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Breaking : PM Imran to show 'threat letter' to senior journalists, allies today

This Imran Khan news is now top trending in India. We have minute by minute update from all mainstream Indian media :woot:
Indian media love’s entertainment and Drama. They have not seen this kind of Drama in ages. So not surprised.
Not about poor laborers, but about blowhards who are foreign nationals & have not been to Pakistan in many years. They don't get to have a say.

In Pakistan, democratically elected members are bought at a fixed price, and you say that people who have been sending billions of dollars into Pakistan don't get to have a say? If money talks in Pakistan, why doesn't money from those overseas Pakistanis not get the same treatment? If you can buy an MNA in Pakistan for $1.1 million, why can't the overseas Pakistanis select a few MNAs for $29.4 Billion!? Do some justice.
I hope PA calls time out, rolls tanks on the streets , sorts out the corrupt and stupid politicians and then let the Parliament continue until the next general elections.
I bought a lottery ticket for $192 million with odds of 292 million to 1.. I think I will win before that happens(silently hoping it does so that win too)
no at noon time pst Arshad Sharif broke the news that IK is being threatened with secret act

in the evening a "concerned citizen" went to his highness Athar MinAllah got court order in minutes

because Pak Judiciary is known for "speedy" justice
Oh come on. What speedy justice this a national security matter... not a random case.. how can you drag army into every thing like that
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IK will win majority in next elections due to this letter.

The coming election will be the MOST corrupt election in Pakistan's history. The establishment will split the PTI into two factions, kill a few prominent members, disenfranchise the overseas, and much more. Furthermore, the judiciary has also become a tool of the establishment in recent times (Sindh house attack MNAs bail cancelled after it was given). The biased nature of ECP is also not unknown. The biggest fraud will be electronic voting system (which even the govt. wanted to have). The electronic voting system will be at the mercy of the cyber-wing of the establishment, and they will be able to influence election for decades to come.
Screenshot 2022-03-31 at 04-38-35 Siddique Jan on Twitter.png
In case someone has not posted this video. I tend to agree with Michael Kugelman. I don't think America would write a letter asking for Imran Khan govt overthrow. Even if there is indeed an American official letter, the onus is on the Pakistani politicians and security establishment to have not fallen prey to the foreign influence--unless both those entities are toothless and/or totally compromised, in that case, only a few hundred million dollars would be shamefully enough to sway the policies of the Muslim World's only nuclear power...

My very early hunch is that, with elections around the corner, various politicians are jockeying for power in the next setup and if someone is giving them money to ditch Imran Khan then even better. For example, what is MQM-P being offered by Zardari? Some no-contest seats in urban Sindh?? Why wouldn't MQM-P take that knowing that a strong PTI would force MQM-P out of Karachi---and plus some bribe money also helps. Imagine such scenarios all over Pakistan???

Anyway, here is M. Kugelman video:

If I may toss a highly far fetched speculation:
"بے پر کی چھوڑوں ایک"

MQM left PTI as a deception, to trick the opposition group into thinking that they have the numbers.
On the day of no confidence, they will vote for IK. :argh:

Then it may be 171 IK -vs- 170 opp.

Add a few more who can make last minute switch. Then vote fails.
I love you for bringing happiness in my life :D
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