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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

US can't fight a prolonged war, half of their population don't support war with Iran under Trump. Trump will be in catch 22 situation if Iran retaliate. Stupid gamble by trump.
He was not some terrorist leader for God sake,he was the official representative of a country.

He was operating terrorists and ordering proxies to fire missiles all over the middle east. Iran than pretend they had nothing to do with those action. But now they where unmasked.

How is it OK for Iran to stockpile missiles in Yemen , Iraq , Lebanon and Syria.

Great loss for the region. He saved millions and now may him Rest In Peace!

I’ve been trying to put this in context and even though I personally am sad, I still think the move to assassinate him will benefit trump. No matter how this event will spin, he has now a high value target he can boast with and it will get him get re-elected.

For US, it is the worse possible move! Iran will use this as an excuse to entrench exponentially in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. With both increasing manpower and advanced hardware.

Iran, unlike US, is not a reactionary power. The real retaliations will bear fruit years from now. Of course there will be a couple of upheavals along the way in order not to lose the media war, but the big retaliation is when US will be forced to leave the region altogether.

Actually one could even ask the question if the event was not planned by the SL and general Qassemi. One last stroke of genius to increase Iran’s power in the region.
Who told you that Pakistanis are happy with this???

Happy is probably not the right term.

The thing is, this guy just 10 months ago was threatning Pakistan and accusing us of terrorism in neighbourhood.

And here we are 10 months later, the same tough guy got roasted on foreign soil probably because of his terrorist activities in neighbourhood.

Good fkn riddance, I'd say...
i think in future u.s may openly kill any army general of countries which not accept their directions,this is dangerous move which may bring u.s army leadership under direct threat when they visit other countries
Hope so....empires die when they get cocky
Iraqi PM condemns deadly US strike as 'massive breach of sovereignty'

The airstrike on Baghdad International Airport is an act of aggression on Iraq and breach of its sovereignty that will lead to war in Iraq, the region and the world, he said in a statement.

Abdul-Mahdi called the airstrike a "massive breach of sovereignty," saying "the two martyrs were huge symbols of the victory" against the Daesh terror group.

Abdul-Mahdi also said the strike was an outrageous breach of the conditions for the presence of U.S. forces in the country.
Abdul-Mahdi also said the strike was an outrageous breach of the conditions for the presence of U.S. forces in the country.

He invited parliament to convene an extraordinary session, calling on them to take legislative actions that would safeguard Iraq's dignity, security and sovereignty.

Iraq's militia leader turned populist politician Muqtada al-Sadr reactivated his Mahdi Army Friday following the U.S. strike.

Taking to Twitter, al-Sadr ordered "fighters, particularly those from the Mahdi Army, to be ready" following the strike, reactivating the notoriously anti-American force nearly a decade after he dissolved it.

Iran-backed Iraqi militia commander Qais al-Khazali also ordered his fighters Friday to be on high alert for an upcoming battle and said the U.S. military presence in Iraq would end soon.

"All fighters should be on high alert for the upcoming battle and great victory. The price for the blood for the martyred commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis is the complete end to American military presence in Iraq," local TV channel al-Ahd, which is close to his Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia, quoted him as saying.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad on Friday urged its citizens to depart Iraq immediately.

"Due to heightened tensions in Iraq and the region, the U.S. Embassy urges American citizens to heed the January 2020 Travel Advisory and depart Iraq immediately. U.S. citizens should depart via airline while possible, and failing that, to other countries via land," it said in a statement.
I am sure those were dumb extremist Sunni kids of Zia up haq who were Happy because a Shia got killed. But they are little in numbers .Most pakistanis and all media channels of pakistan are against this US action as we speak.
You'd be surprised to learn that there are actually lots of younglings with the same hatred for Shias.
Parents teach hatred to kids who in turn teach their kids, its a never ending cycle.
even the kids raised outside of Pakistan have been taught to despise shia's. its a sad state tbh.

as for what Iran is going to do? I don't think they're going to do shit as they're too weak military wise.
America has just flexed its muscles and Iran is not willing to go to war tbh.
I do hope Pakistan supports Iran.
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Happy is probably not the right term.

The thing is, this guy just 10 months ago was threatning Pakistan and accusing us of terrorism in neighbourhood.

And here we are 10 months later, the same tough guy got roasted on foreign soil probably because of his terrorist activities in neighbourhood.

Good fkn riddance, I'd say...
If there is a war you will have massive influx of refugee pouring in. In order to control that you will have to assign troops from army which is already engaged on two hot borders and are already stretched thin.

And unlike Afg. war this time wr have no stakes or leverage in Iran so no assisstance from international community. Under such circumstances CPEC and related investments will stop. Oil orices will be very high causing massive inflation.

And there is also India which is currently high in fascism.
Soleimani was double terrorist and double war criminal. He took poor migrant Afghan kids and then sent them to Syria to slaughter poor children of Syria.

Afghan kids sent to death by coward terrorist Suleimani:




Syrian kids murdered and expelled from homes by coward terrorist Suleimani:

View attachment 597513



Some more details about Soleimani:

He was operating terrorists and ordering proxies to fire missiles all over the middle east. Iran than pretend they had nothing to do with those action. But now they where unmasked.

How is it OK for Iran to stockpile missiles in Yemen , Iraq , Lebanon and Syria.

Why is ok for U.S to do so and not Iran?
What the
You'd be surprised to learn that there are actually lots of younglings with the same hatred for Shias.
Parents teach hatred to kids who in turn teach their kids, its a never ending school.
even the kids raised outside of Pakistan have been taught to despise shia's. its a sad state tbh.

as for what Iran is going to do? I don't think they're going to do shit as they're too weak military wise.
America has just flexed its muscles and Iran is not willing to go to war tbh.
I do hope Pakistan supports Iran.
why we support Iran when he is in bed with our eternal enemy India?india should come forward and help her friend Iran.in last February both India n Iran active at our boarders at same time .this Soleimani threatens us and India actually attack on us .
If there is a war you will have massive influx of refugee pouring in. In order to control that you will have to assign troops from army which is already engaged on two hot borders and are already stretched thin.

And unlike Afg. war this time wr have no stakes or leverage in Iran so no assisstance from international community. Under such circumstances CPEC and related investments will stop. Oil orices will be very high causing massive inflation.

And there is also India which is currently high in fascism.

Brother, reread my comment please.

No where I supported any kind of war.

I just simply dislike the guy because he threatened my homeland.

And my dislike for him, is just, simply for him.

It has nothing to do with any kind of favouritism or so called sectarianism as some posters here are trying to imply(directly/indirectly) because I am a non theist/Agnostic.

But yes, war or any major conflict must be avoided at all cost.
i am failed to understand why Pakistanis are getting crazy or happy here . sulemani was not our brother nor USA is our uncle . we better calm and have nothing to do with this mess . remember those will survive whom have not taken any side .
BAGHDAD, Jan 3 (Reuters) - Iraq's top Shi'ite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani condemned on Friday a U.S. air strike on Baghdad airport that killed Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and called on all parties to practice restraint.

"The vicious attack on Baghdad international airport last night is an insolent breach of Iraqi sovereignty and international agreements. It led to the killing of several commanders who defeated Islamic State terrorists," Sistani's office said in a statement.

"These events and more indicate the country is heading towards very difficult times. We call on all concerned parties to behave with self restraints and act wisely," he said.

(Reporting By Ahmed Aboulenein, writing By Maha El Dahan)

This already means exit for US troops and siding more with Iraq+Iran, although asking for restraint.
i am failed to understand why Pakistanis are getting crazy or happy here . sulemani was not our brother nor USA is our uncle . we better calm and have nothing to do with this mess . remember those will survive whom have not taken any side .
We are not taking anyone side but happy at dead of person who threatens our motherland? It’s not about sectarian it’s about patriotism
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