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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

iraq should buy s400 from russia in response otherwise there is no benefit of giving statements of condemnation
Iraq - an emergency session of the Iraqi parliament to be hold on Saturday to discuss the issue of the American presence in Iraq
Ok, here is the thing, I am a Sunni Muslim and a proud Pakistani. I am middle aged and do extensive research on subjects before claiming anything. Qasem Soleiman's killing has really made me upset. Everyone who thinks its a good riddance do not realise what a pain in the arse he was for the united states and their designs in the ME region. People conveniently forget the atrocities the US committed in their wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Did you forget Abu Ghuraib for instance?

Any how, QS was powerful enough to tackle ISIS and had the backing of sovereign government in rolling back Wahhabi and US/Israeli unholy agenda. His killing is not going to stop this, that is certain and will briefly throw a spanner in the works because the opposing side is no longer well equipped to make a come back, it is highly unlikely.

Those who claim him to anti-Pakistan, I have read that statement, and he was simply conducting himself the way our ISPR does and was playing out his role to protect his borders and giving Pakistan the chance to fix it. Well guess what...he did not follow through with his threat. In case you are wondering, Pakistan Army does similar things. Remember the Peshawar School killings, our General went across to Afghanistan and gave a similar ultimatum for the Afghan government to take action or else we would be conducting hot pursuit into their territory. Compared to Iran, we have often, several times, followed through with our threat. Its politics...live with it.

Anyhow, the other thing is that now the US has absolutely thrown the region into unchartered territory. US citizen will be marked as legitimate targets. Iranian armed forces has been training for war with the US, the time has come to put everything they learned into practice. Expect massive attacks if this goes out of hand, which it most likely will. Expect Pakistan to form a side, and this time we better side with the Chinese, and Russians in helping Iran and break the US's economy just like what we did to the USSR.

Be prepared to live in a highly unstable neighborhood, an Iran that will be fighting for her survival and India that would be with aggressive posturing. Expect refugee flows coming in to Pakistan from both sides.
El Hamdullilah.
Justice is done in this Dunya...
The only thing they can't control... Death.

Nope... you can even see his Hand and ring around twitter and a quarter of his body...
Being hit by the US, I hardly call that justice. Reflects pathetic condition of Muslim masses. I like or dislike him, that's another thing.
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BAGHDAD, Jan 3 (Reuters) - Iraq's top Shi'ite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani condemned on Friday a U.S. air strike on Baghdad airport that killed Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and called on all parties to practice restraint.

"The vicious attack on Baghdad international airport last night is an insolent breach of Iraqi sovereignty and international agreements. It led to the killing of several commanders who defeated Islamic State terrorists," Sistani's office said in a statement.

"These events and more indicate the country is heading towards very difficult times. We call on all concerned parties to behave with self restraints and act wisely," he said.

(Reporting By Ahmed Aboulenein, writing By Maha El Dahan)

This already means exit for US troops and siding more with Iraq+Iran, although asking for restraint.

The question is do the Iraqis have the determination to kick out the U.S
Iraq - an emergency session of the Iraqi parliament to be hold on Saturday to discuss the issue of the American presence in Iraq
i am failed to understand why Pakistanis are getting crazy or happy here . sulemani was not our brother nor USA is our uncle . we better calm and have nothing to do with this mess . remember those will survive whom have not taken any side .

Because they are stupid

Whose loyalty to others supercedes their love and loyalty to Pakistan
The question is do the Iraqis have the determination to kick out the U.S
whoever votes against kicking them out will become a target. If KRG acts against Iran, soon it will either lose its autonomy or members of barzani family will be kidnapped and found death, same for anyone else that wants that US uses Iraqi soil to attack Iran. This is my analysis about this situation.
wasn't he the same guy who was quite anti-Pakistan? If I remember right, he was the person talking shiat about Pakistan about half a year ago. Well US gave Iranians reason to escalate, lets see what they will/can do?
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