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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Zarif is a foreign minister so yes his job is to use legal avenues (Court of Hauge) for suing the US.This is a separate track from Iranian military response.

You should probably learn how different departments of government work.

US is a bitch that does the same thing suing Iran in its OWN courts to collect money for legitimate military attacks.
define the level of attack iran could do?
i say nothing major .
People who dont understand Iran say this. IRIAF will prove its worth eventually. Just keep watching.

Yeah the 5th gen F-14 is gonna sink US ships in the gulf now :rofl:
Don't look for more, you already have a lot of d...s in your mouth.
Says the guy whose country is hosting US bases, who in return, arms trains and funds Kurds that have been killing you for decades. Talk about getting d...s in both holes
i see some Pakistanis on this thread triggered, because it hurts them to see another "regional" power show its not as afraid of US. cheers.
regional power . come on dude one of your top most general got butchered with another general .
After the involvement of the Iraqi military and Iraqi patriots in the elimination of the foreign terrorists, a few other traitors, Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah drones and terrorists are next in line to be blown up eventually.


It's very unclear now, who is in charge of Iraq. No prime minister, presidents wants to resign and deadlock in parliament. Army | PMU blocking one another
People who dont understand Iran say this. IRIAF will prove its worth eventually. Just keep watching

India is one of the biggest American ally in the region.

Do you think India represents a potential target for Iranian response?
Says the guy whose country is hosting US bases, who in return, arms trains and funds Kurds that have been killing you for decades. Talk about getting d...s in both holes
Those are Turkish bases, hosting NATO personnel. In return, Russia knows it's limits then about training, arming PKK elements, the game isn't over.

It's very unclear now, who is in charge of Iraq. No prime minister, presidents wants to resign and deadlock in parliament. Army | PMU blocking one another

Even though many patriotic Iraqi martyrs have been executed by that filthy illegitimate establishment, as you yourself have alluded to, there are enough of Iraqi patriots alive, regardless of sect and political viewpoints, who reject the status quo and demonic/cancerous infiltration of Iraqi state institutions and free hands to the militia mafia gang leaders and their criminals who are fifth columns and serve a foreign rotten regime and are ready to sacrifice their people and country for that said hostile foreign regime. All those traitorous terrorists have the blood fo 10.000's of Iraqis on their filthy hands. From fighting against their country and people on the battlefield ages ago to what they have been doing since 2003.

What is worse, they are the biggest enemies of the Iraqi Shia Arab masses who want knowing more than see them dead and buried after almost 2 decades of misery, corruption and incompetence. Those cancers want the South to remain neglected, impoverished and ignorant so they can influence the masses with their cheap nonsense rhetoric but the youth are now interconnected with the world and can see their real face and what is going on. All the while Iraq is one of the richest nations on the planet.

It is actually insane.

The Mullah's are cowards. They will use proxies/foreign lands as usual. The victims will be the locals who will be acting like cannon fodder.

Now those cancers are trying to remove the focus from their pathetic incompetence/corruption and create anti-American sentiment which already existed and the biggest irony is that the filth would still be living in exile in Iran if not for the US intervention in 2003 that helped them to power.

I cannot stress my dislike of the filth enough. I am proudly radically against them, always have been as you know. I unfortunately saw many of the problems coming 10+ years ago.

Iraq, which should have been a strong independent regional power, is still under occupation and infiltrated by those cancers.

The 500 Iraqi martyred youth should never be forgotten or their sacrifice should never be forgotten. They can try all their filth all they want to, eventually they will be defeated like everywhere else and sanity will prevail.

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People who dont understand Iran say this. IRIAF will prove its worth eventually. Just keep watching.
You are acting like a fanatic but this is no football match to watch.
Last time Iran and US had a flare up, I told Iranian members of this forum their mullah leaders made a blunder by bargaining over the nuclear programme. They didn't listen and attacked me. No Iranian member on this forum was critical of the mullah regime.

Iran finds itself here because it got cold feet and abandoned the nuclear programme. Had Iran stuck to her guns, it would have a nuclear weapon by now and a missile to deliver it anywhere. Then you negotiate from a position of strength. But, no, mullahs wanted to be good schoolboys and foolishly surrendered the nuclear programme.

I see Iranians crying over Soleimani but his death is on the mullahs who gave away their leverage. Britain and Europe were never going to uphold JCOPA.

Every century has had a global conflict and the world is overdue for a global conflict.

Iran isolated all its allies and installed US puppet regimes on both sides of itself. They thought they were a cowboy of the ME, and nothing could touch them.

Actually, they were slowly being lured into a trap set by US. Today Iraqis are celebrating, Afghan puppet regime has lost to Taliban, the man they thought was their shia ally 0(Atheist Assad) is about to switch to US and KSA/UAE side.

Imagine if little Iran with outdated military and weapons can roar so loudly, Pakistan with a much superior fighting force and professional soldiers is unable even to whimper in front of India, Iran, US, etc. We just want to silently fight and keep peace again and again. We really need to learn this tactic from Iranians how to be loud and heard.
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