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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

A bit old documentary but still too fresh to watch:

Yakee pigs creaters of IS and all terrorist jihadi/wahabi/extremist Sunni groups in the world will pay insha'allah ... blood of millions muslims will be saved.
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USA can fabricate an incident on its own people or assets like it did in 9-11, and blame it on Iran that Iran has taken the revenge. Is there a way Iran can make sure that military revenge does not bleed out to civilians and no innocent citizen is harmed? Can Iran give such assurances to deny USA any fabrication?
Just accident???????????

Meanwhile Indians on internet are jumping up and down on internet saying that they will do this with Pakistan.
@HRK @Areesh @Path-Finder

If they have gut to do that we are here and waiting. Then they will face with the wrath of Pakistan and her brother nations...
Many people who took pictures with him got killed like jihad mughanyia, issam zahrddim, and many others. Imad mughanyia son in law was also killed.

I think the Americans want peace after they killed suleimani who killed many american soldiers instead of toppling the entire iranian regime.

They don't want peace. They only want weak vassal states

Why left terrorist got triangle coffin and right - square. Triangle coffin is special honor for gassing kids?
A bit old documentary but still too fresh to watch:

Yakee pigs creaters of IS and all terrorist jihadi/wahabi/extremist Sunni groups in the world will pay insha'allah ... blood of millions muslims will be saved.

What do you have to say about Shia radicals? Or are they ok for you and your government?

Meanwhile Indians on internet are jumping up and down on internet saying that they will do this with Pakistan.
@HRK @Areesh @Path-Finder

Strange considering Indian are the best friends of Iran, their common enemy is Pakistan.

Pakistan is living in a delusion that Iran and Gulf Arabs are our friends, they are not.

Our only reliable friends are China and Turkey.

How is thst guy our martyr? I am not going to cheer for American action such as I am not going to mourn for an Iranian general.

This is my view also. He was an evil person. He coordinated attacks and threats on Pakistan with India, while India was mobilizing for a general war.

He is responsible for the reckless Iranian policy of joining with Kaffir governments against Muslim neighbors.
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