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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

The ayatollah now :lol:

Solemani got the same fate of this traitor monkey in the video who used to torture iraqi POWs to turned them into traitors with his badr organization. He was happy that saddam is gone but al zarqawi the other scumbag turned him into BBQ with bomb car:rofl:

The ayatollah now :lol:

Solemani got the same fate of this traitor monkey in the video who used to torture iraqi POWs to turned them into traitors with his badr organization. He was happy that saddam is gone but al zarqawi the other scumbag turned him into BBQ with bomb car:rofl:
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The missile that used in the assassination is Hellfire R9X .... which is used for assassination and to avoid collateral damage , they removed the warhead and applied 6 sharp- long blades which opened directly before the impact that kills every one within 75 cm from the missile .

Well, you know my opinion already, but I was more thinking about incorporating the more rational (non-Wilayat al-Faqih, non-fifth columns, non-traitors) elements of the PMU, meaning the average conscript that fought ISIS, and integrating them in the army rather than being influenced by said fifth columns. It would be a good thing just for employment alone. Many of the volunteers are poor people from the South, they should be offered a military career.

That requires removing the current leadership, which I guess is happening right now but in a very violent way that is.

The trials which led to executions of many former regime officials have killed many loyalists of the country. The US permitted all that, to pave the way for today's leaders only to strike them today. Strange development but not unusual
US is arming, funding and training the Kurds who have blown thousands of Turkish soldiers and civilians into pieces. Meanwhile you host US bases. Then you come here and talk about Iran lol.

1212 Turkish citizens have been annihilated by the Kurds between 2015-2019. The Kurds are receiving funds, arms, and training by your American masters that you host. But sure come here and brag about US killing an Iranian general in Iraq.

trump has wanted war with Iran from day 1. If Iran retaliates in Iraq against US, US wins. US would pressure Iraq to disarm the militia. If Iran retaliates in Syria against the US troops, trump would start a new war in Syria to topple Assad. trump would not retreat from Syria.

trump has the far right fooled that trump is for peace. trump was for war since day 1. They want Iran to strike back because they want the notion of a peace president to fail. They want their neo-cons and neo-libs back. This neo-nazis candidate for no more wars, was not only a joke, but is there to control demo the populist movement against wars.

Iran would continue to get closer to Iraq to win from this. And come out with a 5 year plan to remove US troops from Iraq, including closing the green zone. Which is what was happening before this assassination. Iran will continue the mission to close the green zone by Iraqi decree.
Are you serious? This is utterly juvenile take on events.

1. Pakistan has nothing to do with Iran and its proxy wars in the ME.

2. Declaring WAR on USA is absolutely stupid. Not long ago, Iranians were boasting about shooting down an American UAV and attacking a Saudi oil refinery; some were boasting about US not having in it to counter Iranian moves. Well, Trump administration is calling the shots now.

3. WAR does not break US economy, rather help it. Military Industrial Complex is an important component of American economy.

4. Assassination of top Iranian general wasn't an impulsive act. This show that US is absolutely prepared and willing to safeguard its interests across the board. In fact, Mike Pompeo have conveyed as much to Pakistani COAS as well.

Pakistan must stay away from this war no matter what. WE have too much on our plate already. Time to seal Iranian border.

Point 1 - Modern conflicts suck every power within vicinity of the conflict zone in. If we should not be concerned then remember the Afghan war that the US has been fighting, we became a front-line state. Don't fool yourself that the US and Iran will not be having, conflicting, demands from Pakistan and in one way or the other ask Pakistan to pick a side. Depending on how Iran responds, Pakistan is a very easy place to conduct asymmetrical warfare, considering there are numerous American citizens, diplomats etc. Assassinations of these people in Pakistan would be a responsibility on Pakistan to tackle and that would be a key US demand which failing would make the US intervene and violate Pakistan's sovereignty. So, stop being "juvenile" in your thoughts on this matter.

Point 2 - The Iranians did not declare war on the US, the US declared war on Iran, its the other way around. The act is profound that everyone around the world knows that the US committed a major act of war and that Iran is now justified to respond and retaliate. Also, Iranians never boasted about Saudi oil refinery attacks and rather claimed to be non-complicit in that event, go check your history.

Point 3 - Wars always break economies. The US is now weaker than it ever was before 9/11 and subsequent wars it carried out as a result in the context of War against Terrorism. Material losses and manpower losses contribute to economic loss. A show of force itself is a significant expenditure such as the moving of US Naval battle group. If the US uses F-35s and if even one of them gets lost, that is a significant economic loss. If the US fires a battery of cruise missiles against targets of less value, that is an economic loss. Remember, the people paying for these wars are the tax payers, the more tax they pay the less purchasing power they have and so the less they spend in the economy. The only time wars are profitable to the US when it is an arms supplier to two warring factions.

Point 4 - Yes, this was an act by the US where they clearly weighed their options and are working towards convincing how it was a legitimate affair. Keep in mind that Iran has also declared the US armed forces in the regions as a terrorist entity. So, by US practice, the Iranians would seek similar outcome of claiming a US general as well. The US is completely capable (and has) to carry out such operations. Likewise, Iran will now be able to carry out the desired outcome with the capability it has in its hand (which people know and dont know). Iran does not need to be as overt as the US in achieving its outcome. For retaliation, they can kill a US general on US soil, at a time and place of their choosing, through third/fourth party actors, with the appropriate lethality, to achieve the desired outcome.
trump has wanted war with Iran from day 1. If Iran retaliates in Iraq against US, US wins. US would pressure Iraq to disarm the militia. If Iran retaliates in Syria against the US troops, trump would start a new war in Syria to topple Assad. trump would not retreat from Syria.

trump has the far right fooled that trump is for peace. trump was for war since day 1. They want Iran to strike back because they want the notion of a peace president to fail. They want their neo-cons and neo-libs back. This neo-nazis candidate for no more wars, was not only a joke, but is there to control demo the populist movement against wars.

Iran would continue to get closer to Iraq to win from this. And come out with a 5 year plan to remove US troops from Iraq, including closing the green zone. Which is what was happening before this assassination. Iran will continue the mission to close the green zone by Iraqi decree.

Trump is desperately trying to drag Iran in a war with US to stay in power. The most logical response is to stay calm and don't retaliate. Wait after next president is elected and then get our revenge. But the question is. How much beating can Iran handle before we HAVE to retaliate? If we respond now we get a full scale war and lose our influence in Iraq entirely. If we don't respond, they will continue to strike all Pro Iranian militants in Iraq until there is none left. Ironically. The only man able to mastermind us out of this situation was Soleimani.
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Trump is desperately trying to drag Iran in a war with US to stay in power. The most logical response is to stay calm and don't retaliate. Wait after next president is elected and then get our revenge. But the question is. How much beating can Iran handle before we HAVE to retaliate?

1) Trump wins this election without this war in fact a war would hurt his chances
2) If Iran doesn't escalate they risk losing significant influence and embolden their enemies.
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