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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Somewhere in Damascus.... Bashar al Assad is smiling...

he now knows he can count on direct Iranian troop support to slaughter every single American terrorist out of Syria....

red lines have been crossed and the game has changed.... every single American monkey in the middle east now has a target on his head... generals, government officials influential Zionist "businessmen" parasites... nobody is off limits.
Somewhere in Damascus.... Bashar al Assad is smiling...

he now knows he can count on direct Iranian troop support to slaughter every single American terrorist out of Syria....

red lines have been crossed and the game has changed.... every single American monkey in the middle east now has a target on his head... generals, government officials influential Zionist "businessmen" parasites... nobody is off limits.
This is first time line was crossed to take out an high ranking official. It sends a very negative message overall. Let us see but more dark clouds on the horizon now.
Big influence but he isn't a religious figure, he just happens to have a father who was a big religious figure which gave him value. His influence comes from the peace brigades armed group part of the PMU, which is quite big part of the PMU.
I thought he was a religious figure. From what I remember, Saddams executioners were chanting Muqtadas name when they hanged him.
I thought he was a religious figure. From what I remember, Saddams executioners were chanting Muqtadas name when they hanged him.

He was a lot more hardline back in those days and far more influential than people like Qais al Khazali, who used to work for Sadr as his spokesperson back in 2003-2006.

He was the more extreme, juior cleric back in those days whereas Sistani was senior and more calm, always urging for restraint whilst Sadr's Mahdi army was attacking Americans. Today he's calmed down and taken a more nationalistic approach with Khazali taking over the more extreme policy that Sadr used to have.

Sistani is a grand ayatollah, Sadr is not an ayatollah

Why should we? War is between Iran and Amreecans and not Turks. We have our own war in Libya, good luck with Desert Storm 3...

Because Erdogan and his followers thrive on the image lately that he is the bulwark against America in the region, as opposed to the GCC and Egypt.

Whilst Turkey is no different.
Somewhere in Damascus.... Bashar al Assad is smiling...

he now knows he can count on direct Iranian troop support to slaughter every single American terrorist out of Syria....

red lines have been crossed and the game has changed.... every single American monkey in the middle east now has a target on his head... generals, government officials influential Zionist "businessmen" parasites... nobody is off limits.
if that happen usa assas will see the aame faye as qasim suliemani . before usa leave .
He was a lot more hardline back in those days and far more influential than people like Qais al Khazali, who used to work for Sadr as his spokesperson back in 2003-2006.

He was the more extreme, juior cleric back in those days whereas Sistani was senior and more calm, always urging for restraint whilst Sadr's Mahdi army was attacking Americans. Today he's calmed down and taken a more nationalistic approach with Khazali taking over the more extreme policy that Sadr used to have.

Sistani is a grand ayatollah, Sadr is not an ayatollah

It's probably only symbolic, but he has ordered reactivation of Mahdi army. What you are saying is the man who holds the power to out US from Iraq is Sistani?
It's probably only symbolic, but he has ordered reactivation of Mahdi army. What you are saying is the man who holds the power to out US from Iraq is Sistani?
Just symbolic, he has to express anger

No it's the executive branch of the gov that can do that, and there's no prime minister at the moment
Ok, here is the thing, I am a Sunni Muslim and a proud Pakistani. I am middle aged and do extensive research on subjects before claiming anything. Qasem Soleiman's killing has really made me upset. Everyone who thinks its a good riddance do not realise what a pain in the arse he was for the united states and their designs in the ME region. People conveniently forget the atrocities the US committed in their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Did you forget Abu Ghuraib for instance?

Any how, QS was powerful enough to tackle ISIS and had the backing of sovereign government in rolling back Wahhabi and US/Israeli unholy agenda. His killing is not going to stop this, that is certain and will briefly throw a spanner in the works because the opposing side is no longer well equipped to make a come back, it is highly unlikely.

Those who claim him to anti-Pakistan, I have read that statement, and he was simply conducting himself the way our ISPR does and was playing out his role to protect his borders and giving Pakistan the chance to fix it. Well guess what...he did not follow through with his threat. In case you are wondering, Pakistan Army does similar things. Remember the Peshawar School killings, our General went across to Afghanistan and gave a similar ultimatum for the Afghan government to take action or else we would be conducting hot pursuit into their territory. Compared to Iran, we have often, several times, followed through with our threat. Its politics...live with it.

Anyhow, the other thing is that now the US has absolutely thrown the region into unchartered territory. US citizen will be marked as legitimate targets. Iranian armed forces has been training for war with the US, the time has come to put everything they learned into practice. Expect massive attacks if this goes out of hand, which it most likely will. Expect Pakistan to form a side, and this time we better side with the Chinese, and Russians in helping Iran and break the US's economy just like what we did to the USSR.

Be prepared to live in a highly unstable neighborhood, an Iran that will be fighting for her survival and India that would be with aggressive posturing. Expect refugee flows coming in to Pakistan from both sides.
Are you serious? This is utterly juvenile take on events.

1. Pakistan has nothing to do with Iran and its proxy wars in the ME.

2. Declaring WAR on USA is absolutely stupid. Not long ago, Iranians were boasting about shooting down an American UAV and attacking a Saudi oil refinery; some were boasting about US not having in it to counter Iranian moves. Well, Trump administration is calling the shots now.

3. WAR does not break US economy, rather help it. Military Industrial Complex is an important component of American economy.

4. Assassination of top Iranian general wasn't an impulsive act. This show that US is absolutely prepared and willing to safeguard its interests across the board. In fact, Mike Pompeo have conveyed as much to Pakistani COAS as well.

Pakistan must stay away from this war no matter what. WE have too much on our plate already. Time to seal Iranian border.
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It was reckless and retarded move by United States.

But even more retarded move by the general to go into Iraq. Was he not aware that there are tons of his enemies? Who approved his visit ? There is an inside hand involved.
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Damn! That's some hard news. A great soldier has fallen today.

Why am I not surprised a terrorist supporter like you would be cheering this. Did you cheer the Charlie Hebdo murders as well, terrorist?

Your great soldier likely had a direct hand in the killing of US military contractors and personnel in December and prior.

What's also funny is how China and Russia were acting tough in their cute little naval "exercise" with Iran just a few days ago, only to retreat to their lairs and tremble in fear when the US delivered well-earned justice yesterday.
Somewhere in Damascus.... Bashar al Assad is smiling...

he now knows he can count on direct Iranian troop support to slaughter every single American terrorist out of Syria....

red lines have been crossed and the game has changed.... every single American monkey in the middle east now has a target on his head... generals, government officials influential Zionist "businessmen" parasites... nobody is off limits.

Yes help Assad kill more children. Soleimani was doing the same for him and died like a dog today.
All the morons under the delusion that Iranians by the majority want this government gone sure as hell got their answer today from all across Iran!!!!!!


The region did not need this escalation.

It is a highly provocative and irresponsible act of murder by the United States.

Mr. Suleimani may have been a controversial figure but international norms are to be respected by everyone equally.

Nazi India threatens to annex her smaller neighbours but restraint is being shown by Pakistan to avert a greater human tragedy.

Highly deplorable act if i may term it as such by Trump.

If Mr. Soleimani had "respected everyone equally" as per your own standards instead of ordering attacks on US personnel, perhaps he wouldn't have been targeted.

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind, as the saying goes.
i asked a question.

i do not know what PMU is. I deal in governments
PMU is formally part of Iraqi govt though.

You are trolling, but you are allowed to..

Excellent news! The bottom line is if you continue to threaten and attack Americans, you will be steamrolled. Well done Trump.
dead US troops are on the and we both know it. if u dunno that thats guaranteed like our death, then wait for your education.

Great news if true. I'd say good riddance. Qasem soleimani and his filthy sectarian army is responsible for the suffering of millions of Syrian people.
but on another thread some days ago you said Iran and US were working together. If US and Iran were working together then why would US do this?

I made this point ^^ to prove AGAIN that US and Iran are not in the same camp, but sometimes they have similar interests or desired outcomes.
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