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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Goodmorning sherlock, you are awake:-). Off course the intelligence came from a Iraqi! You should hope they don't begin to kill each other...

Let's hope they don't kill each other like your Kurdish nationals have been raping your askers the past decades. Last thing we want for Iraq is another Turkish situation. It's very thoughtful of you to think about Iraq but focus on your own country first
Does anyone know what was used in the strike? I am hearing everything from attack helicopters to UAVs.
OOoo you mean proxies over the world.:-)

So using Iraq as a place to fight amreecans?
Your country has been using proxies too(nasty ones like ISIS in earlier parts of SYrian war) too like FSA, HTS, GNA militia...you started copying Iran when you knew Iran had an effective and cheap way of waging war. hypocrite!

Iran will do nothing. no country is crazy enough to mess with USA.
So can we agree that if and when Iran does "something" you and i will agree publicly that Iran has balls to attack US that Pakistan doesnt have? i would like this agreement because i see some Pakistanis on this thread triggered, because it hurts them to see another "regional" power show its not as afraid of US. cheers.
Your country has been using proxies too(nasty ones like ISIS in earlier parts of SYrian war) too like FSA, HTS, GNA militia...you started copying Iran when you knew Iran had an effective and cheap way of waging war. hypocrite!

So can we agree that if and when Iran does "something" you and i will agree publicly that Iran has balls to attack US that Pakistan doesnt have? i would like this agreement because i see some Pakistanis on this thread triggered, because it hurts them to see another "regional" power show its not as afraid of US. cheers.
Are you American or Persian?
Your country has been using proxies too(nasty ones like ISIS in earlier parts of SYrian war) too like FSA, HTS, GNA militia...you started copying Iran when you knew Iran had an effective and cheap way of waging war. hypocrite!

So can we agree that if and when Iran does "something" you and i will agree publicly that Iran has balls to attack US that Pakistan doesnt have? i would like this agreement because i see some Pakistanis on this thread triggered, because it hurts them to see another "regional" power show its not as afraid of US. cheers.

Iran will not do anything. Going into a war with USA is self destruction.
So can we agree that if and when Iran does "something" you and i will agree publicly that Iran has balls to attack US that Pakistan doesnt have? i would like this agreement because i see some Pakistanis on this thread triggered, because it hurts them to see another "regional" power show its not as afraid of US.

To be honest we screwed the U.s for a long time in Afghanistan

And now they are asking us to help them get out:angel:
Your country has been using proxies too(nasty ones like ISIS in earlier parts of SYrian war) too like FSA, HTS, GNA militia...you started copying Iran when you knew Iran had an effective and cheap way of waging war. hypocrite!

So can we agree that if and when Iran does "something" you and i will agree publicly that Iran has balls to attack US that Pakistan doesnt have? i would like this agreement because i see some Pakistanis on this thread triggered, because it hurts them to see another "regional" power show its not as afraid of US. cheers.

I don't know why you brought Pakistan into the equation. Iran is a paper tiger look at the pathetic state of your country. The mullah's needed balls to arm themselves with nuclear weapons but they bottled it at the last minute. Now the American's are going to give you a good pounding and you can't do jackshit. We have fought the American's in Afghanistan and are winning the war.
Zarif is a foreign minister so yes his job is to use legal avenues (Court of Hauge) for suing the US.This is a separate track from Iranian military response.

You should probably learn how different departments of government work.

US is a bitch that does the same thing suing Iran in its OWN courts to collect money for legitimate military attacks.
Oh boy here comes the retaliation:

Looks like Iran will severely complain about this to various people in the international level

This was clearly a sucker punch by the U.S. so only an idiotic fool would assume that Iran's response has to either be immediate or none at all....
Iran could very well wait for the U.S. to put down it's defenses to have a sucker punch of it's own and until Iran's response comes and the situation is over with all the US puppets Arab Kings and Princes across the region will likely be in hiding fearing for their lives because at the end of the day taking some of them out will likely be far more beneficial to Iran then taking out some American General.....
So can we agree that if and when Iran does "something" you and i will agree publicly that Iran has balls to attack US that Pakistan doesnt have? i would like this agreement because i see some Pakistanis on this thread triggered, because it hurts them to see another "regional" power show its not as afraid of US. cheers.

lol I'll take you up on that but there must be a time limit. Putting aside this silliness US ships sail through 'Chinese territory' all the time and nothing happens so what would Pakistan do.

Being not afraid and being suicidal are two different things. I hope Iranians don't do anything suicidal.
It was reckless and retarded move by United States.
But even more retarded move by the general to go into Iraq. Was he not aware that there are tons of his enemies? Who approved his visit ? There is an inside hand involved.
Looks like an insider's job...
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