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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media


Why left terrorist got triangle coffin and right - square. Triangle coffin is special honor for gassing kids?

It's not triangular but 5-sided. 5 is a sacred number because of Panj-Tan-Pak.
Yar, the problem is, even using the term like this makes you a Takfiri/Wahabi/Salafi/Zionist/Terrorist/Suicide bomber in these guys' eyes. It's just their way or the highway.

Exactly brother, the religion of Islam is a moderate, logical, humanistic faith based of love and mercy.

There is no room for the kind of extremism perpetuated by radical Wahhabis and radical Shias against each other.

I wish the Pakistan government could take tougher action to prevent our citizens from ending up in some foreign militias.
Another Victim of U.S's safety whether US is far away from Middle East
Pakistan should play role to avoid another war on Muslims.
Trump's Anti Islam's philosophy is open for whole world.
What do you have to say about Shia radicals? Or are they ok for you and your government?

Strange considering Indian are the best friends of Iran, their common enemy is Pakistan.

Pakistan is living in a delusion that Iran and Gulf Arabs are our friends, they are not.

Our only reliable friends are China and Turkey.

This is my view also. He was an evil person. He coordinated attacks and threats on Pakistan with India, while India was mobilizing for a general war.

He is responsible for the reckless Iranian policy of joining with Kaffir governments against Muslim neighbors.
Or really? Didn't Pakistan also cooperated with US in Afghanistan?! Didn't islamic Pakistan kill muslims in Bangladesh?!
Or really? Didn't Pakistan also cooperated with US in Afghanistan?! Didn't islamic Pakistan kill muslims in Bangladesh?!
You guys have a " can't handle Muslims and want war syndrome " . Either you get yourself cured or the world will cure you . You have proved yourself to be a menace in a lot of countries in the world . It's time for a payback with interest .
Or really? Didn't Pakistan also cooperated with US in Afghanistan?! Didn't islamic Pakistan kill muslims in Bangladesh?!

Pakistan doesn't have hostility towards any Muslim country.

On Bangladesh, Na! Pakistanis didn't kill Muslims in Bangladesh for the sake of religion. The Pakistani army is Muslim and a religious army. They do not kill people because of faith.
Ah right, when out of arguments, always resort to attacks on myself and my supposed country of origin (it isn't India, by the way). :-)
Is your country of origin China, "Sino"Soldier? :lol:
I couldn't care less what sort of trash you are, "Sino"Soldier: delusional bhakt, sister-f*cking pigskin, self-loathing hanjian. I don't sort trash (I know, bad habit - I should do it for the environment), I just toss it in the dumpster where it belongs.

And we're still waiting for that "meat grinder" plan that the Chinese and the Russians have for us, even though both countries are oddly silent these days. :lol:
Step into Iran and find out. Protip: You're going to need a lot of boxes and Made-in-China American flags. It's what the American flag is for, you know


in both cases its job is to wrap pieces of sh*t.

You're going to need a lot of excavation equipment as well, for all the holes you'll be digging to dump the carcasses into. Might I recommend

Given the volume you'll need, I'm sure Sany would be willing to offer a hefty discount.
Some Pakistanis are trolling on this thread and so is 1 Turkish guy with the eagle in his logo(he is trolling STEALTHILY but hard) but since its not a thread after recent Pakistan-India tensions/conflict, you dont get banned. On that thread, people who were non Pakistani and said anything Pakistanis didnt want to hear then got banned quick. But its all good..the truth will reveal itself completely. Let the chips fall where they may and may the best emerge the victor.

Pakistani's are trolling because we hated Soleimani. He was anti-Pakistani with his rhetoric and was supporting groups in Balouchistan with arms. Naturally, hearing the news of his death was a good day. Last time I checked this forum is called a Pakistan Defence Forum. It would make perfect sense to ban people who were peddling BS against our state at a time of war.
Pakistani's are trolling because we hated Soleimani. He was anti-Pakistani with his rhetoric and was supporting groups in Balouchistan with arms. Naturally, hearing the news of his death was a good day. Last time I checked this forum is called a Pakistan Defence Forum. It would make perfect sense to ban people who were peddling BS against our state at a time of war.
Why did you feel you have to quote someone else's comment and then edit my name into the quote :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Salafist logic :tup:
Another Victim of U.S's safety whether US is far away from Middle East
Pakistan should play role to avoid another war on Muslims.
Trump's Anti Islam's philosophy is open for whole world.

Why don’t your kind Pakistanis put this same question to Iran and Arab world stop indian aggression on the Kashmiris Muslims / and now on Indian Muslims to These countries you want Pakistan to argue for are more anti Islam than Donald trump. He doesn’t like Islam so what it’s his country he can do what he like in there
If you wanna measure di*ks in war crimes then definitely you will win . Don't forget what crimes you committed in Iraq .
You guys have a " can't handle Muslims and want war syndrome " . Either you get yourself cured or the world will cure you . You have proved yourself to be a menace in a lot of countries in the world . It's time for a payback with interest .
I am from Iraq idiot

Pakistan doesn't have hostility towards any Muslim country.

On Bangladesh, Na! Pakistanis didn't kill Muslims in Bangladesh for the sake of religion. The Pakistani army is Muslim and a religious army. They do not kill people because of faith.
It’s annoying that Pakistanis use the so called Islamic ummah card when they themselves are allied with China and US.
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