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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

Imam Ali Brigades commander Shibel Al-Zaidi was targeted

That guy on the right side, the hero and the legend Abu Azazal ahahah...

Hizb on steroid...

Imam Ali Brigades commander Shibel Al-Zaidi was targeted

The Iraqi military was always, pre-2003 at least, a very strong institution since the inception. Iraq does not need 100's of different "militia" (a nice word, in reality most of those militias are fifth columns, terrorists and mafia gangs that terrorize the people, extort money from them and are engaged in all kind of intimidation, political assassinations, massive corruption and trying to infiltrate all state institutions), almost all of them proxies of a hostile foreign regime, to fight internal terrorism or foreign hostile entities. It is impossible for a state to be strong and to be able to confront challenges successfully, let alone be trusted by the people, if the current status quo continues as has bene proven time and time again.

A successful military should be completely independent and the strongest element of the nation state as it is responsible for the security of the nation at the end of the day.

Even if I was some radical Iraqi Shia Arab from the South that blindly followed some monkey cleric, say Al-Sadr, I would be very offended (in particular my pride) if I saw that my supposed allies (Mullah regime) saw me as nothing more than cannon fodder in Syria and elsewhere and that they disrespected my country and indirectly, sometimes directly, looked down upon me and just saw me as nothing more than a proxy. Not withstanding the massive corruption and my reality, I live in one of the most resource rich areas on the planet, yet I live an impoverished life largely, while my brethren just south from me, live a life that I could only dream about, yet the Mullah's brainwash me and tell me that they live a life of oppression etc. and kill Shias 24/7 etc. nonsense.

What kind of intensive/massive brainwashing must such individuals have undergone not to see the ground reality?
Do you need to bring India into this discussion? Now, do you like to derail this thread with your troll comments as this issue is nothing to with India nor how Pakistan is dealing with India

So India has nothing to do with this?

Who do you think you kid?
Iran isolated all its allies and installed US puppet regimes on both sides of itself. They thought they were a cowboy of the ME, and nothing could touch them.

Actually, they were slowly being lured into a trap set by US. Today Iraqis are celebrating, Afghan puppet regime has lost to Taliban, the man they thought was their shia ally 0(Atheist Assad) is about to switch to US and KSA/UAE side.

Imagine if little Iran with outdated military and weapons can roar so loudly, Pakistan with a much superior fighting force and professional soldiers is unable even to whimper in front of India, Iran, US, etc. We just want to silently fight and keep peace again and again. We really need to learn this tactic from Iranians how to be loud and heard.

You are too small and don't have the money. If you had the size of India and Indias GDP you would be a dominant power
Qassem was considered a terrorist and a dangerous adversary for the US.

The question now is what will Iran do about it?.
@dani92 @Arabizer @HannibalBarca

We should not forget that Najaf and Karbala has been infiltrated by the Farsi Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah regime in the past 40 years. They have been waiting for the death of Al-Sistani to put their own Grand Ayatollah in power so that a new figure can toy their demonic/cancerous party line.

This video is from almost 10 years ago. You can imagine how worse the situation has become since then.

Even though Al-Sistani is an Iranian Arab, born in Iran, his loyalty is to Iraq, as he has proven time and time again. While I don't share his ideology, he is not a problem compared to the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah installed drones.

In reality Shia Islam was always dominated by Shia Arabs and Karbala and Najaf remain Arab cities so this should remain the case ideally. Qom was nothing just 40 years ago, now they have invented a new holy site out of nowhere that they are trying to rival Najaf and Karbala with.

That is why indigenous pro-Iraqi Shia Arab clerics are at odds with the Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah founded ones.

If somehow those Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah drones manage to chase the Americans away from Iraq (I doubt that they are going to leave anyway but they might apply pressure), Iraqi institutions will be further infiltrated and the Mullah's will have an even larger grip.

Given the rumors of the same Mullah terrorist fifth columns wanting to remove Iraqi patriots in the military, parliament (the few that exist in that useless parliament), prior to the attack yesterday, this is their plan to this day if they will be allowed to do so.

As we say, the Iraqi masses that curse those fifth columns, Mullahs and terrorists, have no power to oppose them and they will be gunned down like cattle as we witnessed with the 500 martyrs in recent months, mostly young frustrated Iraqi Shia Arab youth.

All due to the idiotic foolishness of the Americans. The Mullah's could not do jackshit against Iraq for 34 years, other than getting a bloody nose, and the dumb Americans gave Iraq on a plate to them. Luckily after 16 miserable years, the tide looks to be turning and there is no going back now with the youth.

Given the institutional problems, rapid population growth, lack of basic services such as electricity during the summer heat, diminishing water levels, smaller role of oil/gas in the future, massive corruption, the Iraqi people will no longer tolerate the status quo for much longer.

You know things are bad when the same Mullah lot have been reaching out to KSA and sending their people to KSA and talked about cooperation. I obviously welcomed that, always will be, but that has more to do with Iraq as a country and Iraqis as a people, rather than those corrupt fifth columns, traitors and terrorists.

EDIT: While I was 100% sure that Iraqi patriots had a finger in the successful assassinations of those foreign terrorists, recent events have proven this once again. Which is fantastic news to but it bluntly and gives hope of a brighter future.
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US is our enemy and they have targeted our assets. Thats not DP. Turkey hosting US bases meanwhile US arms Kurds against Turkey is DP.
US can't bomb our generals but we can bomb groups which US supports on the ground. The same can't be said about Iran, b.tch Iran is in Iraq, thanks to the US that is bombing Iran's top generals today like cheap rag tag militia they are. They just bombed another Iranian fool, widening your behind... I am waiting for Iranian response lol
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