Kashmir, etc. During partition, it was millions of people from these regions who were slaughtered to death and sacrificed everything they owned to make Pakistan. Still you see one remains a disputed, divided territory and suffering under the hands of Indian Military.

Lets talk facts. The truth is Urdu Speaking community came during peaceful times from Indian Bihar and UP when opportunities arose and some came even as late as the 80s. Our Sindi brothers and sisters who invited you to their land became minority in Karachi, lost their golden economic prosperity, and became bullied with racial slurs. The MQM which became known as the 'Mohajir Quami Movement' was a typical mafia who began replacing educated people from PIA, Steel Mills, KMC, etc with their party workers and began the culture of target killings. It is also pertinent to note here that Shia-Sunni division never existed in the past and it had to see it on the day when people from Lucknow landed and brought their centuries old traditions and culture. Our Sindis were so peace loving people that they even protected their Hindu brothers and sisters from your organized criminal gangs. You speak of the 90s and the operation, well you should know there is a limit to something. We will not forget what were inside the Boris (bags).

I see you mention Bengalis here and there. I'm not going to defend what the military had done, however, I'm just going to remind you one of the the very reasons for their split was, language and culture. Bengalis were denied the right to speak their language in East Pakistan and were forced to speak Urdu, a language which is NOT native even in the Provinces of West Pakistan. In short what you should know is that you had your freedom. Most of the bureaucrats between the 60s-80s, army chiefs between 80s-2007, control of Sind government from 80s to 2013 all have been yours and this is a systematic invasion.

Yes, that concludes it all. Now go into the denial mode and pretend that the race isn't real. The existence or originality of the race isn't to be determined by you, its the right of the people that recognize with it and that figure runs into millions. And its a title, time proves, which was awarded by Pakistanis. Its your policies, racial conflicts and military action that has strengthened it to this point. Either come to terms with it or maintain a view that is neither consistent with reality on ground nor facts. We exist, your not believing it won't undo it or make it untrue.

Indeed, the partition of the subcontinent and 1971 war was an extremely peaceful time to migrate to mainland. Because that is when most Muhajirs arrived here. The rest you mention were sent to Pakistan under a tripartite agreement and there was nothing a bit glamorous about it, as you put it here. If you wish to distort historical facts, at least add a little truth to make it credible because this is nonsense. Furthermore, if you want to curse the Urdu-speakers, be man enough and have the guts to do it openly and explicitly. This hiding between sentences of "lost their golden opportunity", "racial slurs", "centuries old tradition of Lucknow responsible for Shia-Sunni divide" and "organized criminal gangs" serves no purpose. You call this racism fact? What cowardice is this, cb4? And not so surprisingly, five people have already thanked this post. It appears @notorious_eagle @FunkyGen @Rashid Mahmood @coffee_cup @Major Sam agree with this racial BS in disguise of some correcting the history post. So you people want to convince us of equal treatment, no son of soil bias and Muhajir tag being self given by cursing us, so how does that work? This exact same attitude is the reason why we call us Urdu-speakers and migrants!

And we wont forget this: In its attempts to exterminate the militant core of the MQM, the state resorted to a calculated policy of collective punishment — massive pre-dawn "siege-and-search" operations and house-to-house searches that led to the illegal arrest and detentions of over 75,000 men between the ages of 12 and 50. Most of these men, often innocent relatives or friends of MQM activists, were blindfolded with their own shirts, paraded down to the local police station, and tortured or beaten until their families paid an extraction fee for their release.The state's counterinsurgency measures also included outright murder — in the daily newspaper reports of the deaths of MQM militants, "killed in police encounters" became an accepted euphemism for blatant extra-judicial killings. Since the Muhajir community as a whole bore the brunt of a program of systematic intimidation and harassment by the state, even those Muhajirs who had previously not supported the MQM, or did not believed in the politicization of their Muhajir identity, now felt that they had no choice but to support Altaf's MQM.The Battlefields of Karachi: Ethnicity, Violence and the State

You cant even defend Operation Cleanup done by Pakistan Army, let alone any atrocities in the 1971 war, apparently the lessons gathered from the crimes of Tikka Khan and Operation Searchlight are too deeply latched onto the memory of the military establishment. The reasons for separatism was simple: denial of rights and unfair treatment. Language and culture is a pathetic excuse seeing their contributions for the freedom of this country.

And I can gauge your knowledge of the whole matter by seeing the PIA and Pakistan steels, you won't find a single Urdu speaker in the former literally (I have interned there very recently) and there are few left with Steel Mill. Apparently, the only qualification required for all Federal and Provincial Govt jobs is a certain domicile and that of Karachi isn't considered valid. This "manufacture of facts" is disgusting to say the least, if you are unaware of something, try not to pass it in the hope that none would notice and know it. We can see it on the ground how the son of soils have first and foremost right to jobs in the country, the second rate citizens cant even apply in the first place.

Yeah, Imran Khan and others mentioned by you back up their political statements by murdering journalists, killing & kidnapping those who refuse extortion, kill all those police officers one by one in their hundreds who took part in rounding up criminals. Imran Khan lets the anchors know he is aware where their kids and sisters are going to study or work. Imran Khan clearily has serial killers like Saulat Mirza, Ajmal Pahari who directly take orders from him. Imran Khan tells his worker to pick up arms and get training to spread militancy. Yeah right, :agree:

Get a life dude, seriously. Defending the undefendable, so pathetic really!

And lastly if IK or anyone for that matter ever takes money from RAW to spread terrorism in our country, hang him too. Unlike the gangster cult MQM, I do not blindly support anyone.

Law and order should be maintained at every cost. This is 2015 and we are fed up of that foreigner Toad of London.

Is that a new excuse for forgiving the rest? Its pathetic seeing how you are distinguishing between traitors in the first place, let alone these ridiculous logic of yours. Do you think that militant wings aren't present with PPP, ANP and the rest? PTI might be new to the game, the others are time tested players. So, the military forgives those for treacherous statements which (according to you) have no previous record? But then again, Munawwar Hasan, Sharif brothers, Zardari, Fazlur Rehman and Asfand Yar-wali have one. Bring the next excuse.

Nah, just marched to the capital disturbing law and order, causing damage to the reputation of the country, organizing attacks on PTV and Parliament, threatened political opponents with vulgar language, illegally demanded the PM to step down, caused billions in loss to the economy and made the life of residents of Islamabad hell during prolonged and futile sit in!

If someone has evidence about MQM taking funding from RAW. I suggest that they take it to a court of law and not just claim to have transcripts of some statement given to London police by a MQM leader which they themselves later denied and declared it fake. But seeing how the "manufactured fact" of the Jinnahpur was proved as fake later by the same people who were directing the operation in 1992 and claimed it in the first place. You shouldn't have high hopes!

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