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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

The same Iraq that would have known the exact itinerary of the targets, and would have been informed why multiple drones were in the airspace above the international airport.

Not going to speculate on any hard facts here, but in Iraq you have a government that not only gave militia fighters free reign to attack the US embassy but also condemned the attack on Suleimani, never mind the countless Iraqi Shiite militant groups bearing its former Primer Minister's name. If Iraq did assist in any intelligence gathering, you can be damn sure that the US didn't rely on that assistance.
Not going to speculate on any hard facts here, but in Iraq you have a government that not only gave militia fighters free reign to attack the US embassy but also condemned the attack on Suleimani, never mind the countless Iraqi Shiite militant groups bearing its former Primer Minister's name. If Iraq did assist in any intelligence gathering, you can be damn sure that the US didn't rely on that assistance.
These "militias" are officially part of Iraqi army and they were attacked by US terrorists/occupiers.
Not going to speculate on any hard facts here, but in Iraq you have a government that not only gave militia fighters free reign to attack the US embassy but also condemned the attack on Suleimani, never mind the countless Iraqi Shiite militant groups bearing its former Primer Minister's name. If Iraq did assist in any intelligence gathering, you can be damn sure that the US didn't rely on that assistance.

People also burnt down the Iranian consulates, the issue is the people in Iraq seem like they don't get deterred easily by gunfire given how much war they've seen. And security forces don't want to open fire on unarmed people, so they manage to overrun the security lines
Welcome to 2020 guys, another decade, another conflict and more war. We will never witness a decade free of war at least in our lifetime. Now Iran will retaliate by attacking USA interests most likely in Iraq or Syria and in return USA will directly attack Iran and we have another war with consequences spreading to our region and destabilizing Middle East further. Only winner is the Zionist entity while we all kill each other based on religious divisions and these saudis and Arab sheiks will enjoy couple of more high profile celebrities. Continue fighting based on sects while we all have something in common which is Quran, prophet, one Allah and we couldn’t even untie under one allah while our enemies from different religions are united against us. Stealing our resources and eating Muslims alive across the world. So yeah congratulations and happy 2020.
It was reckless and retarded move by United States.

But even more retarded move by the general to go into Iraq. Was he not aware that there are tons of his enemies? Who approved his visit ? There is new inside hand involved.

Supposedly he was in Iraq quite often, and close to battlefields especially against the fight with ISIS. It was also noted that he made remarks that he can now drive from Iran to Lebanon. Nonetheless, if the US wanted to take him out they would of done so regardless if he was in Iraq or maybe even in Iran.
Why are the coffins different? Is there an adjustment according to rank or required interior space?
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The most balanced post in the thread.

Last time Iran and US had a flare up, I told Iranian members of this forum their mullah leaders made a blunder by bargaining over the nuclear programme. They didn't listen and attacked me. No Iranian member on this forum was critical of the mullah regime.

Iran finds itself here because it got cold feet and abandoned the nuclear programme. Had Iran stuck to her guns, it would have a nuclear weapon by now and a missile to deliver it anywhere. Then you negotiate from a position of strength. But, no, mullahs wanted to be good schoolboys and foolishly surrendered the nuclear programme.

I see Iranians crying over Soleimani but his death is on the mullahs who gave away their leverage. Britain and Europe were never going to uphold JCOPA.

Welcome to 2020 guys, another decade, another conflict and more war. We will never witness a decade free of war at least in our lifetime. Now Iran will retaliate by attacking USA interests most likely in Iraq or Syria and in return USA will directly attack Iran and we have another war with consequences spreading to our region and destabilizing Middle East further. Only winner is the Zionist entity while we all kill each other based on religious divisions and these saudis and Arab sheiks will enjoy couple of more high profile celebrities. Continue fighting based on sects while we all have something in common which is Quran, prophet, one Allah and we couldn’t even untie under one allah while our enemies from different religions are united against us. Stealing our resources and eating Muslims alive across the world. So yeah congratulations and happy 2020.

Every century has had a global conflict and the world is overdue for a global conflict.
Your great soldier likely had a direct hand in the killing of US military contractors and personnel in December and prior.
So? You step foot on foreign land thinking you own it, this is how you'll get sent back

I wonder how many of those carcasses Soleimani sent back in boxes. Probably all of them.
What's also funny is how China and Russia were acting tough in their cute little naval "exercise" with Iran just a few days ago, only to retreat to their lairs and tremble in fear when the US delivered well-earned justice yesterday.
No one cares what happens in that private little world that exists only in your head. Since when did a joint naval exercise obligate China or Russia to defend an Iranian general in Iraq? But you'll get your wish - that talking orange tumour you call a president will invade Iran, and then China and Russia will turn it into a meat grinder you never get out of. Remember what Iran did to you in Iraq and understand that China and Russia will do it to you in Iran a thousand times worse. Just like they did back in Vietnam.

Ah, the bad old days are coming back. ;)

Oh, and happy new year, "Sino"soldier. It's the first year of India's superpowerdom.
Now that India has surpassed China and is challenging America, how do you feel?
I gave some examples, and the american analysts repeated my words (about targetting economical interests of US in the region). Even the reaction of Iran what was announced few minutes ago was exactly what I said word by word few hours ago to @HannibalBarca : Iran will act at the right moment and right place.

We should take in consideration the factors that after 8 months we can start to upgrade our airforce and the coming elections of US.

However I think Iran has a range of options:
  • First asking our Iraqi allies to expel American forces by law. If traitors in parliament reject passing such bill, we have to hit the traitors personally or their region (KRG for example)
  • If the legal way does not work, we can work together with Iraqi resistance to create an atmosphere of terror for anything that is American in Iraq, especially sabotage/damage of their companies like burning down their factories without claiming reponsiblity
  • Demanding the leave or forcing them to leave by violence together with our allies. For example: Americans could disappear and never be found again in Iraq. Where they rest in peace or how doesnt have to be filmed or announced or claimed, it coud be done in name of ISIS.
  • Possibly getting closer to Taliban/delivering them modern weapons to hit helicopters, tanks, but demanding that they use it only against US forces and not afghan forces etc.
  • Putting pressure on Afghan government by playing the refugee card and opening of taliban office in Iran if US does not leave Afghanistan in a given amount of time. Last resort would be opening embassy for taliban.
  • Delivering modern weapons to Ansarallah Yemen
  • Our agents searching for Israeli or American targets in Azerbayjan, UAE and the rest of the neighbouring countries. Important persons could suddenly disappear.
  • Sending weapons and forces te liberate idlib from HTS/Al-Qaeda terrorists.
  • Firing a mass barrage of missiles into Israel from either gaza or syria.

I think Iran will chose a number of these options.

Arm Shia in Bahrain so they can overthrow the stooge Khalifa regime.
Just prior to the airstrikes on Soleimani and Muhandis.

The commander of Baghdad Operations Command changed, appointing a Pro-Iran party general.
Green-Zone security head changed, appointing a PMU member.

A couple of months ago, senior ISOF general Abdul Wahab al Saadi was dismissed. He was in dispute with the prime minister's policies.

Currently, several are nominated for the position of prime minister. One of them is retired ISOF general, Abdul Ghani al Asadi. He worked closely with the US military and would lean towards their side. On the other side of the spectrum, certain nominees supported by the PMU parties.

It all points to an internal power struggle between Iran/US sided factions, now it's intensifying with the US stepping in.
Just prior to the airstrikes on Soleimani and Muhandis.

The commander of Baghdad Operations Command changed, appointing a Pro-Iran party general.
Green-Zone security head changed, appointing a PMU member.

A couple of months ago, senior ISOF general Abdul Wahab al Saadi was dismissed. He was in dispute with the prime minister's policies.

It all points to an internal power struggle between Iran/US sided factions.

Goodmorning sherlock, you are awake:-). Off course the intelligence came from a Iraqi! You should hope they don't begin to kill each other...
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