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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

US can't bomb our generals but we can bomb groups which US supports on the ground. The same can't be said about Iran, b.tch Iran is in Iraq, thanks to the US that is bombing Iran's top generals today like cheap rag tag militia they are. They just bombed another Iranian fool, widening your behind...

US is arming, funding and training the Kurds who have blown thousands of Turkish soldiers and civilians into pieces. Meanwhile you host US bases. Then you come here and talk about Iran lol.

1212 Turkish citizens have been annihilated by the Kurds between 2015-2019. The Kurds are receiving funds, arms, and training by your American masters that you host. But sure come here and brag about US killing an Iranian general in Iraq.
US is arming, funding and training the Kurds who have blown thousands of Turkish soldiers and civilians into pieces. Meanwhile you host US bases. Then you come here and talk about Iran lol.

1212 Turkish citizens have been annihilated by the Kurds between 2015-2019. The Kurds are receiving funds, arms, and training by your American masters that you host. But sure come here and brag about US killing an Iranian general in Iraq.
Show me your response, b*tch. You see our response to Americans regarding those issues. Stop your historical b*tching, and show Iranian resistance to penetration.
@Arabizer @dani92

Do you think that the more independent militias within the PMU will eventually merge with the Iraqi army and help root out fifth columns, traitors and Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah regime influence from Iraqi state institutions? It is a difficult balancing line as the Americans are not popular for well known reasons but the integrity of the state and its stability should be the first priority. In public such patriots should be condemning such liquidations (even if it is good that trash like that are removed for the sake of Iraqis first and foremost) in order to not have the illiterate hordes against them who blindly follow those monkeys, but at the same time they should help weakening those groups and thus help turn Iraq into a more independent nation that will not allow itself to become a serious battleground any longer.

There are much bigger challenges to deal with in the future as I alluded to but the key is to remove/prevent/stop those fifth columns/traitors/foreign servants from infiltrating the Iraqi nation and hijacking it.

Iraqis, in particular Shia, should not accept such a status quo as it will only hurt their own interests and that of their country as seen time and time again.

Further weakening of the states also enables Kurds and ISIS remnants.

I honestly can't see a better solution right now (quick one) than a military coup by Iraqi patriots that will remove all those fifth columns from power from within.

Howsa Howsa we want to do howsa all day:lol:

The unique tradition has spread to Sharqiya Province.:enjoy:

Your response is to continue to host the Americans who helped the Kurds annihilate 1212 of your people between 2015-2019. Very effective response
You people are the top b*tches of the region. If that is our response why are you b*tching about Turkish troops in Syria? Get them out, b*tch, do you dare?
US can't bomb our generals but we can bomb groups which US supports on the ground. The same can't be said about Iran, b.tch Iran is in Iraq, thanks to the US that is bombing Iran's top generals today like cheap rag tag militia they are. They just bombed another Iranian fool, widening your behind... I am waiting for Iranian response lol
Sorry buddy but US as support YPG and PKK for years and have inflicted many bombings and ambushes against Turkish troops. You shouldn't talk so much.
@Arabizer @dani92

Do you think that the more independent militias within the PMU will eventually merge with the Iraqi army and help root out fifth columns, traitors and Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah regime influence from Iraqi state institutions? It is a difficult balancing line as the Americans are not popular for well known reasons but the integrity of the state and its stability should be the first priority. In public such patriots should be condemning such liquidations (even if it is good that trash like that are removed for the sake of Iraqis first and foremost) in order to not have the illiterate hordes against them who blindly follow those monkeys, but at the same time they should help weakening those groups and thus help turn Iraq into a more independent nation that will not allow itself to become a serious battleground any longer.

There are much bigger challenges to deal with in the future as I alluded to but the key is to remove/prevent/stop those fifth columns/traitors/foreign servants from infiltrating the Iraqi nation and hijacking it.

Iraqis, in particular Shia, should not accept such a status quo as it will only hurt their own interests and that of their country as seen time and time again.

Further weakening of the states also enables Kurds and ISIS remnants.

I honestly can't see a better solution right now (quick one) than a military coup by Iraqi patriots that will remove all those fifth columns from power from within.
Well they have to if they don't want Iraq to be battleground more of them need to drop their weapons and go home or merge with the army.
You may be right since I don't know how geopolimics work and I certainly have no idea what national interests are. But I read somewhere that that's how Nazism and eventually communism were defeated. But that may just be a rumor started by people who don't know what the interest rates are....
Did you have a stroke writing this? Your comment is so weirdly written.
Sorry buddy but US as support YPG and PKK for years and have inflicted many bombings and ambushes against Turkish troops. You shouldn't talk so much.
You should tell that Iranian son of a b*tch, he is the one who started to talk dirty. You are all b*tches.
You people are the top b*tches of the region. If that is our response why are you b*tching about Turkish troops in Syria? Get them out, b*tch, do you dare?

Why? Turkey is not our enemy. Why should we care about what Turkey does in Syria. You should care about your American masters you host helping the Kurds annihilate 1212 of your countrymen between 2015-2019 meanwhile you continue to host the said masters. Then you come here and talk shit about an Iranian general killed in Iraq

You should tell that Iranian son of a b*tch, he is the one who started to talk dirty. You are all b*tches.
You started it amk
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