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Breaking: Qassem Soleimani Confirmed Dead by Iraqi State Media

I've been glued to my phone and computer for the past 5 hours man....This shit is exhausting.

Any thoughts on possible courses of action Iran can take? I'v been thinking that Iran should just **** off out of the JCPOA and NPT for starters.

Iran has already declared negotiations finished. Unfortunately reading the SL statement, all out war is still unlikely. Though another severe escalation (attack on Iranian soil) will lead to war.

If you have been following the FATF adoption, if Iran doesn’t adopt FATF by feb it will be virtually unable to do any banking with the last remaining countries. So it doesn’t even matter if Iran and US return to JCPOA because FATF is trying to screw Iran into revealing how it circumvents sanctions.

I think next 6 months will be highly critical for JCPOA.

If I were Iran, I would leave JCPOA this month along with NPT and begin race towards the bomb using next gen centrifuges. This would force trump to make a decision to strike Iran near election time and he will likely not do it, if he is polling favorably.

Unfortunately, I don’t see Iran having the balls to do that. I think we will see some type of attack by proxies and maybe at most an assassination of high ranking US soldier (doubt it).

Remember Israel killed a general with the same rank as Solemani (head of Quds force Operation in Syria Allahdadi) and Iran never responded. HZ killed a few foot soldiers in revenge of Imad’s son death.

So I am not expecting a crazy response because Iran will justify that it happened outside of Iran. Maybe some more attacks on oil facilities.
Revenge ... Soon

Hopefully sane and meticulous planning prevails in Iran.

Iran is no match for the U.S militarily speaking....that's why the U.S was so brazen in killing Iran's most prominent and highest-ranked general in the Middle-East

Hoping for peace in the region and safety for all our Muslim brothers whether in Iran, Iraq, or wherever.
Followed a Thread from top to this point after a long time.
Seems like
60% Trash Talk Insulting Each Other
35% Arab Better then You Vs Arab Sucks
and only 5% On Topic Things

PDF standards have fallen a lot man.
Iran has already declared negotiations finished. Unfortunately reading the SL statement, all out war is still unlikely. Though another severe escalation (attack on Iranian soil) will lead to war.

If you have been following the FATF adoption, if Iran doesn’t adopt FATF by feb it will be virtually unable to do any banking with the last remaining countries. So it doesn’t even matter if Iran and US return to JCPOA because FATF is trying to screw Iran into revealing how it circumvents sanctions.

I think next 6 months will be highly critical for JCPOA.

If I were Iran, I would leave JCPOA this month along with NPT and begin race towards the bomb using next gen centrifuges. This would force trump to make a decision to strike Iran near election time and he will likely not do it, if he is polling favorably.

Unfortunately, I don’t see Iran having the balls to do that. I think we will see some type of attack by proxies and maybe at most an assassination of high ranking US soldier (doubt it).

Remember Israel killed a general with the same rank as Solemani (head of Quds force Operation in Syria Allahdadi) and Iran never responded. HZ killed a few foot soldiers in revenge of Imad’s son death.

So I am not expecting a crazy response because Iran will justify that it happened outside of Iran. Maybe some more attacks on oil facilities.

Talked to another Iranian friend fo mine not from pdf for a good 3-4 hours about this and he said Iran could just sit on this and plan a severe response later down the line but even I doubt that as well. What can Iran really do outside of proxy attacks? An Aramco style attack on American assets will lead to more escalation in which Iran doesn't have all that good of an escalatory ability no like the U.S. and its allies do (boy would it be nice if Iran had some real powerful allies right about now lol).

Going for the bomb or at the very least, leaving the JCPOA and NPT would be good decisions though imo, so I agree there.
Hopefully sane and meticulous planning prevails in Iran.

Iran is no match for the U.S militarily speaking....that's why the U.S was so brazen in killing Iran's most prominent and highest-ranked general in the Middle-East

Hoping for peace in the region and safety for all our Muslim brothers whether in Iran, Iraq, or wherever.
Sane and logical thing to do is response to the attack decisively otherwise the Dotards think it's free range.
It's time for American to see some body bag so they think twice before make such moves again.
Hopefully sane and meticulous planning prevails in Iran.

Iran is no match for the U.S militarily speaking....that's why the U.S was so brazen in killing Iran's most prominent and highest-ranked general in the Middle-East

Hoping for peace in the region and safety for all our Muslim brothers whether in Iran, Iraq, or wherever.

In a somewhat perfect world that sort of rationale would have prevailed but this sort of provocation is just different.

Symbolically Haj-Qassem Soleimani carried the same sort of weight General Patton did in a manner of speaking so this will warrant a response of some sort from Iran.

I do 100% believe that Iran will not just jump into a dumb action and will take its time to see what course of action it wants to take. Khamenie already vowed revenge against this, but we will have to see if it will come to fruition.

Talked to another Iranian friend fo mine not from pdf for a good 3-4 hours about this and he said Iran could just sit on this and plan a severe response later down the line but even I doubt that as well. What can Iran really do outside of proxy attacks? An Aramco style attack on American assets will lead to more escalation in which Iran doesn't have all that good of an escalatory ability no like the U.S. and its allies do (boy would it be nice if Iran had some real powerful allies right about now lol).

Going for the bomb or at the very least, leaving the JCPOA and NPT would be good decisions though imo, so I agree there.

Iran is ready for war, after all this is what they been prepared for 40 years.

The issue is getting most of the factions inside to agree. The death of Solemani will unify more of the factions.

Chance of war is rising.
Followed a Thread from top to this point after a long time.
Seems like
60% Trash Talk Insulting Each Other
35% Arab Better then You Vs Arab Sucks
and only 5% On Topic Things

PDF standards have fallen a lot man.
I think the last statement applies more to you than anyone else
It's obvious Iran didn't expect America to go this far and kill Iran's literal top guy, at least symbolically top guy. What Iran needs to learn is that now the safety of its generals can no longer be taken for granted.
Thats what I'm saying. Always be prepared for worst case scenario. Especially when you are according to US, the biggest state sponsor of terrorism.
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